C# Класс Axiom.Samples.SdkTrayManager

Main class to manage a cursor, backdrop, trays and widgets.
Наследование: ISdkTrayListener, IResourceGroupListener
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Защищенные свойства (Protected)

Свойство Тип Описание
CursorWasVisible bool
Dialog TextBox
LoadBar Axiom.Samples.ProgressBar
Logo DecorWidget
Mouse SharpInputSystem.Mouse
StatsPanel ParamsPanel
backdrop Axiom.Overlays.OverlayElementContainer
backdropLayer Axiom.Overlays.Overlay
cursor Axiom.Overlays.OverlayElementContainer
cursorLayer Axiom.Overlays.Overlay
expandedMenu SelectMenu
groupInitProportion Real
groupLoadProportion Real
listener ISdkTrayListener
loadInc Real
mDialogShade Axiom.Overlays.OverlayElementContainer
mFpsLabel Label
mName String
mNo Axiom.Samples.Button
mOk Axiom.Samples.Button
mPriorityLayer Axiom.Overlays.Overlay
mTrayDrag bool
mTrayPadding Real
mTrays Axiom.Overlays.OverlayElementContainer[]
mTraysLayer Axiom.Overlays.Overlay
mWidgetDeathRow System.Collections.Generic.List
mWidgetPadding Real
mWidgetSpacing Real
mWidgets WidgetList[]
mWindow Axiom.Graphics.RenderWindow
mYes Axiom.Samples.Button
trayWidgetAlign HorizontalAlignment[]

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AdjustTrays ( ) : void

Fits trays to their contents and snaps them to their anchor locations.

CheckboxToggled ( CheckBox box ) : void

ClearAllTrays ( ) : void

Removes all widgets from all widget trays.

ClearTray ( TrayLocation trayLoc ) : void

Removes all widgets from a widget tray.

CloseDialog ( ) : void

Hides whatever dialog is currently showing.

CreateButton ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, String caption ) : Axiom.Samples.Button

CreateButton ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, String caption, Real width ) : Axiom.Samples.Button

CreateCheckBox ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption ) : CheckBox

CreateCheckBox ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width ) : CheckBox

CreateDecorWidget ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, String typeName, String templateName ) : DecorWidget

CreateLabel ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption ) : Label

CreateLabel ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width ) : Label

CreateLogoWidget ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, String typeName, String templateName ) : DecorWidget

CreateLongSelectMenu ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, Real boxWidth, int maxItemsShown ) : SelectMenu

CreateLongSelectMenu ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, Real boxWidth, int maxItemsShown, IList items ) : SelectMenu

CreateLongSlider ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, Real trackWidth, Real valueBoxWidth, Real minValue, Real maxValue, int snaps ) : Axiom.Samples.Slider

CreateLongSlider ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real trackWidth, Real valueBoxWidth, Real minValue, Real maxValue, int snaps ) : Axiom.Samples.Slider

CreateParamsPanel ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, Real width, IList paramNames ) : ParamsPanel

CreateParamsPanel ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, Real width, int lines ) : ParamsPanel

CreateProgressBar ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, Real commentBoxWidth ) : Axiom.Samples.ProgressBar

CreateSeparator ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name ) : Separator

CreateSeparator ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, Real width ) : Separator

CreateTextBox ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, Real height ) : TextBox

CreateThickSelectMenu ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, int maxItemsShown ) : SelectMenu

CreateThickSelectMenu ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, int maxItemsShown, IList items ) : SelectMenu

CreateThickSlider ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, Real valueBoxWidth, Real minValue, Real maxValue, int snaps ) : Axiom.Samples.Slider

DestroyAllWidgets ( ) : void

Destroys all widgets.

DestroyAllWidgetsInTray ( TrayLocation trayLoc ) : void

Destroys all widgets in a tray.

DestroyWidget ( String name ) : void

Destroys a widget.

DestroyWidget ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name ) : void

Destroys a widget.

DestroyWidget ( TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : void

Destroys a widget.

DestroyWidget ( Widget widget ) : void

Destroys a widget.

Dispose ( ) : void

Destroys background, cursor, widgets, and trays.

FrameRenderingQueued ( FrameEventArgs evt ) : bool

Process frame events. Updates frame statistics widget set and deletes all widgets queued for destruction.

GetCursorRay ( Camera cam ) : Ray

Returns a 3D ray into the scene that is directly underneath the cursor.

GetWidget ( String name ) : Widget

Gets a widget by name.

GetWidget ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name ) : Widget

Gets a widget from a tray by name.

GetWidget ( TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : Widget

Gets a widget from a tray by place.

