C# Класс ArmedCards.BusinessLogic.AppServices.GameRound.Complete

Implementation of Base.IComplete
Наследование: Base.IComplete
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Complete ( ArmedCards.BusinessLogic.DomainServices.GameRound completeGameRound, Hubs sendMessage, Game updateGame ) : System
Execute ( Int32 gameID, List cardIDs, Int32 userId ) : void

Complete the current round

Описание методов

Complete() публичный Метод

public Complete ( ArmedCards.BusinessLogic.DomainServices.GameRound completeGameRound, Hubs sendMessage, Game updateGame ) : System
completeGameRound ArmedCards.BusinessLogic.DomainServices.GameRound
sendMessage Hubs
updateGame Game
Результат System

Execute() публичный Метод

Complete the current round
public Execute ( Int32 gameID, List cardIDs, Int32 userId ) : void
gameID System.Int32 The ID of the game that contains the round
cardIDs List The IDs of the winning cards
userId System.Int32 The user Id trying to complete the round
Результат void