C# Класс Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient

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Метод Описание
AddPermission ( AddPermissionRequest request ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.AddPermissionResponse

Adds a statement to a topic's access control policy, granting access for the specified AWS accounts to the specified actions.

AddPermission ( string topicArn, string label, List awsAccountId, List actionName ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.AddPermissionResponse

Adds a statement to a topic's access control policy, granting access for the specified AWS accounts to the specified actions.

AddPermissionAsync ( AddPermissionRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AddPermission operation.

AddPermissionAsync ( string topicArn, string label, List awsAccountId, List actionName, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Adds a statement to a topic's access control policy, granting access for the specified AWS accounts to the specified actions.

AddPermissionAsync ( AddPermissionRequest request, AddPermissionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AddPermission operation.

AddPermissionAsync ( string topicArn, string label, List awsAccountId, List actionName, AddPermissionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Adds a statement to a topic's access control policy, granting access for the specified AWS accounts to the specified actions.

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( ) : System

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> </appSettings> </configuration>

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( AWSCredentials credentials ) : System

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Credentials

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( AWSCredentials credentials, AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceConfig clientConfig ) : System

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Credentials and an AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient Configuration object.

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( AWSCredentials credentials, RegionEndpoint region ) : System

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Credentials

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceConfig config ) : System

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> </appSettings> </configuration>

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( RegionEndpoint region ) : System

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> </appSettings> </configuration>

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey ) : System

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceConfig clientConfig ) : System

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient Configuration object.

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, RegionEndpoint region ) : System

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken ) : System

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken, AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceConfig clientConfig ) : System

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient Configuration object.

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken, RegionEndpoint region ) : System

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key

AuthorizeS3ToPublish ( string topicArn, string bucket ) : void

This is a utility method which updates the policy of a topic to allow the S3 bucket to publish events to it.

AuthorizeS3ToPublishAsync ( string topicArn, string bucket ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task

This is a utility method which updates the policy of a topic to allow the S3 bucket to publish events to it.

BeginAddPermission ( AddPermissionRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AddPermission operation.

BeginCheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut ( CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut operation.

BeginConfirmSubscription ( ConfirmSubscriptionRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmSubscription operation.

BeginCreatePlatformApplication ( CreatePlatformApplicationRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformApplication operation.

BeginCreatePlatformEndpoint ( CreatePlatformEndpointRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformEndpoint operation.

BeginCreateTopic ( CreateTopicRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateTopic operation.

BeginDeleteEndpoint ( DeleteEndpointRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteEndpoint operation.

BeginDeletePlatformApplication ( DeletePlatformApplicationRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeletePlatformApplication operation.

BeginDeleteTopic ( DeleteTopicRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteTopic operation.

BeginGetEndpointAttributes ( GetEndpointAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetEndpointAttributes operation.

BeginGetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.

BeginGetSMSAttributes ( GetSMSAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetSMSAttributes operation.

BeginGetSubscriptionAttributes ( GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetSubscriptionAttributes operation.

BeginGetTopicAttributes ( GetTopicAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetTopicAttributes operation.

BeginListEndpointsByPlatformApplication ( ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication operation.

BeginListPhoneNumbersOptedOut ( ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut operation.

BeginListPlatformApplications ( ListPlatformApplicationsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListPlatformApplications operation.

BeginListSubscriptions ( ListSubscriptionsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptions operation.

BeginListSubscriptionsByTopic ( ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptionsByTopic operation.

BeginListTopics ( ListTopicsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListTopics operation.

BeginOptInPhoneNumber ( OptInPhoneNumberRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the OptInPhoneNumber operation.

BeginPublish ( PublishRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Publish operation.

BeginRemovePermission ( RemovePermissionRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the RemovePermission operation.

BeginSetEndpointAttributes ( SetEndpointAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetEndpointAttributes operation.

BeginSetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.

BeginSetSMSAttributes ( SetSMSAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetSMSAttributes operation.

BeginSetSubscriptionAttributes ( SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetSubscriptionAttributes operation.

BeginSetTopicAttributes ( SetTopicAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetTopicAttributes operation.

BeginSubscribe ( SubscribeRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Subscribe operation.

BeginUnsubscribe ( UnsubscribeRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Unsubscribe operation.

CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut ( CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutRequest request ) : CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutResponse

Accepts a phone number and indicates whether the phone holder has opted out of receiving SMS messages from your account. You cannot send SMS messages to a number that is opted out.

To resume sending messages, you can opt in the number by using the OptInPhoneNumber action.

CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutAsync ( CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut operation.

CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutAsync ( CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutRequest request, CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut operation.

ConfirmSubscription ( ConfirmSubscriptionRequest request ) : ConfirmSubscriptionResponse

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".

ConfirmSubscription ( string topicArn, string token ) : ConfirmSubscriptionResponse

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".

ConfirmSubscription ( string topicArn, string token, string authenticateOnUnsubscribe ) : ConfirmSubscriptionResponse

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".

ConfirmSubscriptionAsync ( ConfirmSubscriptionRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmSubscription operation.

ConfirmSubscriptionAsync ( string topicArn, string token, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".

ConfirmSubscriptionAsync ( string topicArn, string token, string authenticateOnUnsubscribe, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".

ConfirmSubscriptionAsync ( ConfirmSubscriptionRequest request, ConfirmSubscriptionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmSubscription operation.

ConfirmSubscriptionAsync ( string topicArn, string token, ConfirmSubscriptionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".

ConfirmSubscriptionAsync ( string topicArn, string token, string authenticateOnUnsubscribe, ConfirmSubscriptionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".

CreatePlatformApplication ( CreatePlatformApplicationRequest request ) : CreatePlatformApplicationResponse

Creates a platform application object for one of the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM, to which devices and mobile apps may register. You must specify PlatformPrincipal and PlatformCredential attributes when using the CreatePlatformApplication action. The PlatformPrincipal is received from the notification service. For APNS/APNS_SANDBOX, PlatformPrincipal is "SSL certificate". For GCM, PlatformPrincipal is not applicable. For ADM, PlatformPrincipal is "client id". The PlatformCredential is also received from the notification service. For WNS, PlatformPrincipal is "Package Security Identifier". For MPNS, PlatformPrincipal is "TLS certificate". For Baidu, PlatformPrincipal is "API key".

For APNS/APNS_SANDBOX, PlatformCredential is "private key". For GCM, PlatformCredential is "API key". For ADM, PlatformCredential is "client secret". For WNS, PlatformCredential is "secret key". For MPNS, PlatformCredential is "private key". For Baidu, PlatformCredential is "secret key". The PlatformApplicationArn that is returned when using CreatePlatformApplication is then used as an attribute for the CreatePlatformEndpoint action. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications. For more information about obtaining the PlatformPrincipal and PlatformCredential for each of the supported push notification services, see Getting Started with Apple Push Notification Service, Getting Started with Amazon Device Messaging, Getting Started with Baidu Cloud Push, Getting Started with Google Cloud Messaging for Android, Getting Started with MPNS, or Getting Started with WNS.

CreatePlatformApplicationAsync ( CreatePlatformApplicationRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformApplication operation.

CreatePlatformApplicationAsync ( CreatePlatformApplicationRequest request, CreatePlatformApplicationResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformApplication operation.

CreatePlatformEndpoint ( CreatePlatformEndpointRequest request ) : CreatePlatformEndpointResponse

Creates an endpoint for a device and mobile app on one of the supported push notification services, such as GCM and APNS. CreatePlatformEndpoint requires the PlatformApplicationArn that is returned from CreatePlatformApplication. The EndpointArn that is returned when using CreatePlatformEndpoint can then be used by the Publish action to send a message to a mobile app or by the Subscribe action for subscription to a topic. The CreatePlatformEndpoint action is idempotent, so if the requester already owns an endpoint with the same device token and attributes, that endpoint's ARN is returned without creating a new endpoint. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

When using CreatePlatformEndpoint with Baidu, two attributes must be provided: ChannelId and UserId. The token field must also contain the ChannelId. For more information, see Creating an Amazon SNS Endpoint for Baidu.

CreatePlatformEndpointAsync ( CreatePlatformEndpointRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformEndpoint operation.

CreatePlatformEndpointAsync ( CreatePlatformEndpointRequest request, CreatePlatformEndpointResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformEndpoint operation.

CreateTopic ( CreateTopicRequest request ) : CreateTopicResponse

Creates a topic to which notifications can be published. Users can create at most 100,000 topics. For more information, see http://aws.amazon.com/sns. This action is idempotent, so if the requester already owns a topic with the specified name, that topic's ARN is returned without creating a new topic.