GetWidgetCount ( TrayLocation trayLoc ) : int

Gets the number of widgets in a tray.

GetWidgetEnumerator ( TrayLocation trayLoc ) : IEnumerator

Gets all the widgets of a specific tray.

HideAll ( ) : void

HideBackdrop ( ) : void

HideCursor ( ) : void

HideFrameStats ( ) : void

Hides frame statistics widget set.

HideLoadingBar ( ) : void

HideLogo ( ) : void

HideTrays ( ) : void

InjectMouseDown ( SharpInputSystem evt, SharpInputSystem id ) : bool

Processes mouse button down events. Returns true if the event was

consumed and should not be passed on to other handlers.

InjectMouseMove ( SharpInputSystem evt ) : bool

Updates cursor position. Returns true if the event was

consumed and should not be passed on to other handlers.

InjectMouseUp ( SharpInputSystem evt, SharpInputSystem id ) : bool

Processes mouse button up events. Returns true if the event was

consumed and should not be passed on to other handlers.

ItemSelected ( SelectMenu menu ) : void

LabelHit ( Label label ) : void

Toggles visibility of advanced statistics.

LocateWidgetInTray ( Widget widget ) : int

Gets a widget's position in its tray.

MoveWidgetToTray ( String name, TrayLocation trayLoc ) : void

Adds a widget to a specified tray.

MoveWidgetToTray ( String name, TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : void

Adds a widget to a specified tray.

MoveWidgetToTray ( TrayLocation currentTrayLoc, String name, TrayLocation targetTrayLoc ) : void

Adds a widget to a specified tray.

MoveWidgetToTray ( TrayLocation currentTrayLoc, String name, TrayLocation targetTrayLoc, int place ) : void

Adds a widget to a specified tray.

MoveWidgetToTray ( TrayLocation currentTrayLoc, int currentPlace, TrayLocation targetTrayLoc ) : void

Adds a widget to a specified tray.

MoveWidgetToTray ( TrayLocation currentTrayLoc, int currentPlace, TrayLocation targetTrayLoc, int targetPlace ) : void

Adds a widget to a specified tray.

MoveWidgetToTray ( Widget widget, TrayLocation trayLoc ) : void

Adds a widget to a specified tray.

MoveWidgetToTray ( Widget widget, TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : void

Adds a widget to a specified tray.

OkDialogClosed ( string text ) : void

OnButtonHit ( object sender, Axiom.Samples.Button button ) : void

Destroys dialog widgets, notifies listener, and ends high priority session.

RefreshCursor ( ) : void

Updates cursor position based on unbuffered mouse state. This is necessary because if the tray manager has been cut off from mouse events for a time, the cursor position will be out of date.

RemoveWidgetFromTray ( String name ) : void

Removes a widget from its tray. Same as moving it to the null tray.

RemoveWidgetFromTray ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name ) : void

Removes a widget from its tray. Same as moving it to the null tray.

RemoveWidgetFromTray ( TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : void

Removes a widget from its tray. Same as moving it to the null tray.

RemoveWidgetFromTray ( Widget widget ) : void

Removes a widget from its tray. Same as moving it to the null tray.

ResourceGroupLoadEnded ( string groupName ) : void

This event is fired when a resource group finished loading.

ResourceGroupLoadStarted ( string groupName, int resourceCount ) : void

This event is fired when a resource group begins loading.

ResourceGroupPrepareEnded ( string groupName ) : void

ResourceGroupPrepareStarted ( string groupName, int resourceCount ) : void

ResourceGroupScriptingEnded ( string groupName ) : void

This event is fired when a resource group finished parsing scripts.

ResourceGroupScriptingStarted ( string groupName, int scriptCount ) : void

This event is fired when a resource group begins parsing scripts.

ResourceLoadEnded ( ) : void

This event is fired when the resource has been loaded.

ResourceLoadStarted ( Axiom.Core.Resource resource ) : void

This event is fired when a declared resource is about to be loaded.

ResourcePrepareEnded ( ) : void

ResourcePrepareStarted ( Axiom.Core.Resource resource ) : void

ScreenToScene ( Camera cam, Vector2 pt ) : Ray

Converts a 2D screen coordinate (in pixels) to a 3D ray into the scene.

ScriptParseEnded ( string scriptName, bool skipped ) : void

This event is fired when the script has been fully parsed.

ScriptParseStarted ( string scriptName, bool &skipThisScript ) : void

This event is fired when a script is about to be parsed.

SdkTrayManager ( String name, Axiom.Graphics.RenderWindow window, SharpInputSystem mouse ) : System

Creates backdrop, cursor, and trays.

