C# Класс ArmedCards.BusinessLogic.AppServices.GameRound.Delete

Implementation of Base.IDelete
Наследование: Base.IDelete
Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Delete ( ArmedCards.BusinessLogic.DomainServices.GameRound delete ) : System
Execute ( Entities filter ) : void

Delete a game round and all cards played during the round

Описание методов

Delete() публичный Метод

public Delete ( ArmedCards.BusinessLogic.DomainServices.GameRound delete ) : System
delete ArmedCards.BusinessLogic.DomainServices.GameRound
Результат System

Execute() публичный Метод

Delete a game round and all cards played during the round
public Execute ( Entities filter ) : void
filter Entities The filter used to determine what to delete
Результат void