C# Класс AssetManager.Controllers.ChargesController

Наследование: RavenAPIController
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Delete ( int id, int assetID ) : object
GetResponse ( Charge charge, Asset asset, bool creation ) : Object
Post ( Charge value, int assetID ) : Object

Create a new charge and store in the DB POST api/charges

Put ( Charge value, int assetID ) : Object

Update existing charge in the database PUT api/charges/5

Описание методов

Delete() публичный Метод

public Delete ( int id, int assetID ) : object
id int
assetID int
Результат object

GetResponse() публичный Метод

public GetResponse ( Charge charge, Asset asset, bool creation ) : Object
charge AssetManager.Model.Charge
asset AssetManager.Model.Asset
creation bool
Результат Object

Post() публичный Метод

Create a new charge and store in the DB POST api/charges
public Post ( Charge value, int assetID ) : Object
value AssetManager.Model.Charge
assetID int
Результат Object

Put() публичный Метод

Update existing charge in the database PUT api/charges/5
public Put ( Charge value, int assetID ) : Object
value AssetManager.Model.Charge
assetID int
Результат Object