SdkTrayManager ( String name, Axiom.Graphics.RenderWindow window, SharpInputSystem mouse, ISdkTrayListener listener ) : System

Creates backdrop, cursor, and trays.

SetTrayWidgetAlignment ( TrayLocation trayLoc, HorizontalAlignment gha ) : void

Sets horizontal alignment of a tray's contents.

ShowAll ( ) : void

ShowBackdrop ( ) : void

Displays specified material on backdrop, or the last material used if

none specified. Good for pause menus like in the browser.

ShowBackdrop ( String materialName ) : void

Displays specified material on backdrop, or the last material used if

none specified. Good for pause menus like in the browser.

ShowCursor ( ) : void

Displays specified material on cursor, or the last material used if

none specified. Used to change cursor type.

ShowCursor ( String materialName ) : void

Displays specified material on cursor, or the last material used if

none specified. Used to change cursor type.

ShowFrameStats ( TrayLocation trayLoc ) : void

Shows frame statistics widget set in the specified location.

ShowFrameStats ( TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : void

Shows frame statistics widget set in the specified location.

ShowLoadingBar ( ) : void

Shows loading bar. Also takes job settings: the number of resource groups to be initialised, the number of resource groups to be loaded, and the proportion of the job that will be taken up by initialization. Usually, script parsing takes up most time, so the default value is 0.7.

ShowLoadingBar ( int numGroupsInit, int numGroupsLoad ) : void

Shows loading bar. Also takes job settings: the number of resource groups to be initialised, the number of resource groups to be loaded, and the proportion of the job that will be taken up by initialization. Usually, script parsing takes up most time, so the default value is 0.7.

ShowLoadingBar ( int numGroupsInit, int numGroupsLoad, Real initProportion ) : void

Shows loading bar. Also takes job settings: the number of resource groups to be initialised, the number of resource groups to be loaded, and the proportion of the job that will be taken up by initialization. Usually, script parsing takes up most time, so the default value is 0.7.

ShowLogo ( TrayLocation trayLoc ) : void

Shows logo in the specified location.

ShowLogo ( TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : void

Shows logo in the specified location.

ShowOkDialog ( System.String caption, System.String message ) : void

Pops up a message dialog with an OK button.

ShowTrays ( ) : void

ShowYesNoDialog ( System.String caption, System.String question ) : void

Pops up a question dialog with Yes and No buttons.

SliderMoved ( Axiom.Samples.Slider slider ) : void

ToggleAdvancedFrameStats ( ) : void

Toggles visibility of advanced statistics.

WorldGeometryStageEnded ( ) : void

This event is fired when a stage of loading linked world geometry has been completed. The number of stages required will have been included in the resourceCount passed in resourceGroupLoadStarted.

WorldGeometryStageStarted ( string description ) : void

This event is fired when a stage of loading linked world geometry is about to start. The number of stages required will have been included in the resourceCount passed in resourceGroupLoadStarted.

YesNoDialogClosed ( string text, bool yesHit ) : void

createLongSelectMenu ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real boxWidth, int maxItemsShown ) : SelectMenu

sceneToScreen ( Camera cam, Vector3 pt ) : Vector2

Converts a 3D scene position to a 2D screen coordinate (in pixels).

Описание методов

AdjustTrays() публичный метод

Fits trays to their contents and snaps them to their anchor locations.
public AdjustTrays ( ) : void
Результат void

CheckboxToggled() публичный метод

public CheckboxToggled ( CheckBox box ) : void
box CheckBox
Результат void

ClearAllTrays() публичный метод

Removes all widgets from all widget trays.
public ClearAllTrays ( ) : void
Результат void

ClearTray() публичный метод

Removes all widgets from a widget tray.
public ClearTray ( TrayLocation trayLoc ) : void
trayLoc TrayLocation
Результат void

CloseDialog() публичный метод

Hides whatever dialog is currently showing.
public CloseDialog ( ) : void
Результат void

CreateButton() публичный метод

public CreateButton ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, String caption ) : Axiom.Samples.Button
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption String
Результат Axiom.Samples.Button

CreateButton() публичный метод

public CreateButton ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, String caption, Real width ) : Axiom.Samples.Button
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption String
width Real
Результат Axiom.Samples.Button

CreateCheckBox() публичный метод

public CreateCheckBox ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption ) : CheckBox
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
Результат CheckBox

CreateCheckBox() публичный метод

public CreateCheckBox ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width ) : CheckBox
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
width Real
Результат CheckBox