CreateTopic ( string name ) : CreateTopicResponse

Creates a topic to which notifications can be published. Users can create at most 100,000 topics. For more information, see http://aws.amazon.com/sns. This action is idempotent, so if the requester already owns a topic with the specified name, that topic's ARN is returned without creating a new topic.

CreateTopicAsync ( CreateTopicRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateTopic operation.

CreateTopicAsync ( string name, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Creates a topic to which notifications can be published. Users can create at most 100,000 topics. For more information, see http://aws.amazon.com/sns. This action is idempotent, so if the requester already owns a topic with the specified name, that topic's ARN is returned without creating a new topic.

CreateTopicAsync ( CreateTopicRequest request, CreateTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateTopic operation.

CreateTopicAsync ( string name, CreateTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Creates a topic to which notifications can be published. Users can create at most 100,000 topics. For more information, see http://aws.amazon.com/sns. This action is idempotent, so if the requester already owns a topic with the specified name, that topic's ARN is returned without creating a new topic.

DeleteEndpoint ( DeleteEndpointRequest request ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteEndpointResponse

Deletes the endpoint for a device and mobile app from Amazon SNS. This action is idempotent. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

When you delete an endpoint that is also subscribed to a topic, then you must also unsubscribe the endpoint from the topic.

DeleteEndpointAsync ( DeleteEndpointRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteEndpoint operation.

DeleteEndpointAsync ( DeleteEndpointRequest request, DeleteEndpointResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteEndpoint operation.

DeletePlatformApplication ( DeletePlatformApplicationRequest request ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeletePlatformApplicationResponse

Deletes a platform application object for one of the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

DeletePlatformApplicationAsync ( DeletePlatformApplicationRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeletePlatformApplication operation.

DeletePlatformApplicationAsync ( DeletePlatformApplicationRequest request, DeletePlatformApplicationResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeletePlatformApplication operation.

DeleteTopic ( DeleteTopicRequest request ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteTopicResponse

Deletes a topic and all its subscriptions. Deleting a topic might prevent some messages previously sent to the topic from being delivered to subscribers. This action is idempotent, so deleting a topic that does not exist does not result in an error.

DeleteTopic ( string topicArn ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteTopicResponse

Deletes a topic and all its subscriptions. Deleting a topic might prevent some messages previously sent to the topic from being delivered to subscribers. This action is idempotent, so deleting a topic that does not exist does not result in an error.

DeleteTopicAsync ( DeleteTopicRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteTopic operation.

DeleteTopicAsync ( string topicArn, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Deletes a topic and all its subscriptions. Deleting a topic might prevent some messages previously sent to the topic from being delivered to subscribers. This action is idempotent, so deleting a topic that does not exist does not result in an error.

DeleteTopicAsync ( DeleteTopicRequest request, DeleteTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteTopic operation.

DeleteTopicAsync ( string topicArn, DeleteTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Deletes a topic and all its subscriptions. Deleting a topic might prevent some messages previously sent to the topic from being delivered to subscribers. This action is idempotent, so deleting a topic that does not exist does not result in an error.

EndAddPermission ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.AddPermissionResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the AddPermission operation.

EndCheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut operation.

EndConfirmSubscription ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ConfirmSubscriptionResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmSubscription operation.

EndCreatePlatformApplication ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreatePlatformApplicationResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformApplication operation.

EndCreatePlatformEndpoint ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreatePlatformEndpointResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformEndpoint operation.

EndCreateTopic ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreateTopicResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreateTopic operation.

EndDeleteEndpoint ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteEndpointResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeleteEndpoint operation.

EndDeletePlatformApplication ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeletePlatformApplicationResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeletePlatformApplication operation.

EndDeleteTopic ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteTopicResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeleteTopic operation.

EndGetEndpointAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : GetEndpointAttributesResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the GetEndpointAttributes operation.

EndGetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the GetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.

EndGetSMSAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : GetSMSAttributesResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the GetSMSAttributes operation.

EndGetSubscriptionAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the GetSubscriptionAttributes operation.

EndGetTopicAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : GetTopicAttributesResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the GetTopicAttributes operation.

EndListEndpointsByPlatformApplication ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication operation.

EndListPhoneNumbersOptedOut ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut operation.

EndListPlatformApplications ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ListPlatformApplicationsResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ListPlatformApplications operation.

EndListSubscriptions ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptions operation.

EndListSubscriptionsByTopic ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptionsByTopic operation.

EndListTopics ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ListTopicsResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ListTopics operation.

EndOptInPhoneNumber ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : OptInPhoneNumberResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the OptInPhoneNumber operation.

EndPublish ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : PublishResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the Publish operation.

EndRemovePermission ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.RemovePermissionResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the RemovePermission operation.

EndSetEndpointAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetEndpointAttributesResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the SetEndpointAttributes operation.

EndSetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the SetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.

EndSetSMSAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : SetSMSAttributesResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the SetSMSAttributes operation.

EndSetSubscriptionAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the SetSubscriptionAttributes operation.

EndSetTopicAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetTopicAttributesResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the SetTopicAttributes operation.

EndSubscribe ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : SubscribeResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the Subscribe operation.

EndUnsubscribe ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.UnsubscribeResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the Unsubscribe operation.

FindTopic ( string topicName ) : Topic

Finds an existing Amazon SNS topic by iterating all SNS topics until a match is found.

The ListTopics method is used to fetch upto 100 SNS topics at a time until a SNS topic with an TopicArn that matches topicName is found.

FindTopicAsync ( string topicName ) : Task

Finds an existing Amazon SNS topic by iterating all SNS topics until a match is found asynchronously.

The ListTopics method is used to fetch upto 100 SNS topics at a time until a SNS topic with an TopicArn that matches topicName is found.

GetEndpointAttributes ( GetEndpointAttributesRequest request ) : GetEndpointAttributesResponse

Retrieves the endpoint attributes for a device on one of the supported push notification services, such as GCM and APNS. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

GetEndpointAttributesAsync ( GetEndpointAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetEndpointAttributes operation.

GetEndpointAttributesAsync ( GetEndpointAttributesRequest request, GetEndpointAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetEndpointAttributes operation.

GetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request ) : GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse

Retrieves the attributes of the platform application object for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

GetPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync ( GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.

GetPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync ( GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request, GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.

GetSMSAttributes ( GetSMSAttributesRequest request ) : GetSMSAttributesResponse

Returns the settings for sending SMS messages from your account.

These settings are set with the SetSMSAttributes action.

GetSMSAttributesAsync ( GetSMSAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetSMSAttributes operation.

GetSMSAttributesAsync ( GetSMSAttributesRequest request, GetSMSAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetSMSAttributes operation.

GetSubscriptionAttributes ( GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request ) : GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse

Returns all of the properties of a subscription.

GetSubscriptionAttributes ( string subscriptionArn ) : GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse

Returns all of the properties of a subscription.

GetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetSubscriptionAttributes operation.

GetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( string subscriptionArn, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Returns all of the properties of a subscription.

GetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request, GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetSubscriptionAttributes operation.

GetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( string subscriptionArn, GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Returns all of the properties of a subscription.

GetTopicAttributes ( GetTopicAttributesRequest request ) : GetTopicAttributesResponse

Returns all of the properties of a topic. Topic properties returned might differ based on the authorization of the user.

GetTopicAttributes ( string topicArn ) : GetTopicAttributesResponse

Returns all of the properties of a topic. Topic properties returned might differ based on the authorization of the user.

GetTopicAttributesAsync ( GetTopicAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetTopicAttributes operation.

GetTopicAttributesAsync ( string topicArn, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Returns all of the properties of a topic. Topic properties returned might differ based on the authorization of the user.

GetTopicAttributesAsync ( GetTopicAttributesRequest request, GetTopicAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetTopicAttributes operation.

GetTopicAttributesAsync ( string topicArn, GetTopicAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Returns all of the properties of a topic. Topic properties returned might differ based on the authorization of the user.

ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication ( ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest request ) : ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse

Lists the endpoints and endpoint attributes for devices in a supported push notification service, such as GCM and APNS. The results for ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication are paginated and return a limited list of endpoints, up to 100. If additional records are available after the first page results, then a NextToken string will be returned. To receive the next page, you call ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication again using the NextToken string received from the previous call. When there are no more records to return, NextToken will be null. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationAsync ( ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication operation.

ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationAsync ( ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest request, ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication operation.

ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut ( ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutRequest request ) : ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutResponse

Returns a list of phone numbers that are opted out, meaning you cannot send SMS messages to them.

