C# Класс BalloonsPop.Validation.UserInputValidator

Concrete implementation of the IUserInputValidator interface, using regular expression.
Наследование: IUserInputValidator
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
IsValidUserMove ( string playerMove ) : bool

Returns true when the provided string is a valid player move.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
HasCorrectLength ( string playerMove ) : bool

Returns true if the player move has the appropriate length.

IsValidCommand ( string playerMove ) : bool

Returns true if the player move matches the specified pattern.

IsValidRowMove ( char playerMove ) : bool

Returns true if the row coordinate of the player move falls within the allowed range.

Описание методов

IsValidUserMove() публичный Метод

Returns true when the provided string is a valid player move.
public IsValidUserMove ( string playerMove ) : bool
playerMove string The player move as string.
Результат bool