CreateDecorWidget() публичный метод

public CreateDecorWidget ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, String typeName, String templateName ) : DecorWidget
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
typeName String
templateName String
Результат DecorWidget

CreateLabel() публичный метод

public CreateLabel ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption ) : Label
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
Результат Label

CreateLabel() публичный метод

public CreateLabel ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width ) : Label
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
width Real
Результат Label

CreateLogoWidget() публичный метод

public CreateLogoWidget ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, String typeName, String templateName ) : DecorWidget
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
typeName String
templateName String
Результат DecorWidget

CreateLongSelectMenu() публичный метод

public CreateLongSelectMenu ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, Real boxWidth, int maxItemsShown ) : SelectMenu
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
width Real
boxWidth Real
maxItemsShown int
Результат SelectMenu

CreateLongSelectMenu() публичный метод

public CreateLongSelectMenu ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, Real boxWidth, int maxItemsShown, IList items ) : SelectMenu
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
width Real
boxWidth Real
maxItemsShown int
items IList
Результат SelectMenu

CreateLongSlider() публичный метод

public CreateLongSlider ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, Real trackWidth, Real valueBoxWidth, Real minValue, Real maxValue, int snaps ) : Axiom.Samples.Slider
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
width Real
trackWidth Real
valueBoxWidth Real
minValue Real
maxValue Real
snaps int
Результат Axiom.Samples.Slider

CreateLongSlider() публичный метод

public CreateLongSlider ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real trackWidth, Real valueBoxWidth, Real minValue, Real maxValue, int snaps ) : Axiom.Samples.Slider
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
trackWidth Real
valueBoxWidth Real
minValue Real
maxValue Real
snaps int
Результат Axiom.Samples.Slider

CreateParamsPanel() публичный метод

public CreateParamsPanel ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, Real width, IList paramNames ) : ParamsPanel
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
width Real
paramNames IList
Результат ParamsPanel

CreateParamsPanel() публичный метод

public CreateParamsPanel ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, Real width, int lines ) : ParamsPanel
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
width Real
lines int
Результат ParamsPanel

CreateProgressBar() публичный метод

public CreateProgressBar ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, Real commentBoxWidth ) : Axiom.Samples.ProgressBar
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
width Real
commentBoxWidth Real
Результат Axiom.Samples.ProgressBar

CreateSeparator() публичный метод

public CreateSeparator ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name ) : Separator
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
Результат Separator

CreateSeparator() публичный метод

public CreateSeparator ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, Real width ) : Separator
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
width Real
Результат Separator

CreateTextBox() публичный метод

public CreateTextBox ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, Real height ) : TextBox
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
width Real
height Real
Результат TextBox

CreateThickSelectMenu() публичный метод

public CreateThickSelectMenu ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, int maxItemsShown ) : SelectMenu
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
width Real
maxItemsShown int
Результат SelectMenu

CreateThickSelectMenu() публичный метод

public CreateThickSelectMenu ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, int maxItemsShown, IList items ) : SelectMenu
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
width Real
maxItemsShown int
items IList
Результат SelectMenu

CreateThickSlider() публичный метод

public CreateThickSlider ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real width, Real valueBoxWidth, Real minValue, Real maxValue, int snaps ) : Axiom.Samples.Slider
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
width Real
valueBoxWidth Real
minValue Real
maxValue Real
snaps int
Результат Axiom.Samples.Slider

DestroyAllWidgets() публичный метод

Destroys all widgets.
public DestroyAllWidgets ( ) : void
Результат void

DestroyAllWidgetsInTray() публичный метод

Destroys all widgets in a tray.
public DestroyAllWidgetsInTray ( TrayLocation trayLoc ) : void
trayLoc TrayLocation
Результат void

DestroyWidget() публичный метод

Destroys a widget.
public DestroyWidget ( String name ) : void
name String
Результат void

DestroyWidget() публичный метод

Destroys a widget.
public DestroyWidget ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name ) : void
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
Результат void

DestroyWidget() публичный метод

Destroys a widget.
public DestroyWidget ( TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : void
trayLoc TrayLocation
place int
Результат void

DestroyWidget() публичный метод

Destroys a widget.
public DestroyWidget ( Widget widget ) : void
widget Widget
Результат void

Dispose() публичный метод

Destroys background, cursor, widgets, and trays.
public Dispose ( ) : void
Результат void

FrameRenderingQueued() публичный метод

Process frame events. Updates frame statistics widget set and deletes all widgets queued for destruction.
public FrameRenderingQueued ( FrameEventArgs evt ) : bool
evt FrameEventArgs
Результат bool