The results for ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut are paginated, and each page returns up to 100 phone numbers. If additional phone numbers are available after the first page of results, then a NextToken string will be returned. To receive the next page, you call ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut again using the NextToken string received from the previous call. When there are no more records to return, NextToken will be null.

ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutAsync ( ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut operation.

ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutAsync ( ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutRequest request, ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut operation.

ListPlatformApplications ( ) : ListPlatformApplicationsResponse

Lists the platform application objects for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM. The results for ListPlatformApplications are paginated and return a limited list of applications, up to 100. If additional records are available after the first page results, then a NextToken string will be returned. To receive the next page, you call ListPlatformApplications using the NextToken string received from the previous call. When there are no more records to return, NextToken will be null. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

ListPlatformApplications ( ListPlatformApplicationsRequest request ) : ListPlatformApplicationsResponse

Lists the platform application objects for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM. The results for ListPlatformApplications are paginated and return a limited list of applications, up to 100. If additional records are available after the first page results, then a NextToken string will be returned. To receive the next page, you call ListPlatformApplications using the NextToken string received from the previous call. When there are no more records to return, NextToken will be null. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

ListPlatformApplicationsAsync ( ListPlatformApplicationsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListPlatformApplications operation.

ListPlatformApplicationsAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Lists the platform application objects for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM. The results for ListPlatformApplications are paginated and return a limited list of applications, up to 100. If additional records are available after the first page results, then a NextToken string will be returned. To receive the next page, you call ListPlatformApplications using the NextToken string received from the previous call. When there are no more records to return, NextToken will be null. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

ListPlatformApplicationsAsync ( ListPlatformApplicationsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
ListPlatformApplicationsAsync ( ListPlatformApplicationsRequest request, ListPlatformApplicationsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListPlatformApplications operation.

ListSubscriptions ( ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsResponse

Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results.

ListSubscriptions ( ListSubscriptionsRequest request ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsResponse

Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results.

ListSubscriptions ( string nextToken ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsResponse

Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results.

ListSubscriptionsAsync ( ListSubscriptionsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptions operation.

ListSubscriptionsAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results.

ListSubscriptionsAsync ( string nextToken, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results.

ListSubscriptionsAsync ( ListSubscriptionsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
ListSubscriptionsAsync ( ListSubscriptionsRequest request, ListSubscriptionsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptions operation.

ListSubscriptionsAsync ( string nextToken, ListSubscriptionsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results.

ListSubscriptionsByTopic ( ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest request ) : ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.

ListSubscriptionsByTopic ( string topicArn ) : ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.

ListSubscriptionsByTopic ( string topicArn, string nextToken ) : ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.

ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync ( ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptionsByTopic operation.

ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync ( string topicArn, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.

ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync ( string topicArn, string nextToken, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.

ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync ( ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest request, ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptionsByTopic operation.

ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync ( string topicArn, ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.

ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync ( string topicArn, string nextToken, ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.

ListTopics ( ) : ListTopicsResponse

Returns a list of the requester's topics. Each call returns a limited list of topics, up to 100. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListTopics call to get further results.

ListTopics ( ListTopicsRequest request ) : ListTopicsResponse

Returns a list of the requester's topics. Each call returns a limited list of topics, up to 100. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListTopics call to get further results.

ListTopics ( string nextToken ) : ListTopicsResponse

Returns a list of the requester's topics. Each call returns a limited list of topics, up to 100. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListTopics call to get further results.

ListTopicsAsync ( ListTopicsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListTopics operation.

ListTopicsAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Returns a list of the requester's topics. Each call returns a limited list of topics, up to 100. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListTopics call to get further results.

ListTopicsAsync ( string nextToken, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Returns a list of the requester's topics. Each call returns a limited list of topics, up to 100. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListTopics call to get further results.

ListTopicsAsync ( ListTopicsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
ListTopicsAsync ( ListTopicsRequest request, ListTopicsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListTopics operation.

ListTopicsAsync ( string nextToken, ListTopicsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Returns a list of the requester's topics. Each call returns a limited list of topics, up to 100. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListTopics call to get further results.

OptInPhoneNumber ( OptInPhoneNumberRequest request ) : OptInPhoneNumberResponse

Use this request to opt in a phone number that is opted out, which enables you to resume sending SMS messages to the number.

You can opt in a phone number only once every 30 days.

OptInPhoneNumberAsync ( OptInPhoneNumberRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the OptInPhoneNumber operation.

OptInPhoneNumberAsync ( OptInPhoneNumberRequest request, OptInPhoneNumberResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the OptInPhoneNumber operation.

Publish ( PublishRequest request ) : PublishResponse

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

Publish ( string topicArn, string message ) : PublishResponse

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

Publish ( string topicArn, string message, string subject ) : PublishResponse

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

PublishAsync ( PublishRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Publish operation.

PublishAsync ( string topicArn, string message, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

PublishAsync ( string topicArn, string message, string subject, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

PublishAsync ( PublishRequest request, PublishResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Publish operation.

PublishAsync ( string topicArn, string message, PublishResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

PublishAsync ( string topicArn, string message, string subject, PublishResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

RemovePermission ( RemovePermissionRequest request ) : RemovePermissionResponse

Removes a statement from a topic's access control policy.

RemovePermission ( string topicArn, string label ) : RemovePermissionResponse

Removes a statement from a topic's access control policy.

RemovePermissionAsync ( RemovePermissionRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the RemovePermission operation.

RemovePermissionAsync ( string topicArn, string label, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Removes a statement from a topic's access control policy.

RemovePermissionAsync ( RemovePermissionRequest request, RemovePermissionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the RemovePermission operation.

RemovePermissionAsync ( string topicArn, string label, RemovePermissionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Removes a statement from a topic's access control policy.

SetEndpointAttributes ( SetEndpointAttributesRequest request ) : SetEndpointAttributesResponse

Sets the attributes for an endpoint for a device on one of the supported push notification services, such as GCM and APNS. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

SetEndpointAttributesAsync ( SetEndpointAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetEndpointAttributes operation.

SetEndpointAttributesAsync ( SetEndpointAttributesRequest request, SetEndpointAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetEndpointAttributes operation.

SetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request ) : SetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse

Sets the attributes of the platform application object for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications. For information on configuring attributes for message delivery status, see Using Amazon SNS Application Attributes for Message Delivery Status.

SetPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync ( SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.

SetPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync ( SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request, SetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.

SetSMSAttributes ( SetSMSAttributesRequest request ) : SetSMSAttributesResponse

Use this request to set the default settings for sending SMS messages and receiving daily SMS usage reports.

You can override some of these settings for a single message when you use the Publish action with the MessageAttributes.entry.N parameter. For more information, see Sending an SMS Message in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

SetSMSAttributesAsync ( SetSMSAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetSMSAttributes operation.

SetSMSAttributesAsync ( SetSMSAttributesRequest request, SetSMSAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetSMSAttributes operation.

SetSubscriptionAttributes ( SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request ) : SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse

Allows a subscription owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.

SetSubscriptionAttributes ( string subscriptionArn, string attributeName, string attributeValue ) : SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse

Allows a subscription owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.

SetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetSubscriptionAttributes operation.

SetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( string subscriptionArn, string attributeName, string attributeValue, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Allows a subscription owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.

SetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request, SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetSubscriptionAttributes operation.

SetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( string subscriptionArn, string attributeName, string attributeValue, SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Allows a subscription owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.

SetTopicAttributes ( SetTopicAttributesRequest request ) : SetTopicAttributesResponse

Allows a topic owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.

SetTopicAttributes ( string topicArn, string attributeName, string attributeValue ) : SetTopicAttributesResponse

Allows a topic owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.

SetTopicAttributesAsync ( SetTopicAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetTopicAttributes operation.

SetTopicAttributesAsync ( string topicArn, string attributeName, string attributeValue, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Allows a topic owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.

SetTopicAttributesAsync ( SetTopicAttributesRequest request, SetTopicAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetTopicAttributes operation.

SetTopicAttributesAsync ( string topicArn, string attributeName, string attributeValue, SetTopicAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Allows a topic owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.

Subscribe ( SubscribeRequest request ) : SubscribeResponse

Prepares to subscribe an endpoint by sending the endpoint a confirmation message. To actually create a subscription, the endpoint owner must call the ConfirmSubscription action with the token from the confirmation message. Confirmation tokens are valid for three days.

Subscribe ( string topicArn, string protocol, string endpoint ) : SubscribeResponse

Prepares to subscribe an endpoint by sending the endpoint a confirmation message. To actually create a subscription, the endpoint owner must call the ConfirmSubscription action with the token from the confirmation message. Confirmation tokens are valid for three days.

