C# Класс ArcStrabo10.ArcStraboObject

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
lngLatSet Points[]
pointSet Points[]

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddGraphicToMap ( ESRI map ) : void
AddPolygon ( IFeatureLayer featureLayer, IFeatureWorkspace featureworkspace, string dir ) : void

Read the GeoJason File and add new Polygongs to the vector layer the name of file should be newFile.json

AddRasterLayer ( string path, string fileName ) : void

Add Raster Layer for the result of Extract textlayer

CreateDirectory ( string current, string subDir ) : string
CreateFeatureClassWithFields ( String featureClassName, IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace, string dir ) : IFeatureClass

Add Feature class and its feilds

CreateFeatureClassWithFieldsGeoRef ( String featureClassName, IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace ) : IFeatureClass
CreateFeatureLayer ( IFeatureClass featureClass ) : IFeatureLayer

Cearte shapefile layer(Raster Layer) to open new layer for Polygons

Cearte New FeatureLayer

CreateShapefileWorkspace ( string dir ) : IWorkspace
GetXY ( double lat, double lng, double &pixelX, double &pixelY ) : void

/////////////Converting pixels to Lat/Long

MakingSymbolGeoJsonFile ( ) : void
MakingTextLabelGeoJsonFile ( string dir ) : void

access to the positive and negative layer and save them on the GeoJson File

SymbolExtraction ( ) : void
addPoligonGeorefrenced ( IFeatureLayer featureLayer, IFeatureWorkspace featureworkspace ) : void
consolidate ( ArrayList al, int w, int h, TextWriter log ) : HashSet
convertPolygon ( ) : void
findRasterLayerPath ( ) : string
getLngLat ( double x, double y, double &lng, double &lat ) : void

////////////Converting Lat/long to X and Y

symbolCreateShapefileWorkspace ( ) : IWorkspace
symbolFindRasterLayerPath ( RasterMapInfo rasterInfo ) : void
textIndentification ( string input_dir, string output_dir, string fn ) : void
textLayerExtract ( string sourceImageDir, string resultImageDir ) : void

TextExtraction and TextIdentifier Methods

votting ( ) : string

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AddShapeFileLayer ( string path, string fileName ) : void

Add Shapefile layer

addFeatureFeild ( string fieldName, string aliasName, esriFieldType type, IFieldsEdit fieldsEdit ) : void

add feature feild of each feature

bindURI ( ) : void
countVote ( string type ) : int
fillImageList ( string path, List imgList, Byte>.Image srcImage ) : void
fillSymbolList ( List imgList, Byte>.Image srcImage ) : void
findMinDistance ( CoordinatePoint item, List dbpediaResults ) : DBpedia.DbpediaInfo
setGeoJASONFeilds ( string fieldName, esriFieldType type, Field_info feild ) : void

set feature of GeoJson File

shortestDistance ( double lngS, double latS, double lngD, double latD ) : double
symbolRecognition ( Byte>.Image &gElement, string path ) : HashSet

Описание методов

AddGraphicToMap() публичный метод

public AddGraphicToMap ( ESRI map ) : void
map ESRI
Результат void

AddPolygon() публичный метод

Read the GeoJason File and add new Polygongs to the vector layer the name of file should be newFile.json
public AddPolygon ( IFeatureLayer featureLayer, IFeatureWorkspace featureworkspace, string dir ) : void
featureLayer IFeatureLayer
featureworkspace IFeatureWorkspace
dir string
Результат void

AddRasterLayer() публичный метод

Add Raster Layer for the result of Extract textlayer
public AddRasterLayer ( string path, string fileName ) : void
path string
fileName string
Результат void

CreateDirectory() публичный метод

public CreateDirectory ( string current, string subDir ) : string
current string
subDir string
Результат string

CreateFeatureClassWithFields() публичный метод

Add Feature class and its feilds
public CreateFeatureClassWithFields ( String featureClassName, IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace, string dir ) : IFeatureClass
featureClassName String
featureWorkspace IFeatureWorkspace
dir string
Результат IFeatureClass

CreateFeatureClassWithFieldsGeoRef() публичный метод

public CreateFeatureClassWithFieldsGeoRef ( String featureClassName, IFeatureWorkspace featureWorkspace ) : IFeatureClass
featureClassName String
featureWorkspace IFeatureWorkspace
Результат IFeatureClass

CreateFeatureLayer() публичный метод

Cearte shapefile layer(Raster Layer) to open new layer for Polygons Cearte New FeatureLayer
public CreateFeatureLayer ( IFeatureClass featureClass ) : IFeatureLayer
featureClass IFeatureClass
Результат IFeatureLayer

CreateShapefileWorkspace() публичный метод

public CreateShapefileWorkspace ( string dir ) : IWorkspace
dir string
Результат IWorkspace

GetXY() публичный метод

/////////////Converting pixels to Lat/Long
public GetXY ( double lat, double lng, double &pixelX, double &pixelY ) : void
lat double
lng double
pixelX double
pixelY double
Результат void

MakingSymbolGeoJsonFile() публичный метод

public MakingSymbolGeoJsonFile ( ) : void
Результат void

MakingTextLabelGeoJsonFile() публичный метод

access to the positive and negative layer and save them on the GeoJson File
public MakingTextLabelGeoJsonFile ( string dir ) : void
dir string
Результат void

SymbolExtraction() публичный метод

public SymbolExtraction ( ) : void
Результат void

addPoligonGeorefrenced() публичный метод

public addPoligonGeorefrenced ( IFeatureLayer featureLayer, IFeatureWorkspace featureworkspace ) : void
featureLayer IFeatureLayer
featureworkspace IFeatureWorkspace
Результат void

consolidate() публичный статический метод

public static consolidate ( ArrayList al, int w, int h, TextWriter log ) : HashSet
al System.Collections.ArrayList
w int
h int
log System.IO.TextWriter
Результат HashSet

convertPolygon() публичный метод

public convertPolygon ( ) : void
Результат void

findRasterLayerPath() публичный метод

public findRasterLayerPath ( ) : string
Результат string

getLngLat() публичный метод

////////////Converting Lat/long to X and Y
public getLngLat ( double x, double y, double &lng, double &lat ) : void
x double
y double
lng double
lat double
Результат void

symbolCreateShapefileWorkspace() публичный метод

public symbolCreateShapefileWorkspace ( ) : IWorkspace
Результат IWorkspace

symbolFindRasterLayerPath() публичный метод

public symbolFindRasterLayerPath ( RasterMapInfo rasterInfo ) : void
rasterInfo RasterMapInfo
Результат void

textIndentification() публичный метод

public textIndentification ( string input_dir, string output_dir, string fn ) : void
input_dir string
output_dir string
fn string
Результат void

textLayerExtract() публичный метод

TextExtraction and TextIdentifier Methods
public textLayerExtract ( string sourceImageDir, string resultImageDir ) : void
sourceImageDir string
resultImageDir string
Результат void

votting() публичный метод

public votting ( ) : string
Результат string

Описание свойств

lngLatSet публичное свойство

public Points[] lngLatSet
Результат Points[]

pointSet публичное свойство

public Points[] pointSet
Результат Points[]