C# Класс Antlr4.Runtime.Atn.DecisionEventInfo

This is the base class for gathering detailed information about prediction events which occur during parsing.
This is the base class for gathering detailed information about prediction events which occur during parsing.
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
decision int
fullCtx bool
startIndex int
stopIndex int

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
DecisionEventInfo ( int decision, SimulatorState state, ITokenStream input, int startIndex, int stopIndex, bool fullCtx ) : Antlr4.Runtime

Описание методов

DecisionEventInfo() публичный Метод

public DecisionEventInfo ( int decision, SimulatorState state, ITokenStream input, int startIndex, int stopIndex, bool fullCtx ) : Antlr4.Runtime
decision int
state SimulatorState
input ITokenStream
startIndex int
stopIndex int
fullCtx bool
Результат Antlr4.Runtime

Описание свойств

decision публичное свойство

The invoked decision number which this event is related to.
The invoked decision number which this event is related to.
public int decision
Результат int

fullCtx публичное свойство

if the current event occurred during LL prediction; otherwise, if the input occurred during SLL prediction.
public bool fullCtx
Результат bool

startIndex публичное свойство

The token index in the input stream at which the current prediction was originally invoked.
The token index in the input stream at which the current prediction was originally invoked.
public int startIndex
Результат int

stopIndex публичное свойство

The token index in the input stream at which the current event occurred.
The token index in the input stream at which the current event occurred.
public int stopIndex
Результат int