SubscribeAsync ( SubscribeRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Subscribe operation.

SubscribeAsync ( string topicArn, string protocol, string endpoint, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Prepares to subscribe an endpoint by sending the endpoint a confirmation message. To actually create a subscription, the endpoint owner must call the ConfirmSubscription action with the token from the confirmation message. Confirmation tokens are valid for three days.

SubscribeAsync ( SubscribeRequest request, SubscribeResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Subscribe operation.

SubscribeAsync ( string topicArn, string protocol, string endpoint, SubscribeResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Prepares to subscribe an endpoint by sending the endpoint a confirmation message. To actually create a subscription, the endpoint owner must call the ConfirmSubscription action with the token from the confirmation message. Confirmation tokens are valid for three days.

SubscribeQueue ( string topicArn, ICoreAmazonSQS sqsClient, string sqsQueueUrl ) : string

Subscribes an existing Amazon SQS queue to an existing Amazon SNS topic.

The policy applied to the SQS queue is similar to this: { "Version" : "2008-10-17", "Statement" : [{ "Sid" : "topic-subscription-arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : "*", "Action" : ["sqs:SendMessage"], "Resource":["arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:599109622955:myQueue"], "Condition" : { "ArnLike":{ "aws:SourceArn":["arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic"] } } }] }

There might be a small time period immediately after subscribing the SQS queue to the SNS topic and updating the SQS queue's policy, where messages are not able to be delivered to the queue. After a moment, the new queue policy will propagate and the queue will be able to receive messages. This delay only occurs immediately after initially subscribing the queue.

SubscribeQueueAsync ( string topicArn, ICoreAmazonSQS sqsClient, string sqsQueueUrl ) : Task

Subscribes an existing Amazon SQS queue to an existing Amazon SNS topic asynchronously.

The policy applied to the SQS queue is similar to this: { "Version" : "2008-10-17", "Statement" : [{ "Sid" : "topic-subscription-arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : "*", "Action" : ["sqs:SendMessage"], "Resource":["arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:599109622955:myQueue"], "Condition" : { "ArnLike":{ "aws:SourceArn":["arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic"] } } }] }

There might be a small time period immediately after subscribing the SQS queue to the SNS topic and updating the SQS queue's policy, where messages are not able to be delivered to the queue. After a moment, the new queue policy will propagate and the queue will be able to receive messages. This delay only occurs immediately after initially subscribing the queue.

SubscribeQueueToTopics ( IList topicArns, ICoreAmazonSQS sqsClient, string sqsQueueUrl ) : string>.IDictionary

Subscribes an existing Amazon SQS queue to existing Amazon SNS topics.

The policy applied to the SQS queue is similar to this: { "Version" : "2008-10-17", "Statement" : [{ "Sid" : "topic-subscription-arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : "*", "Action" : ["sqs:SendMessage"], "Resource":["arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:599109622955:myQueue"], "Condition" : { "ArnLike":{ "aws:SourceArn":["arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic"] } } }] }

There might be a small time period immediately after subscribing the SQS queue to the SNS topic and updating the SQS queue's policy, where messages are not able to be delivered to the queue. After a moment, the new queue policy will propagate and the queue will be able to receive messages. This delay only occurs immediately after initially subscribing the queue.

SubscribeQueueToTopicsAsync ( IList topicArns, ICoreAmazonSQS sqsClient, string sqsQueueUrl ) : string>>.Task

Subscribes an existing Amazon SQS queue to existing Amazon SNS topics asynchronously.

The policy applied to the SQS queue is similar to this: { "Version" : "2008-10-17", "Statement" : [{ "Sid" : "topic-subscription-arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : "*", "Action" : ["sqs:SendMessage"], "Resource":["arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:599109622955:myQueue"], "Condition" : { "ArnLike":{ "aws:SourceArn":["arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic"] } } }] }

There might be a small time period immediately after subscribing the SQS queue to the SNS topic and updating the SQS queue's policy, where messages are not able to be delivered to the queue. After a moment, the new queue policy will propagate and the queue will be able to receive messages. This delay only occurs immediately after initially subscribing the queue.

Unsubscribe ( UnsubscribeRequest request ) : UnsubscribeResponse

Deletes a subscription. If the subscription requires authentication for deletion, only the owner of the subscription or the topic's owner can unsubscribe, and an AWS signature is required. If the Unsubscribe call does not require authentication and the requester is not the subscription owner, a final cancellation message is delivered to the endpoint, so that the endpoint owner can easily resubscribe to the topic if the Unsubscribe request was unintended.

Unsubscribe ( string subscriptionArn ) : UnsubscribeResponse

Deletes a subscription. If the subscription requires authentication for deletion, only the owner of the subscription or the topic's owner can unsubscribe, and an AWS signature is required. If the Unsubscribe call does not require authentication and the requester is not the subscription owner, a final cancellation message is delivered to the endpoint, so that the endpoint owner can easily resubscribe to the topic if the Unsubscribe request was unintended.

UnsubscribeAsync ( UnsubscribeRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Unsubscribe operation.

UnsubscribeAsync ( string subscriptionArn, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Deletes a subscription. If the subscription requires authentication for deletion, only the owner of the subscription or the topic's owner can unsubscribe, and an AWS signature is required. If the Unsubscribe call does not require authentication and the requester is not the subscription owner, a final cancellation message is delivered to the endpoint, so that the endpoint owner can easily resubscribe to the topic if the Unsubscribe request was unintended.

UnsubscribeAsync ( UnsubscribeRequest request, UnsubscribeResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Unsubscribe operation.

UnsubscribeAsync ( string subscriptionArn, UnsubscribeResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void

Deletes a subscription. If the subscription requires authentication for deletion, only the owner of the subscription or the topic's owner can unsubscribe, and an AWS signature is required. If the Unsubscribe call does not require authentication and the requester is not the subscription owner, a final cancellation message is delivered to the endpoint, so that the endpoint owner can easily resubscribe to the topic if the Unsubscribe request was unintended.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
CreateSigner ( ) : AbstractAWSSigner

Creates the signer for the service.

Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Disposes the service client.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
AddSQSPermission ( Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy.Policy policy, string topicArn, string sqsQueueArn ) : void

Add statement to the policy that gives the sns topic access to send a message to the queue.

GetNewPolicyAndStatementForTopicAttributes ( string>.Dictionary attributes, string topicArn, string bucket, Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy.Policy &policy, Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy.Statement &statement ) : void

Helper method for AuthorizeS3ToPublishAsync()

HasSQSPermission ( Amazon.Auth.AccessControlPolicy.Policy policy, string topicArn, string sqsQueueArn ) : bool

Check to see if the policy for the queue has already given permission to the topic.

TopicNameMatcher ( string topicArn, string topicName ) : bool

Verifies that the ARN for the topic matches the topic name

Описание методов

AddPermission() публичный Метод

Adds a statement to a topic's access control policy, granting access for the specified AWS accounts to the specified actions.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public AddPermission ( AddPermissionRequest request ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.AddPermissionResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.AddPermissionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AddPermission service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.AddPermissionResponse

AddPermission() публичный Метод

Adds a statement to a topic's access control policy, granting access for the specified AWS accounts to the specified actions.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public AddPermission ( string topicArn, string label, List awsAccountId, List actionName ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.AddPermissionResponse
topicArn string The ARN of the topic whose access control policy you wish to modify.
label string A unique identifier for the new policy statement.
awsAccountId List The AWS account IDs of the users (principals) who will be given access to the specified actions. The users must have AWS accounts, but do not need to be signed up for this service.
actionName List The action you want to allow for the specified principal(s). Valid values: any Amazon SNS action name.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.AddPermissionResponse

AddPermissionAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AddPermission operation.
public AddPermissionAsync ( AddPermissionRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.AddPermissionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AddPermission operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

AddPermissionAsync() публичный Метод

Adds a statement to a topic's access control policy, granting access for the specified AWS accounts to the specified actions.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public AddPermissionAsync ( string topicArn, string label, List awsAccountId, List actionName, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
topicArn string The ARN of the topic whose access control policy you wish to modify.
label string A unique identifier for the new policy statement.
awsAccountId List The AWS account IDs of the users (principals) who will be given access to the specified actions. The users must have AWS accounts, but do not need to be signed up for this service.
actionName List The action you want to allow for the specified principal(s). Valid values: any Amazon SNS action name.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

AddPermissionAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AddPermission operation.
public AddPermissionAsync ( AddPermissionRequest request, AddPermissionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.AddPermissionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AddPermission operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AddPermissionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