GetCursorRay() публичный метод

Returns a 3D ray into the scene that is directly underneath the cursor.
public GetCursorRay ( Camera cam ) : Ray
cam Axiom.Core.Camera
Результат Axiom.Math.Ray

GetWidget() публичный метод

Gets a widget by name.
public GetWidget ( String name ) : Widget
name String
Результат Widget

GetWidget() публичный метод

Gets a widget from a tray by name.
public GetWidget ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name ) : Widget
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
Результат Widget

GetWidget() публичный метод

Gets a widget from a tray by place.
public GetWidget ( TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : Widget
trayLoc TrayLocation
place int
Результат Widget

GetWidgetCount() публичный метод

Gets the number of widgets in a tray.
public GetWidgetCount ( TrayLocation trayLoc ) : int
trayLoc TrayLocation
Результат int

GetWidgetEnumerator() публичный метод

Gets all the widgets of a specific tray.
public GetWidgetEnumerator ( TrayLocation trayLoc ) : IEnumerator
trayLoc TrayLocation
Результат IEnumerator

HideAll() публичный метод

public HideAll ( ) : void
Результат void

HideBackdrop() публичный метод

public HideBackdrop ( ) : void
Результат void

HideCursor() публичный метод

public HideCursor ( ) : void
Результат void

HideFrameStats() публичный метод

Hides frame statistics widget set.
public HideFrameStats ( ) : void
Результат void

HideLoadingBar() публичный метод

public HideLoadingBar ( ) : void
Результат void

HideLogo() публичный метод

public HideLogo ( ) : void
Результат void

HideTrays() публичный метод

public HideTrays ( ) : void
Результат void

InjectMouseDown() публичный метод

Processes mouse button down events. Returns true if the event was

consumed and should not be passed on to other handlers.
public InjectMouseDown ( SharpInputSystem evt, SharpInputSystem id ) : bool
evt SharpInputSystem
id SharpInputSystem
Результат bool

InjectMouseMove() публичный метод

Updates cursor position. Returns true if the event was

consumed and should not be passed on to other handlers.
public InjectMouseMove ( SharpInputSystem evt ) : bool
evt SharpInputSystem
Результат bool

InjectMouseUp() публичный метод

Processes mouse button up events. Returns true if the event was

consumed and should not be passed on to other handlers.
public InjectMouseUp ( SharpInputSystem evt, SharpInputSystem id ) : bool
evt SharpInputSystem
id SharpInputSystem
Результат bool

ItemSelected() публичный метод

public ItemSelected ( SelectMenu menu ) : void
menu SelectMenu
Результат void

LabelHit() публичный метод

Toggles visibility of advanced statistics.
public LabelHit ( Label label ) : void
label Label
Результат void

LocateWidgetInTray() публичный метод

Gets a widget's position in its tray.
public LocateWidgetInTray ( Widget widget ) : int
widget Widget
Результат int

MoveWidgetToTray() публичный метод

Adds a widget to a specified tray.
public MoveWidgetToTray ( String name, TrayLocation trayLoc ) : void
name String
trayLoc TrayLocation
Результат void

MoveWidgetToTray() публичный метод

Adds a widget to a specified tray.
public MoveWidgetToTray ( String name, TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : void
name String
trayLoc TrayLocation
place int
Результат void

MoveWidgetToTray() публичный метод

Adds a widget to a specified tray.
public MoveWidgetToTray ( TrayLocation currentTrayLoc, String name, TrayLocation targetTrayLoc ) : void
currentTrayLoc TrayLocation
name String
targetTrayLoc TrayLocation
Результат void

MoveWidgetToTray() публичный метод

Adds a widget to a specified tray.
public MoveWidgetToTray ( TrayLocation currentTrayLoc, String name, TrayLocation targetTrayLoc, int place ) : void
currentTrayLoc TrayLocation
name String
targetTrayLoc TrayLocation
place int
Результат void

MoveWidgetToTray() публичный метод

Adds a widget to a specified tray.
public MoveWidgetToTray ( TrayLocation currentTrayLoc, int currentPlace, TrayLocation targetTrayLoc ) : void
currentTrayLoc TrayLocation
currentPlace int
targetTrayLoc TrayLocation
Результат void

MoveWidgetToTray() публичный метод

Adds a widget to a specified tray.
public MoveWidgetToTray ( TrayLocation currentTrayLoc, int currentPlace, TrayLocation targetTrayLoc, int targetPlace ) : void
currentTrayLoc TrayLocation
currentPlace int
targetTrayLoc TrayLocation
targetPlace int
Результат void

