C# Класс BetterExplorer.Networks.PastebinClient

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
PastebinClient ( ) : System

Creates a new PastebinSharp instance without logging in. Private posting is not allowed.

PastebinClient ( string Username, string Password ) : System

Creates a new PastebinSharp instance with a Username and Password, which allows private posting.

Send ( string Body, string Subj = "", string Private = "0", string Expire = "N", string Format = "none" ) : Uri

Описание методов

PastebinClient() публичный Метод

Creates a new PastebinSharp instance without logging in. Private posting is not allowed.
public PastebinClient ( ) : System
Результат System

PastebinClient() публичный Метод

Creates a new PastebinSharp instance with a Username and Password, which allows private posting.
public PastebinClient ( string Username, string Password ) : System
Username string Pastebin.com username
Password string Pastebin.com password
Результат System

Send() публичный Метод

Thrown if the Body value is blank. Thrown if Private is set to "2" and the user is not logged in. Thrown if an error occurred while making the paste.
public Send ( string Body, string Subj = "", string Private = "0", string Expire = "N", string Format = "none" ) : Uri
Body string The body of the new paste. (Max size is 512 KB.)
Subj string The title of the paste. Not required.
Private string The privacy setting of the paste. 0 = Public, 1 = Unlisted, 2 = Private. Default is Public. Private is only availabe if a username and password were added. Not required.
Expire string The expiration time for this paste. Valid values are "N" (Never), "10M" (10 minutes), "1H" (1 hour), "1D" (1 day), "1W" (1 week), "2W" (2 weeks), "1M" (1 month). Default is "N". Not required.
Format string The syntax highligting format for this paste. Over 200 values are accepted. See http://pastebin.com/api#5 for more details. Default is "none". Not required.
Результат System.Uri