AddPermissionAsync() публичный Метод

Adds a statement to a topic's access control policy, granting access for the specified AWS accounts to the specified actions.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public AddPermissionAsync ( string topicArn, string label, List awsAccountId, List actionName, AddPermissionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
topicArn string The ARN of the topic whose access control policy you wish to modify.
label string A unique identifier for the new policy statement.
awsAccountId List The AWS account IDs of the users (principals) who will be given access to the specified actions. The users must have AWS accounts, but do not need to be signed up for this service.
actionName List The action you want to allow for the specified principal(s). Valid values: any Amazon SNS action name.
callback AddPermissionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> </appSettings> </configuration>
public AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( ) : System
Результат System

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Credentials
public AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( AWSCredentials credentials ) : System
credentials Amazon.Runtime.AWSCredentials AWS Credentials
Результат System

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Credentials and an AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient Configuration object.
public AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( AWSCredentials credentials, AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceConfig clientConfig ) : System
credentials Amazon.Runtime.AWSCredentials AWS Credentials
clientConfig AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceConfig The AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient Configuration Object
Результат System

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Credentials
public AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( AWSCredentials credentials, RegionEndpoint region ) : System
credentials Amazon.Runtime.AWSCredentials AWS Credentials
region RegionEndpoint The region to connect.
Результат System

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> </appSettings> </configuration>
public AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceConfig config ) : System
config AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceConfig The AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient Configuration Object
Результат System

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> </appSettings> </configuration>
public AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( RegionEndpoint region ) : System
region RegionEndpoint The region to connect.
Результат System

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key
public AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey ) : System
awsAccessKeyId string AWS Access Key ID
awsSecretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access Key
Результат System

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient Configuration object.
public AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceConfig clientConfig ) : System
awsAccessKeyId string AWS Access Key ID
awsSecretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access Key
clientConfig AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceConfig The AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient Configuration Object
Результат System

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key
public AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, RegionEndpoint region ) : System
awsAccessKeyId string AWS Access Key ID
awsSecretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access Key
region RegionEndpoint The region to connect.
Результат System

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key
public AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken ) : System
awsAccessKeyId string AWS Access Key ID
awsSecretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access Key
awsSessionToken string AWS Session Token
Результат System

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient Configuration object.
public AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken, AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceConfig clientConfig ) : System
awsAccessKeyId string AWS Access Key ID
awsSecretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access Key
awsSessionToken string AWS Session Token
clientConfig AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceConfig The AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient Configuration Object
Результат System

AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key
public AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken, RegionEndpoint region ) : System
awsAccessKeyId string AWS Access Key ID
awsSecretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access Key
awsSessionToken string AWS Session Token
region RegionEndpoint The region to connect.
Результат System

AuthorizeS3ToPublish() публичный Метод

This is a utility method which updates the policy of a topic to allow the S3 bucket to publish events to it.
public AuthorizeS3ToPublish ( string topicArn, string bucket ) : void
topicArn string The topic that will have its policy updated.
bucket string The bucket that will be given access to publish from.
Результат void

AuthorizeS3ToPublishAsync() публичный Метод

This is a utility method which updates the policy of a topic to allow the S3 bucket to publish events to it.
public AuthorizeS3ToPublishAsync ( string topicArn, string bucket ) : System.Threading.Tasks.Task
topicArn string The topic that will have its policy updated.
bucket string The bucket that will be given access to publish from.
Результат System.Threading.Tasks.Task

BeginAddPermission() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AddPermission operation.
public BeginAddPermission ( AddPermissionRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.AddPermissionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AddPermission operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginCheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut operation.
public BeginCheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut ( CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginConfirmSubscription() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmSubscription operation.
public BeginConfirmSubscription ( ConfirmSubscriptionRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ConfirmSubscriptionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ConfirmSubscription operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginCreatePlatformApplication() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformApplication operation.
public BeginCreatePlatformApplication ( CreatePlatformApplicationRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreatePlatformApplicationRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePlatformApplication operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginCreatePlatformEndpoint() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformEndpoint operation.
public BeginCreatePlatformEndpoint ( CreatePlatformEndpointRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreatePlatformEndpointRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePlatformEndpoint operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginCreateTopic() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateTopic operation.
public BeginCreateTopic ( CreateTopicRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreateTopicRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateTopic operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDeleteEndpoint() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteEndpoint operation.
public BeginDeleteEndpoint ( DeleteEndpointRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteEndpointRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteEndpoint operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDeletePlatformApplication() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeletePlatformApplication operation.
public BeginDeletePlatformApplication ( DeletePlatformApplicationRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeletePlatformApplicationRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeletePlatformApplication operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDeleteTopic() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteTopic operation.
public BeginDeleteTopic ( DeleteTopicRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteTopicRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteTopic operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginGetEndpointAttributes() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetEndpointAttributes operation.
public BeginGetEndpointAttributes ( GetEndpointAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetEndpointAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetEndpointAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginGetPlatformApplicationAttributes() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.
public BeginGetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginGetSMSAttributes() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetSMSAttributes operation.
public BeginGetSMSAttributes ( GetSMSAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetSMSAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetSMSAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginGetSubscriptionAttributes() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetSubscriptionAttributes operation.
public BeginGetSubscriptionAttributes ( GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetSubscriptionAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginGetTopicAttributes() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetTopicAttributes operation.
public BeginGetTopicAttributes ( GetTopicAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetTopicAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetTopicAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginListEndpointsByPlatformApplication() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication operation.
public BeginListEndpointsByPlatformApplication ( ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginListPhoneNumbersOptedOut() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut operation.
public BeginListPhoneNumbersOptedOut ( ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginListPlatformApplications() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListPlatformApplications operation.
public BeginListPlatformApplications ( ListPlatformApplicationsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListPlatformApplicationsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListPlatformApplications operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginListSubscriptions() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptions operation.
public BeginListSubscriptions ( ListSubscriptionsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListSubscriptions operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginListSubscriptionsByTopic() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptionsByTopic operation.
public BeginListSubscriptionsByTopic ( ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListSubscriptionsByTopic operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginListTopics() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListTopics operation.
public BeginListTopics ( ListTopicsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListTopicsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListTopics operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginOptInPhoneNumber() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the OptInPhoneNumber operation.
public BeginOptInPhoneNumber ( OptInPhoneNumberRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.OptInPhoneNumberRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the OptInPhoneNumber operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginPublish() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Publish operation.
public BeginPublish ( PublishRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.PublishRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the Publish operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginRemovePermission() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the RemovePermission operation.
public BeginRemovePermission ( RemovePermissionRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.RemovePermissionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the RemovePermission operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginSetEndpointAttributes() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetEndpointAttributes operation.
public BeginSetEndpointAttributes ( SetEndpointAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetEndpointAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetEndpointAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginSetPlatformApplicationAttributes() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.
public BeginSetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginSetSMSAttributes() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetSMSAttributes operation.
public BeginSetSMSAttributes ( SetSMSAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetSMSAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetSMSAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginSetSubscriptionAttributes() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetSubscriptionAttributes operation.
public BeginSetSubscriptionAttributes ( SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetSubscriptionAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginSetTopicAttributes() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetTopicAttributes operation.
public BeginSetTopicAttributes ( SetTopicAttributesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetTopicAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetTopicAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginSubscribe() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Subscribe operation.
public BeginSubscribe ( SubscribeRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SubscribeRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the Subscribe operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginUnsubscribe() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Unsubscribe operation.
public BeginUnsubscribe ( UnsubscribeRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.UnsubscribeRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the Unsubscribe operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut() публичный Метод

Accepts a phone number and indicates whether the phone holder has opted out of receiving SMS messages from your account. You cannot send SMS messages to a number that is opted out.