MoveWidgetToTray() публичный метод

Adds a widget to a specified tray.
public MoveWidgetToTray ( Widget widget, TrayLocation trayLoc ) : void
widget Widget
trayLoc TrayLocation
Результат void

MoveWidgetToTray() публичный метод

Adds a widget to a specified tray.
public MoveWidgetToTray ( Widget widget, TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : void
widget Widget
trayLoc TrayLocation
place int
Результат void

OkDialogClosed() публичный метод

public OkDialogClosed ( string text ) : void
text string
Результат void

OnButtonHit() публичный метод

Destroys dialog widgets, notifies listener, and ends high priority session.
public OnButtonHit ( object sender, Axiom.Samples.Button button ) : void
sender object
button Axiom.Samples.Button
Результат void

RefreshCursor() публичный метод

Updates cursor position based on unbuffered mouse state. This is necessary because if the tray manager has been cut off from mouse events for a time, the cursor position will be out of date.
public RefreshCursor ( ) : void
Результат void

RemoveWidgetFromTray() публичный метод

Removes a widget from its tray. Same as moving it to the null tray.
public RemoveWidgetFromTray ( String name ) : void
name String
Результат void

RemoveWidgetFromTray() публичный метод

Removes a widget from its tray. Same as moving it to the null tray.
public RemoveWidgetFromTray ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name ) : void
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
Результат void

RemoveWidgetFromTray() публичный метод

Removes a widget from its tray. Same as moving it to the null tray.
public RemoveWidgetFromTray ( TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : void
trayLoc TrayLocation
place int
Результат void

RemoveWidgetFromTray() публичный метод

Removes a widget from its tray. Same as moving it to the null tray.
public RemoveWidgetFromTray ( Widget widget ) : void
widget Widget
Результат void

ResourceGroupLoadEnded() публичный метод

This event is fired when a resource group finished loading.
public ResourceGroupLoadEnded ( string groupName ) : void
groupName string
Результат void

ResourceGroupLoadStarted() публичный метод

This event is fired when a resource group begins loading.
public ResourceGroupLoadStarted ( string groupName, int resourceCount ) : void
groupName string The name of the group being loaded
resourceCount int /// The number of resources which will be loaded, /// including a number of stages required to load any linked world geometry ///
Результат void

ResourceGroupPrepareEnded() публичный метод

public ResourceGroupPrepareEnded ( string groupName ) : void
groupName string
Результат void

ResourceGroupPrepareStarted() публичный метод

public ResourceGroupPrepareStarted ( string groupName, int resourceCount ) : void
groupName string
resourceCount int
Результат void

ResourceGroupScriptingEnded() публичный метод

This event is fired when a resource group finished parsing scripts.
public ResourceGroupScriptingEnded ( string groupName ) : void
groupName string The name of the group
Результат void

ResourceGroupScriptingStarted() публичный метод

This event is fired when a resource group begins parsing scripts.
public ResourceGroupScriptingStarted ( string groupName, int scriptCount ) : void
groupName string The name of the group
scriptCount int The number of scripts which will be parsed
Результат void

ResourceLoadEnded() публичный метод

This event is fired when the resource has been loaded.
public ResourceLoadEnded ( ) : void
Результат void

ResourceLoadStarted() публичный метод

This event is fired when a declared resource is about to be loaded.
public ResourceLoadStarted ( Axiom.Core.Resource resource ) : void
resource Axiom.Core.Resource Weak reference to the resource loaded
Результат void

ResourcePrepareEnded() публичный метод

public ResourcePrepareEnded ( ) : void
Результат void

ResourcePrepareStarted() публичный метод

public ResourcePrepareStarted ( Axiom.Core.Resource resource ) : void
resource Axiom.Core.Resource
Результат void

ScreenToScene() публичный статический метод

Converts a 2D screen coordinate (in pixels) to a 3D ray into the scene.
public static ScreenToScene ( Camera cam, Vector2 pt ) : Ray
cam Axiom.Core.Camera
pt Vector2
Результат Axiom.Math.Ray

ScriptParseEnded() публичный метод

This event is fired when the script has been fully parsed.
public ScriptParseEnded ( string scriptName, bool skipped ) : void
scriptName string
skipped bool
Результат void

ScriptParseStarted() публичный метод

This event is fired when a script is about to be parsed.
public ScriptParseStarted ( string scriptName, bool &skipThisScript ) : void
scriptName string Name of the to be parsed
skipThisScript bool
Результат void

SdkTrayManager() публичный метод

Creates backdrop, cursor, and trays.
public SdkTrayManager ( String name, Axiom.Graphics.RenderWindow window, SharpInputSystem mouse ) : System
name String
window Axiom.Graphics.RenderWindow
mouse SharpInputSystem
Результат System

