C# Класс Aura.Channel.Skills.Combat.CombatMastery

Наследование: ICombatSkill, IInitiableSkillHandler
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetAttackerStun ( Creature creature, Item weapon, bool knockback ) : short

Returns stun time for the attacker.

GetAttackerStun ( int count, AttackSpeed speed, bool knockback ) : short

Returns stun time for the attacker.

GetStabilityReduction ( Creature creature, Item weapon ) : float

Returns stability reduction for creature and weapon.


GetTargetStun ( Creature creature, Item weapon, bool knockback ) : short

Returns stun time for the target.

GetTargetStun ( int count, AttackSpeed speed, bool knockback ) : short

Returns stun time for the target.

Init ( ) : void

Subscribes skill to events needed for training.

OnCreatureAttackedByPlayer ( TargetAction action ) : void

Training, called when someone attacks something.

Use ( Creature attacker, Skill skill, long targetEntityId ) : CombatSkillResult

Handles attack.

Описание методов

GetAttackerStun() публичный статический Метод

Returns stun time for the attacker.
public static GetAttackerStun ( Creature creature, Item weapon, bool knockback ) : short
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
weapon Item
knockback bool
Результат short

GetAttackerStun() публичный статический Метод

Returns stun time for the attacker.
public static GetAttackerStun ( int count, AttackSpeed speed, bool knockback ) : short
count int
speed AttackSpeed
knockback bool
Результат short

GetStabilityReduction() публичный Метод

Returns stability reduction for creature and weapon.
public GetStabilityReduction ( Creature creature, Item weapon ) : float
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
weapon Item
Результат float

GetTargetStun() публичный статический Метод

Returns stun time for the target.
public static GetTargetStun ( Creature creature, Item weapon, bool knockback ) : short
creature Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature
weapon Item
knockback bool
Результат short

GetTargetStun() публичный статический Метод

Returns stun time for the target.
public static GetTargetStun ( int count, AttackSpeed speed, bool knockback ) : short
count int
speed AttackSpeed
knockback bool
Результат short

Init() публичный Метод

Subscribes skill to events needed for training.
public Init ( ) : void
Результат void

OnCreatureAttackedByPlayer() публичный Метод

Training, called when someone attacks something.
public OnCreatureAttackedByPlayer ( TargetAction action ) : void
action TargetAction
Результат void

Use() публичный Метод

Handles attack.
public Use ( Creature attacker, Skill skill, long targetEntityId ) : CombatSkillResult
attacker Aura.Channel.World.Entities.Creature The creature attacking.
skill Skill The skill being used.
targetEntityId long The entity id of the target.
Результат CombatSkillResult