To resume sending messages, you can opt in the number by using the OptInPhoneNumber action.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds /// the limit for your account. ///
public CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut ( CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutRequest request ) : CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutResponse
request CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutResponse

CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut operation.
public CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutAsync ( CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut operation.
public CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutAsync ( CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutRequest request, CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

ConfirmSubscription() публичный Метод

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions. ///
public ConfirmSubscription ( ConfirmSubscriptionRequest request ) : ConfirmSubscriptionResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ConfirmSubscriptionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ConfirmSubscription service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ConfirmSubscriptionResponse

ConfirmSubscription() публичный Метод

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions. ///
public ConfirmSubscription ( string topicArn, string token ) : ConfirmSubscriptionResponse
topicArn string The ARN of the topic for which you wish to confirm a subscription.
token string Short-lived token sent to an endpoint during the Subscribe action.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ConfirmSubscriptionResponse

ConfirmSubscription() публичный Метод

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions. ///
public ConfirmSubscription ( string topicArn, string token, string authenticateOnUnsubscribe ) : ConfirmSubscriptionResponse
topicArn string The ARN of the topic for which you wish to confirm a subscription.
token string Short-lived token sent to an endpoint during the Subscribe action.
authenticateOnUnsubscribe string Disallows unauthenticated unsubscribes of the subscription. If the value of this parameter is true and the request has an AWS signature, then only the topic owner and the subscription owner can unsubscribe the endpoint. The unsubscribe action requires AWS authentication.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ConfirmSubscriptionResponse

ConfirmSubscriptionAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmSubscription operation.
public ConfirmSubscriptionAsync ( ConfirmSubscriptionRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ConfirmSubscriptionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ConfirmSubscription operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ConfirmSubscriptionAsync() публичный Метод

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions. ///
public ConfirmSubscriptionAsync ( string topicArn, string token, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
topicArn string The ARN of the topic for which you wish to confirm a subscription.
token string Short-lived token sent to an endpoint during the Subscribe action.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ConfirmSubscriptionAsync() публичный Метод

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions. ///
public ConfirmSubscriptionAsync ( string topicArn, string token, string authenticateOnUnsubscribe, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
topicArn string The ARN of the topic for which you wish to confirm a subscription.
token string Short-lived token sent to an endpoint during the Subscribe action.
authenticateOnUnsubscribe string Disallows unauthenticated unsubscribes of the subscription. If the value of this parameter is true and the request has an AWS signature, then only the topic owner and the subscription owner can unsubscribe the endpoint. The unsubscribe action requires AWS authentication.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ConfirmSubscriptionAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmSubscription operation.
public ConfirmSubscriptionAsync ( ConfirmSubscriptionRequest request, ConfirmSubscriptionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ConfirmSubscriptionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ConfirmSubscription operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback ConfirmSubscriptionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

ConfirmSubscriptionAsync() публичный Метод

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions. ///
public ConfirmSubscriptionAsync ( string topicArn, string token, ConfirmSubscriptionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
topicArn string The ARN of the topic for which you wish to confirm a subscription.
token string Short-lived token sent to an endpoint during the Subscribe action.
callback ConfirmSubscriptionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

ConfirmSubscriptionAsync() публичный Метод

Verifies an endpoint owner's intent to receive messages by validating the token sent to the endpoint by an earlier Subscribe action. If the token is valid, the action creates a new subscription and returns its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This call requires an AWS signature only when the AuthenticateOnUnsubscribe flag is set to "true".
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions. ///
public ConfirmSubscriptionAsync ( string topicArn, string token, string authenticateOnUnsubscribe, ConfirmSubscriptionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
topicArn string The ARN of the topic for which you wish to confirm a subscription.
token string Short-lived token sent to an endpoint during the Subscribe action.
authenticateOnUnsubscribe string Disallows unauthenticated unsubscribes of the subscription. If the value of this parameter is true and the request has an AWS signature, then only the topic owner and the subscription owner can unsubscribe the endpoint. The unsubscribe action requires AWS authentication.
callback ConfirmSubscriptionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

CreatePlatformApplication() публичный Метод

Creates a platform application object for one of the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM, to which devices and mobile apps may register. You must specify PlatformPrincipal and PlatformCredential attributes when using the CreatePlatformApplication action. The PlatformPrincipal is received from the notification service. For APNS/APNS_SANDBOX, PlatformPrincipal is "SSL certificate". For GCM, PlatformPrincipal is not applicable. For ADM, PlatformPrincipal is "client id". The PlatformCredential is also received from the notification service. For WNS, PlatformPrincipal is "Package Security Identifier". For MPNS, PlatformPrincipal is "TLS certificate". For Baidu, PlatformPrincipal is "API key".

For APNS/APNS_SANDBOX, PlatformCredential is "private key". For GCM, PlatformCredential is "API key". For ADM, PlatformCredential is "client secret". For WNS, PlatformCredential is "secret key". For MPNS, PlatformCredential is "private key". For Baidu, PlatformCredential is "secret key". The PlatformApplicationArn that is returned when using CreatePlatformApplication is then used as an attribute for the CreatePlatformEndpoint action. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications. For more information about obtaining the PlatformPrincipal and PlatformCredential for each of the supported push notification services, see Getting Started with Apple Push Notification Service, Getting Started with Amazon Device Messaging, Getting Started with Baidu Cloud Push, Getting Started with Google Cloud Messaging for Android, Getting Started with MPNS, or Getting Started with WNS.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public CreatePlatformApplication ( CreatePlatformApplicationRequest request ) : CreatePlatformApplicationResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreatePlatformApplicationRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePlatformApplication service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreatePlatformApplicationResponse

CreatePlatformApplicationAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformApplication operation.
public CreatePlatformApplicationAsync ( CreatePlatformApplicationRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreatePlatformApplicationRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePlatformApplication operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

CreatePlatformApplicationAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformApplication operation.
public CreatePlatformApplicationAsync ( CreatePlatformApplicationRequest request, CreatePlatformApplicationResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreatePlatformApplicationRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePlatformApplication operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback CreatePlatformApplicationResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

CreatePlatformEndpoint() публичный Метод

Creates an endpoint for a device and mobile app on one of the supported push notification services, such as GCM and APNS. CreatePlatformEndpoint requires the PlatformApplicationArn that is returned from CreatePlatformApplication. The EndpointArn that is returned when using CreatePlatformEndpoint can then be used by the Publish action to send a message to a mobile app or by the Subscribe action for subscription to a topic. The CreatePlatformEndpoint action is idempotent, so if the requester already owns an endpoint with the same device token and attributes, that endpoint's ARN is returned without creating a new endpoint. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

When using CreatePlatformEndpoint with Baidu, two attributes must be provided: ChannelId and UserId. The token field must also contain the ChannelId. For more information, see Creating an Amazon SNS Endpoint for Baidu.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public CreatePlatformEndpoint ( CreatePlatformEndpointRequest request ) : CreatePlatformEndpointResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreatePlatformEndpointRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePlatformEndpoint service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreatePlatformEndpointResponse

CreatePlatformEndpointAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformEndpoint operation.
public CreatePlatformEndpointAsync ( CreatePlatformEndpointRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreatePlatformEndpointRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePlatformEndpoint operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

CreatePlatformEndpointAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformEndpoint operation.
public CreatePlatformEndpointAsync ( CreatePlatformEndpointRequest request, CreatePlatformEndpointResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreatePlatformEndpointRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePlatformEndpoint operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback CreatePlatformEndpointResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

CreateSigner() защищенный Метод

Creates the signer for the service.
protected CreateSigner ( ) : AbstractAWSSigner
Результат AbstractAWSSigner

CreateTopic() публичный Метод

Creates a topic to which notifications can be published. Users can create at most 100,000 topics. For more information, see http://aws.amazon.com/sns. This action is idempotent, so if the requester already owns a topic with the specified name, that topic's ARN is returned without creating a new topic.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of topics. ///
public CreateTopic ( CreateTopicRequest request ) : CreateTopicResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreateTopicRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateTopic service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreateTopicResponse

CreateTopic() публичный Метод

Creates a topic to which notifications can be published. Users can create at most 100,000 topics. For more information, see http://aws.amazon.com/sns. This action is idempotent, so if the requester already owns a topic with the specified name, that topic's ARN is returned without creating a new topic.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of topics. ///
public CreateTopic ( string name ) : CreateTopicResponse
name string The name of the topic you want to create. Constraints: Topic names must be made up of only uppercase and lowercase ASCII letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens, and must be between 1 and 256 characters long.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreateTopicResponse

CreateTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateTopic operation.
public CreateTopicAsync ( CreateTopicRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreateTopicRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateTopic operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

CreateTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Creates a topic to which notifications can be published. Users can create at most 100,000 topics. For more information, see http://aws.amazon.com/sns. This action is idempotent, so if the requester already owns a topic with the specified name, that topic's ARN is returned without creating a new topic.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of topics. ///
public CreateTopicAsync ( string name, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
name string The name of the topic you want to create. Constraints: Topic names must be made up of only uppercase and lowercase ASCII letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens, and must be between 1 and 256 characters long.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

CreateTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateTopic operation.
public CreateTopicAsync ( CreateTopicRequest request, CreateTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreateTopicRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateTopic operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback CreateTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

CreateTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Creates a topic to which notifications can be published. Users can create at most 100,000 topics. For more information, see http://aws.amazon.com/sns. This action is idempotent, so if the requester already owns a topic with the specified name, that topic's ARN is returned without creating a new topic.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of topics. ///
public CreateTopicAsync ( string name, CreateTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
name string The name of the topic you want to create. Constraints: Topic names must be made up of only uppercase and lowercase ASCII letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens, and must be between 1 and 256 characters long.
callback CreateTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

DeleteEndpoint() публичный Метод

Deletes the endpoint for a device and mobile app from Amazon SNS. This action is idempotent. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.