SdkTrayManager() публичный метод

Creates backdrop, cursor, and trays.
public SdkTrayManager ( String name, Axiom.Graphics.RenderWindow window, SharpInputSystem mouse, ISdkTrayListener listener ) : System
name String
window Axiom.Graphics.RenderWindow
mouse SharpInputSystem
listener ISdkTrayListener
Результат System

SetTrayWidgetAlignment() публичный метод

Sets horizontal alignment of a tray's contents.
public SetTrayWidgetAlignment ( TrayLocation trayLoc, HorizontalAlignment gha ) : void
trayLoc TrayLocation
gha HorizontalAlignment
Результат void

ShowAll() публичный метод

public ShowAll ( ) : void
Результат void

ShowBackdrop() публичный метод

Displays specified material on backdrop, or the last material used if

none specified. Good for pause menus like in the browser.
public ShowBackdrop ( ) : void
Результат void

ShowBackdrop() публичный метод

Displays specified material on backdrop, or the last material used if

none specified. Good for pause menus like in the browser.
public ShowBackdrop ( String materialName ) : void
materialName String
Результат void

ShowCursor() публичный метод

Displays specified material on cursor, or the last material used if

none specified. Used to change cursor type.
public ShowCursor ( ) : void
Результат void

ShowCursor() публичный метод

Displays specified material on cursor, or the last material used if

none specified. Used to change cursor type.
public ShowCursor ( String materialName ) : void
materialName String
Результат void

ShowFrameStats() публичный метод

Shows frame statistics widget set in the specified location.
public ShowFrameStats ( TrayLocation trayLoc ) : void
trayLoc TrayLocation
Результат void

ShowFrameStats() публичный метод

Shows frame statistics widget set in the specified location.
public ShowFrameStats ( TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : void
trayLoc TrayLocation
place int
Результат void

ShowLoadingBar() публичный метод

Shows loading bar. Also takes job settings: the number of resource groups to be initialised, the number of resource groups to be loaded, and the proportion of the job that will be taken up by initialization. Usually, script parsing takes up most time, so the default value is 0.7.
public ShowLoadingBar ( ) : void
Результат void

ShowLoadingBar() публичный метод

Shows loading bar. Also takes job settings: the number of resource groups to be initialised, the number of resource groups to be loaded, and the proportion of the job that will be taken up by initialization. Usually, script parsing takes up most time, so the default value is 0.7.
public ShowLoadingBar ( int numGroupsInit, int numGroupsLoad ) : void
numGroupsInit int
numGroupsLoad int
Результат void

ShowLoadingBar() публичный метод

Shows loading bar. Also takes job settings: the number of resource groups to be initialised, the number of resource groups to be loaded, and the proportion of the job that will be taken up by initialization. Usually, script parsing takes up most time, so the default value is 0.7.
public ShowLoadingBar ( int numGroupsInit, int numGroupsLoad, Real initProportion ) : void
numGroupsInit int
numGroupsLoad int
initProportion Real
Результат void

ShowLogo() публичный метод

Shows logo in the specified location.
public ShowLogo ( TrayLocation trayLoc ) : void
trayLoc TrayLocation
Результат void

ShowLogo() публичный метод

Shows logo in the specified location.
public ShowLogo ( TrayLocation trayLoc, int place ) : void
trayLoc TrayLocation
place int
Результат void

ShowOkDialog() публичный метод

Pops up a message dialog with an OK button.
public ShowOkDialog ( System.String caption, System.String message ) : void
caption System.String
message System.String
Результат void

ShowTrays() публичный метод

public ShowTrays ( ) : void
Результат void

ShowYesNoDialog() публичный метод

Pops up a question dialog with Yes and No buttons.
public ShowYesNoDialog ( System.String caption, System.String question ) : void
caption System.String
question System.String
Результат void

SliderMoved() публичный метод

public SliderMoved ( Axiom.Samples.Slider slider ) : void
slider Axiom.Samples.Slider
Результат void

ToggleAdvancedFrameStats() публичный метод

Toggles visibility of advanced statistics.
public ToggleAdvancedFrameStats ( ) : void
Результат void

WorldGeometryStageEnded() публичный метод

This event is fired when a stage of loading linked world geometry has been completed. The number of stages required will have been included in the resourceCount passed in resourceGroupLoadStarted.
public WorldGeometryStageEnded ( ) : void
Результат void

