C# Класс Amazon.RegionEndpoint

This class contains the endpoints available to the AWS clients. The static constants representing the regions can be used while constructing the AWS client instead of looking up the exact endpoint URL.
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
APNortheast1 RegionEndpoint
APNortheast2 RegionEndpoint
APSouth1 RegionEndpoint
APSoutheast1 RegionEndpoint
APSoutheast2 RegionEndpoint
CACentral1 RegionEndpoint
CNNorth1 RegionEndpoint
EUCentral1 RegionEndpoint
EUWest1 RegionEndpoint
EUWest2 RegionEndpoint
SAEast1 RegionEndpoint
USEast1 RegionEndpoint
USEast2 RegionEndpoint
USGovCloudWest1 RegionEndpoint
USWest1 RegionEndpoint
USWest2 RegionEndpoint

Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
NewEndpoint RegionEndpoint
RegionEndpoint Amazon.Internal

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetBySystemName ( string systemName ) : RegionEndpoint

Gets the region based on its system name like "us-west-1"

GetEndpointForService ( string serviceName ) : Endpoint

Gets the endpoint for a service in a region.

GetEndpointForService ( string serviceName, bool dualStack ) : Endpoint

Gets the endpoint for a service in a region, optionally selecting a dualstack compatible endpoint.

ToString ( ) : string

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
NewEndpoint ( string systemName, string displayName ) : RegionEndpoint
RegionEndpoint ( string systemName, string displayName ) : Amazon.Internal

Описание методов

GetBySystemName() публичный статический Метод

Gets the region based on its system name like "us-west-1"
public static GetBySystemName ( string systemName ) : RegionEndpoint
systemName string The system name of the service like "us-west-1"
Результат RegionEndpoint

GetEndpointForService() публичный Метод

Gets the endpoint for a service in a region.
Thrown when the request service does not have a valid endpoint in the region.
public GetEndpointForService ( string serviceName ) : Endpoint
serviceName string The services system name.
Результат Endpoint

GetEndpointForService() публичный Метод

Gets the endpoint for a service in a region, optionally selecting a dualstack compatible endpoint.
Thrown when the request service does not have a valid endpoint in the region.
public GetEndpointForService ( string serviceName, bool dualStack ) : Endpoint
serviceName string The services system name.
dualStack bool /// If true a dualstack endpoint is returned. It is the user's responsibility to verify that the given service /// supports a dualstack endpoint for the region. ///
Результат Endpoint

ToString() публичный Метод

public ToString ( ) : string
Результат string

Описание свойств

APNortheast1 публичное статическое свойство

The Asia Pacific (Tokyo) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon APNortheast1
Результат RegionEndpoint

APNortheast2 публичное статическое свойство

The Asia Pacific (Seoul) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon APNortheast2
Результат RegionEndpoint

APSouth1 публичное статическое свойство

The Asia Pacific (Mumbai) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon APSouth1
Результат RegionEndpoint

APSoutheast1 публичное статическое свойство

The Asia Pacific (Singapore) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon APSoutheast1
Результат RegionEndpoint

APSoutheast2 публичное статическое свойство

The Asia Pacific (Sydney) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon APSoutheast2
Результат RegionEndpoint

CACentral1 публичное статическое свойство

The Canada (Central) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon CACentral1
Результат RegionEndpoint

CNNorth1 публичное статическое свойство

The China (Beijing) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon CNNorth1
Результат RegionEndpoint

EUCentral1 публичное статическое свойство

The EU Central (Frankfurt) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon EUCentral1
Результат RegionEndpoint

EUWest1 публичное статическое свойство

The EU West (Ireland) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon EUWest1
Результат RegionEndpoint

EUWest2 публичное статическое свойство

The EU West (London) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon EUWest2
Результат RegionEndpoint

SAEast1 публичное статическое свойство

The South America (Sao Paulo) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon SAEast1
Результат RegionEndpoint

USEast1 публичное статическое свойство

The US East (Virginia) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon USEast1
Результат RegionEndpoint

USEast2 публичное статическое свойство

The US East (Ohio) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon USEast2
Результат RegionEndpoint

USGovCloudWest1 публичное статическое свойство

The US GovCloud West (Oregon) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon USGovCloudWest1
Результат RegionEndpoint

USWest1 публичное статическое свойство

The US West (N. California) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon USWest1
Результат RegionEndpoint

USWest2 публичное статическое свойство

The US West (Oregon) endpoint.
public static RegionEndpoint,Amazon USWest2
Результат RegionEndpoint