When you delete an endpoint that is also subscribed to a topic, then you must also unsubscribe the endpoint from the topic.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public DeleteEndpoint ( DeleteEndpointRequest request ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteEndpointResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteEndpointRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteEndpoint service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteEndpointResponse

DeleteEndpointAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteEndpoint operation.
public DeleteEndpointAsync ( DeleteEndpointRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteEndpointRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteEndpoint operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DeleteEndpointAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteEndpoint operation.
public DeleteEndpointAsync ( DeleteEndpointRequest request, DeleteEndpointResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteEndpointRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteEndpoint operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback DeleteEndpointResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

DeletePlatformApplication() публичный Метод

Deletes a platform application object for one of the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public DeletePlatformApplication ( DeletePlatformApplicationRequest request ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeletePlatformApplicationResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeletePlatformApplicationRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeletePlatformApplication service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeletePlatformApplicationResponse

DeletePlatformApplicationAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeletePlatformApplication operation.
public DeletePlatformApplicationAsync ( DeletePlatformApplicationRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeletePlatformApplicationRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeletePlatformApplication operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DeletePlatformApplicationAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeletePlatformApplication operation.
public DeletePlatformApplicationAsync ( DeletePlatformApplicationRequest request, DeletePlatformApplicationResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeletePlatformApplicationRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeletePlatformApplication operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback DeletePlatformApplicationResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

DeleteTopic() публичный Метод

Deletes a topic and all its subscriptions. Deleting a topic might prevent some messages previously sent to the topic from being delivered to subscribers. This action is idempotent, so deleting a topic that does not exist does not result in an error.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public DeleteTopic ( DeleteTopicRequest request ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteTopicResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteTopicRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteTopic service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteTopicResponse

DeleteTopic() публичный Метод

Deletes a topic and all its subscriptions. Deleting a topic might prevent some messages previously sent to the topic from being delivered to subscribers. This action is idempotent, so deleting a topic that does not exist does not result in an error.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public DeleteTopic ( string topicArn ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteTopicResponse
topicArn string The ARN of the topic you want to delete.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteTopicResponse

DeleteTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteTopic operation.
public DeleteTopicAsync ( DeleteTopicRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteTopicRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteTopic operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DeleteTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Deletes a topic and all its subscriptions. Deleting a topic might prevent some messages previously sent to the topic from being delivered to subscribers. This action is idempotent, so deleting a topic that does not exist does not result in an error.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public DeleteTopicAsync ( string topicArn, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
topicArn string The ARN of the topic you want to delete.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DeleteTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteTopic operation.
public DeleteTopicAsync ( DeleteTopicRequest request, DeleteTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteTopicRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteTopic operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback DeleteTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

DeleteTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Deletes a topic and all its subscriptions. Deleting a topic might prevent some messages previously sent to the topic from being delivered to subscribers. This action is idempotent, so deleting a topic that does not exist does not result in an error.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public DeleteTopicAsync ( string topicArn, DeleteTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
topicArn string The ARN of the topic you want to delete.
callback DeleteTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

Dispose() защищенный Метод

Disposes the service client.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
Результат void

EndAddPermission() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the AddPermission operation.
public EndAddPermission ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.AddPermissionResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginAddPermission.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.AddPermissionResponse

EndCheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut operation.
public EndCheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginCheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOut.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CheckIfPhoneNumberIsOptedOutResponse

EndConfirmSubscription() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmSubscription operation.
public EndConfirmSubscription ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ConfirmSubscriptionResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginConfirmSubscription.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ConfirmSubscriptionResponse

EndCreatePlatformApplication() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformApplication operation.
public EndCreatePlatformApplication ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreatePlatformApplicationResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginCreatePlatformApplication.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreatePlatformApplicationResponse

EndCreatePlatformEndpoint() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreatePlatformEndpoint operation.
public EndCreatePlatformEndpoint ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreatePlatformEndpointResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginCreatePlatformEndpoint.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreatePlatformEndpointResponse

EndCreateTopic() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreateTopic operation.
public EndCreateTopic ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreateTopicResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginCreateTopic.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.CreateTopicResponse

EndDeleteEndpoint() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeleteEndpoint operation.
public EndDeleteEndpoint ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteEndpointResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDeleteEndpoint.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteEndpointResponse

EndDeletePlatformApplication() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeletePlatformApplication operation.
public EndDeletePlatformApplication ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeletePlatformApplicationResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDeletePlatformApplication.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeletePlatformApplicationResponse

EndDeleteTopic() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeleteTopic operation.
public EndDeleteTopic ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteTopicResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDeleteTopic.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.DeleteTopicResponse

EndGetEndpointAttributes() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the GetEndpointAttributes operation.
public EndGetEndpointAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : GetEndpointAttributesResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginGetEndpointAttributes.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetEndpointAttributesResponse

EndGetPlatformApplicationAttributes() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the GetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.
public EndGetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginGetPlatformApplicationAttributes.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse

EndGetSMSAttributes() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the GetSMSAttributes operation.
public EndGetSMSAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : GetSMSAttributesResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginGetSMSAttributes.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetSMSAttributesResponse

EndGetSubscriptionAttributes() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the GetSubscriptionAttributes operation.
public EndGetSubscriptionAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginGetSubscriptionAttributes.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse

EndGetTopicAttributes() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the GetTopicAttributes operation.
public EndGetTopicAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : GetTopicAttributesResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginGetTopicAttributes.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetTopicAttributesResponse

EndListEndpointsByPlatformApplication() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication operation.
public EndListEndpointsByPlatformApplication ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginListEndpointsByPlatformApplication.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse

EndListPhoneNumbersOptedOut() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut operation.
public EndListPhoneNumbersOptedOut ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginListPhoneNumbersOptedOut.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutResponse

EndListPlatformApplications() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ListPlatformApplications operation.
public EndListPlatformApplications ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ListPlatformApplicationsResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginListPlatformApplications.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListPlatformApplicationsResponse

EndListSubscriptions() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptions operation.
public EndListSubscriptions ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginListSubscriptions.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsResponse

EndListSubscriptionsByTopic() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptionsByTopic operation.
public EndListSubscriptionsByTopic ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginListSubscriptionsByTopic.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse

EndListTopics() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ListTopics operation.
public EndListTopics ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ListTopicsResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginListTopics.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListTopicsResponse

EndOptInPhoneNumber() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the OptInPhoneNumber operation.
public EndOptInPhoneNumber ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : OptInPhoneNumberResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginOptInPhoneNumber.
Результат OptInPhoneNumberResponse

EndPublish() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the Publish operation.
public EndPublish ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : PublishResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginPublish.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.PublishResponse

EndRemovePermission() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the RemovePermission operation.
public EndRemovePermission ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.RemovePermissionResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginRemovePermission.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.RemovePermissionResponse

EndSetEndpointAttributes() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the SetEndpointAttributes operation.
public EndSetEndpointAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetEndpointAttributesResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginSetEndpointAttributes.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetEndpointAttributesResponse

EndSetPlatformApplicationAttributes() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the SetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.
public EndSetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginSetPlatformApplicationAttributes.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse

EndSetSMSAttributes() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the SetSMSAttributes operation.
public EndSetSMSAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : SetSMSAttributesResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginSetSMSAttributes.
Результат SetSMSAttributesResponse

EndSetSubscriptionAttributes() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the SetSubscriptionAttributes operation.
public EndSetSubscriptionAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginSetSubscriptionAttributes.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse

EndSetTopicAttributes() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the SetTopicAttributes operation.
public EndSetTopicAttributes ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetTopicAttributesResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginSetTopicAttributes.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SetTopicAttributesResponse

EndSubscribe() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the Subscribe operation.
public EndSubscribe ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : SubscribeResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginSubscribe.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.SubscribeResponse

EndUnsubscribe() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the Unsubscribe operation.
public EndUnsubscribe ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.UnsubscribeResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginUnsubscribe.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.UnsubscribeResponse

FindTopic() публичный Метод

Finds an existing Amazon SNS topic by iterating all SNS topics until a match is found.