WorldGeometryStageStarted() публичный метод

This event is fired when a stage of loading linked world geometry is about to start. The number of stages required will have been included in the resourceCount passed in resourceGroupLoadStarted.
public WorldGeometryStageStarted ( string description ) : void
description string Text description of what was just loaded
Результат void

YesNoDialogClosed() публичный метод

public YesNoDialogClosed ( string text, bool yesHit ) : void
text string
yesHit bool
Результат void

createLongSelectMenu() публичный метод

public createLongSelectMenu ( TrayLocation trayLoc, String name, System.String caption, Real boxWidth, int maxItemsShown ) : SelectMenu
trayLoc TrayLocation
name String
caption System.String
boxWidth Real
maxItemsShown int
Результат SelectMenu

sceneToScreen() публичный статический метод

Converts a 3D scene position to a 2D screen coordinate (in pixels).
public static sceneToScreen ( Camera cam, Vector3 pt ) : Vector2
cam Axiom.Core.Camera
pt Vector3
Результат Vector2

Описание свойств

CursorWasVisible защищенное свойство

protected bool CursorWasVisible
Результат bool

Dialog защищенное свойство

protected TextBox,Axiom.Samples Dialog
Результат TextBox

LoadBar защищенное свойство

protected ProgressBar,Axiom.Samples LoadBar
Результат Axiom.Samples.ProgressBar

Logo защищенное свойство

protected DecorWidget,Axiom.Samples Logo
Результат DecorWidget

Mouse защищенное свойство

protected Mouse,SharpInputSystem Mouse
Результат SharpInputSystem.Mouse

StatsPanel защищенное свойство

protected ParamsPanel,Axiom.Samples StatsPanel
Результат ParamsPanel

backdrop защищенное свойство

protected OverlayElementContainer,Axiom.Overlays backdrop
Результат Axiom.Overlays.OverlayElementContainer

backdropLayer защищенное свойство

protected Overlay,Axiom.Overlays backdropLayer
Результат Axiom.Overlays.Overlay

cursor защищенное свойство

protected OverlayElementContainer,Axiom.Overlays cursor
Результат Axiom.Overlays.OverlayElementContainer

cursorLayer защищенное свойство

protected Overlay,Axiom.Overlays cursorLayer
Результат Axiom.Overlays.Overlay

expandedMenu защищенное свойство

protected SelectMenu,Axiom.Samples expandedMenu
Результат SelectMenu

groupInitProportion защищенное свойство

protected Real groupInitProportion
Результат Real

groupLoadProportion защищенное свойство

protected Real groupLoadProportion
Результат Real

listener защищенное свойство

protected ISdkTrayListener listener
Результат ISdkTrayListener

loadInc защищенное свойство

protected Real loadInc
Результат Real

mDialogShade защищенное свойство

protected OverlayElementContainer,Axiom.Overlays mDialogShade
Результат Axiom.Overlays.OverlayElementContainer

mFpsLabel защищенное свойство

protected Label,Axiom.Samples mFpsLabel
Результат Label

mName защищенное свойство

protected String mName
Результат String

mNo защищенное свойство

protected Button,Axiom.Samples mNo
Результат Axiom.Samples.Button

mOk защищенное свойство

protected Button,Axiom.Samples mOk
Результат Axiom.Samples.Button

mPriorityLayer защищенное свойство

protected Overlay,Axiom.Overlays mPriorityLayer
Результат Axiom.Overlays.Overlay

mTrayDrag защищенное свойство

protected bool mTrayDrag
Результат bool

mTrayPadding защищенное свойство

protected Real mTrayPadding
Результат Real

mTrays защищенное свойство

protected OverlayElementContainer[],Axiom.Overlays mTrays
Результат Axiom.Overlays.OverlayElementContainer[]

mTraysLayer защищенное свойство

protected Overlay,Axiom.Overlays mTraysLayer
Результат Axiom.Overlays.Overlay

mWidgetDeathRow защищенное свойство

protected System.Collections.Generic.List mWidgetDeathRow
Результат System.Collections.Generic.List

mWidgetPadding защищенное свойство

protected Real mWidgetPadding
Результат Real

mWidgetSpacing защищенное свойство

protected Real mWidgetSpacing
Результат Real

mWidgets защищенное свойство

protected WidgetList[] mWidgets
Результат WidgetList[]

mWindow защищенное свойство

protected RenderWindow,Axiom.Graphics mWindow
Результат Axiom.Graphics.RenderWindow

mYes защищенное свойство

protected Button,Axiom.Samples mYes
Результат Axiom.Samples.Button

trayWidgetAlign защищенное свойство

protected HorizontalAlignment[] trayWidgetAlign
Результат HorizontalAlignment[]