C# Класс Amazon.StorageGateway.Model.ListVolumesRequest

Container for the parameters to the ListVolumes operation.

This operation lists the iSCSI stored volumes of a gateway. Results are sorted by volume ARN. The response includes only the volume ARNs. If you want additional volume information, use the DescribeStorediSCSIVolumes API.

The operation supports pagination. By default, the operation returns a maximum of up to 100 volumes. You can optionally specify the Limit field in the body to limit the number of volumes in the response. If the number of volumes returned in the response is truncated, the response includes a Marker field. You can use this Marker value in your subsequent request to retrieve the next set of volumes.

Наследование: AmazonStorageGatewayRequest
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Приватные методы

Метод Описание
IsSetGatewayARN ( ) : bool
IsSetLimit ( ) : bool
IsSetMarker ( ) : bool