C# Класс Boo.Lang.Compiler.TypeSystem.Generics.GenericsServices

Наследование: AbstractCompilerComponent
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AreOfSameGenerity ( IMethod lhs, IMethod rhs ) : bool
CheckGenericConstruction ( IEntity definition, IType typeArguments ) : bool

Checks whether a given set of arguments can be used to construct a generic type or method from a specified definition.

CheckGenericConstruction ( Node node, IEntity definition, IType typeArguments, bool reportErrors ) : bool

Checks whether a given set of arguments can be used to construct a generic type or method from a specified definition.

ConstructEntity ( Node constructionNode, IEntity definition, IType typeArguments ) : IEntity

Constructs an entity from a generic definition and arguments, after ensuring the construction is valid.

FindConstructedType ( IType type, IType definition ) : IType

Finds a single constructed occurance of a specified generic definition in the specified type's inheritence hierarchy.

FindConstructedTypes ( IType type, IType definition ) : IEnumerable

Finds types constructed from the specified definition in the specified type's interfaces and base types.

FindGenericParameters ( IType type ) : IEnumerable

Yields the generic parameters used in a (bound) type.

GenericsServices ( ) : System
GetGenericParameters ( IEntity definition ) : IGenericParameter[]

Gets the generic parameters associated with a generic type or generic method definition.

GetMethodGenerity ( IMethod method ) : int
GetTypeGenericDepth ( IType type ) : int

Determines the number of total generic parameters in the specified type.

GetTypeGenerity ( IType type ) : int

Determines the number of open generic parameters in the specified type.

HasConstructedType ( IType type, IType definition ) : bool

Checks that at least one constructed occurence of a specified generic definition is present in the specified type's inheritance hierarchy.

InferMethodGenericArguments ( IMethod method, Boo.Lang.Compiler.Ast.ExpressionCollection arguments ) : IType[]

Attempts to infer the generic parameters of a method from a set of arguments.

IsGenericMethod ( IEntity entity ) : bool
IsGenericParameter ( IEntity entity ) : bool
IsGenericType ( IEntity entity ) : bool
IsOpenGenericType ( IType type ) : bool

Determines whether a specified type is an open generic type - that is, if it contains generic parameters.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
ConstructAmbiguousEntity ( Node constructionNode, Ambiguous ambiguousDefinition, IType typeArguments ) : IEntity

Validates and constructs generic entities out of an ambiguous generic definition entity.

MakeGenericEntity ( IEntity definition, IType typeArguments ) : IEntity

Описание методов

AreOfSameGenerity() публичный статический метод

public static AreOfSameGenerity ( IMethod lhs, IMethod rhs ) : bool
lhs IMethod
rhs IMethod
Результат bool

CheckGenericConstruction() публичный метод

Checks whether a given set of arguments can be used to construct a generic type or method from a specified definition.
public CheckGenericConstruction ( IEntity definition, IType typeArguments ) : bool
definition IEntity
typeArguments IType
Результат bool

CheckGenericConstruction() публичный метод

Checks whether a given set of arguments can be used to construct a generic type or method from a specified definition.
public CheckGenericConstruction ( Node node, IEntity definition, IType typeArguments, bool reportErrors ) : bool
node Node
definition IEntity
typeArguments IType
reportErrors bool
Результат bool

ConstructEntity() публичный метод

Constructs an entity from a generic definition and arguments, after ensuring the construction is valid.
public ConstructEntity ( Node constructionNode, IEntity definition, IType typeArguments ) : IEntity
constructionNode Node The node in which construction occurs.
definition IEntity The generic definition entity.
typeArguments IType The generic type arguments to substitute for generic parameters.
Результат IEntity

FindConstructedType() публичный статический метод

Finds a single constructed occurance of a specified generic definition in the specified type's inheritence hierarchy.
public static FindConstructedType ( IType type, IType definition ) : IType
type IType The type in whose hierarchy to search for constructed types.
definition IType The generic type definition whose constructed versions to search for.
Результат IType

FindConstructedTypes() публичный статический метод

Finds types constructed from the specified definition in the specified type's interfaces and base types.
public static FindConstructedTypes ( IType type, IType definition ) : IEnumerable
type IType The type in whose hierarchy to search for constructed types.
definition IType The generic type definition whose constructed versions to search for.
Результат IEnumerable

FindGenericParameters() публичный статический метод

Yields the generic parameters used in a (bound) type.
public static FindGenericParameters ( IType type ) : IEnumerable
type IType
Результат IEnumerable

GenericsServices() публичный метод

public GenericsServices ( ) : System
Результат System

GetGenericParameters() публичный статический метод

Gets the generic parameters associated with a generic type or generic method definition.
public static GetGenericParameters ( IEntity definition ) : IGenericParameter[]
definition IEntity
Результат IGenericParameter[]

GetMethodGenerity() публичный статический метод

public static GetMethodGenerity ( IMethod method ) : int
method IMethod
Результат int

GetTypeGenericDepth() публичный статический метод

Determines the number of total generic parameters in the specified type.
public static GetTypeGenericDepth ( IType type ) : int
type IType
Результат int

GetTypeGenerity() публичный статический метод

Determines the number of open generic parameters in the specified type.
public static GetTypeGenerity ( IType type ) : int
type IType
Результат int

HasConstructedType() публичный статический метод

Checks that at least one constructed occurence of a specified generic definition is present in the specified type's inheritance hierarchy.
public static HasConstructedType ( IType type, IType definition ) : bool
type IType The type in whose hierarchy to search for constructed type.
definition IType The generic type definition whose constructed versions to search for.
Результат bool

InferMethodGenericArguments() публичный метод

Attempts to infer the generic parameters of a method from a set of arguments.
public InferMethodGenericArguments ( IMethod method, Boo.Lang.Compiler.Ast.ExpressionCollection arguments ) : IType[]
method IMethod
arguments Boo.Lang.Compiler.Ast.ExpressionCollection
Результат IType[]

IsGenericMethod() публичный статический метод

public static IsGenericMethod ( IEntity entity ) : bool
entity IEntity
Результат bool

IsGenericParameter() публичный статический метод

public static IsGenericParameter ( IEntity entity ) : bool
entity IEntity
Результат bool

IsGenericType() публичный статический метод

public static IsGenericType ( IEntity entity ) : bool
entity IEntity
Результат bool

IsOpenGenericType() публичный статический метод

Determines whether a specified type is an open generic type - that is, if it contains generic parameters.
public static IsOpenGenericType ( IType type ) : bool
type IType
Результат bool