C# Класс Antmicro.Migrant.Utilities.SwapList

Key/value pair list in which more generic types are always inserted after their specializations.
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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
GenericIsMatch bool
InnerAddOrReplace int
IsMatch bool

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AddGenericTemplate ( Type genericType, Delegate>.Func actualDelegateGenerator ) : void

Adds new key/dynamically generated pair or replaces one if the key already exists.

AddOrReplace ( Type key, Delegate value ) : void

Adds new key/value pair or replaces existing one if the key already exists.

FindMatchingIndex ( Type value ) : int

Finds the index of the delegate that matches given type.

GetByIndex ( int index ) : Delegate

Gets a delegate by an index.

SwapList ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the Antmicro.Migrant.Utilities.SwapList class.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
GenericIsMatch ( Type candidate, Type value ) : bool
InnerAddOrReplace ( Type key, Delegate value, Delegate>.Func valueCreator ) : int
IsMatch ( Type candidate, Type value ) : bool

Описание методов

AddGenericTemplate() публичный Метод

Adds new key/dynamically generated pair or replaces one if the key already exists.
public AddGenericTemplate ( Type genericType, Delegate>.Func actualDelegateGenerator ) : void
genericType System.Type Key.
actualDelegateGenerator Delegate>.Func Function generating final value.
Результат void

AddOrReplace() публичный Метод

Adds new key/value pair or replaces existing one if the key already exists.
public AddOrReplace ( Type key, Delegate value ) : void
key System.Type Key.
value System.Delegate Value.
Результат void

FindMatchingIndex() публичный Метод

Finds the index of the delegate that matches given type.
public FindMatchingIndex ( Type value ) : int
value System.Type Type to match.
Результат int

GetByIndex() публичный Метод

Gets a delegate by an index.
public GetByIndex ( int index ) : Delegate
index int The index of the element.
Результат System.Delegate

SwapList() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the Antmicro.Migrant.Utilities.SwapList class.
public SwapList ( ) : System
Результат System