The ListTopics method is used to fetch upto 100 SNS topics at a time until a SNS topic with an TopicArn that matches topicName is found.

public FindTopic ( string topicName ) : Topic
topicName string The name of the topic find
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.Topic

FindTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Finds an existing Amazon SNS topic by iterating all SNS topics until a match is found asynchronously.

The ListTopics method is used to fetch upto 100 SNS topics at a time until a SNS topic with an TopicArn that matches topicName is found.

public FindTopicAsync ( string topicName ) : Task
topicName string The name of the topic find
Результат Task

GetEndpointAttributes() публичный Метод

Retrieves the endpoint attributes for a device on one of the supported push notification services, such as GCM and APNS. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public GetEndpointAttributes ( GetEndpointAttributesRequest request ) : GetEndpointAttributesResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetEndpointAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetEndpointAttributes service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetEndpointAttributesResponse

GetEndpointAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetEndpointAttributes operation.
public GetEndpointAttributesAsync ( GetEndpointAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetEndpointAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetEndpointAttributes operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

GetEndpointAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetEndpointAttributes operation.
public GetEndpointAttributesAsync ( GetEndpointAttributesRequest request, GetEndpointAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetEndpointAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetEndpointAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback GetEndpointAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

GetPlatformApplicationAttributes() публичный Метод

Retrieves the attributes of the platform application object for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public GetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request ) : GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetPlatformApplicationAttributes service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse

GetPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.
public GetPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync ( GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

GetPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.
public GetPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync ( GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request, GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback GetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

GetSMSAttributes() публичный Метод

Returns the settings for sending SMS messages from your account.

These settings are set with the SetSMSAttributes action.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds /// the limit for your account. ///
public GetSMSAttributes ( GetSMSAttributesRequest request ) : GetSMSAttributesResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetSMSAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetSMSAttributes service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetSMSAttributesResponse

GetSMSAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetSMSAttributes operation.
public GetSMSAttributesAsync ( GetSMSAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetSMSAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetSMSAttributes operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

GetSMSAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetSMSAttributes operation.
public GetSMSAttributesAsync ( GetSMSAttributesRequest request, GetSMSAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetSMSAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetSMSAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback GetSMSAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

GetSubscriptionAttributes() публичный Метод

Returns all of the properties of a subscription.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public GetSubscriptionAttributes ( GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request ) : GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetSubscriptionAttributes service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse

GetSubscriptionAttributes() публичный Метод

Returns all of the properties of a subscription.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public GetSubscriptionAttributes ( string subscriptionArn ) : GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse
subscriptionArn string The ARN of the subscription whose properties you want to get.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse

GetSubscriptionAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetSubscriptionAttributes operation.
public GetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetSubscriptionAttributes operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

GetSubscriptionAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Returns all of the properties of a subscription.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public GetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( string subscriptionArn, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
subscriptionArn string The ARN of the subscription whose properties you want to get.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

GetSubscriptionAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetSubscriptionAttributes operation.
public GetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request, GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetSubscriptionAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetSubscriptionAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

GetSubscriptionAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Returns all of the properties of a subscription.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public GetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( string subscriptionArn, GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
subscriptionArn string The ARN of the subscription whose properties you want to get.
callback GetSubscriptionAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

GetTopicAttributes() публичный Метод

Returns all of the properties of a topic. Topic properties returned might differ based on the authorization of the user.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public GetTopicAttributes ( GetTopicAttributesRequest request ) : GetTopicAttributesResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetTopicAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetTopicAttributes service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetTopicAttributesResponse

GetTopicAttributes() публичный Метод

Returns all of the properties of a topic. Topic properties returned might differ based on the authorization of the user.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public GetTopicAttributes ( string topicArn ) : GetTopicAttributesResponse
topicArn string The ARN of the topic whose properties you want to get.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetTopicAttributesResponse

GetTopicAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetTopicAttributes operation.
public GetTopicAttributesAsync ( GetTopicAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetTopicAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetTopicAttributes operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

GetTopicAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Returns all of the properties of a topic. Topic properties returned might differ based on the authorization of the user.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public GetTopicAttributesAsync ( string topicArn, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
topicArn string The ARN of the topic whose properties you want to get.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

GetTopicAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the GetTopicAttributes operation.
public GetTopicAttributesAsync ( GetTopicAttributesRequest request, GetTopicAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.GetTopicAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the GetTopicAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback GetTopicAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

GetTopicAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Returns all of the properties of a topic. Topic properties returned might differ based on the authorization of the user.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public GetTopicAttributesAsync ( string topicArn, GetTopicAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
topicArn string The ARN of the topic whose properties you want to get.
callback GetTopicAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication() публичный Метод

Lists the endpoints and endpoint attributes for devices in a supported push notification service, such as GCM and APNS. The results for ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication are paginated and return a limited list of endpoints, up to 100. If additional records are available after the first page results, then a NextToken string will be returned. To receive the next page, you call ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication again using the NextToken string received from the previous call. When there are no more records to return, NextToken will be null. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication ( ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest request ) : ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse

ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication operation.
public ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationAsync ( ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication operation.
public ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationAsync ( ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest request, ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListEndpointsByPlatformApplication operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback ListEndpointsByPlatformApplicationResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut() публичный Метод

Returns a list of phone numbers that are opted out, meaning you cannot send SMS messages to them.

The results for ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut are paginated, and each page returns up to 100 phone numbers. If additional phone numbers are available after the first page of results, then a NextToken string will be returned. To receive the next page, you call ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut again using the NextToken string received from the previous call. When there are no more records to return, NextToken will be null.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds /// the limit for your account. ///
public ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut ( ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutRequest request ) : ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutResponse

ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut operation.
public ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutAsync ( ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut operation.
public ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutAsync ( ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutRequest request, ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListPhoneNumbersOptedOut operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback ListPhoneNumbersOptedOutResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

ListPlatformApplications() публичный Метод

Lists the platform application objects for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM. The results for ListPlatformApplications are paginated and return a limited list of applications, up to 100. If additional records are available after the first page results, then a NextToken string will be returned. To receive the next page, you call ListPlatformApplications using the NextToken string received from the previous call. When there are no more records to return, NextToken will be null. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListPlatformApplications ( ) : ListPlatformApplicationsResponse
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListPlatformApplicationsResponse

ListPlatformApplications() публичный Метод

Lists the platform application objects for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM. The results for ListPlatformApplications are paginated and return a limited list of applications, up to 100. If additional records are available after the first page results, then a NextToken string will be returned. To receive the next page, you call ListPlatformApplications using the NextToken string received from the previous call. When there are no more records to return, NextToken will be null. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListPlatformApplications ( ListPlatformApplicationsRequest request ) : ListPlatformApplicationsResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListPlatformApplicationsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListPlatformApplications service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListPlatformApplicationsResponse

ListPlatformApplicationsAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListPlatformApplications operation.
public ListPlatformApplicationsAsync ( ListPlatformApplicationsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListPlatformApplicationsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListPlatformApplications operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ListPlatformApplicationsAsync() публичный Метод

Lists the platform application objects for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM. The results for ListPlatformApplications are paginated and return a limited list of applications, up to 100. If additional records are available after the first page results, then a NextToken string will be returned. To receive the next page, you call ListPlatformApplications using the NextToken string received from the previous call. When there are no more records to return, NextToken will be null. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListPlatformApplicationsAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ListPlatformApplicationsAsync() публичный Метод

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListPlatformApplicationsAsync ( ListPlatformApplicationsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
callback ListPlatformApplicationsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

ListPlatformApplicationsAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListPlatformApplications operation.
public ListPlatformApplicationsAsync ( ListPlatformApplicationsRequest request, ListPlatformApplicationsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListPlatformApplicationsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListPlatformApplications operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback ListPlatformApplicationsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

ListSubscriptions() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListSubscriptions ( ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsResponse
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsResponse

ListSubscriptions() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListSubscriptions ( ListSubscriptionsRequest request ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListSubscriptions service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsResponse

ListSubscriptions() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListSubscriptions ( string nextToken ) : Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsResponse
nextToken string Token returned by the previous ListSubscriptions request.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsResponse

ListSubscriptionsAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptions operation.
public ListSubscriptionsAsync ( ListSubscriptionsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListSubscriptions operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ListSubscriptionsAsync() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListSubscriptionsAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ListSubscriptionsAsync() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListSubscriptionsAsync ( string nextToken, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
nextToken string Token returned by the previous ListSubscriptions request.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ListSubscriptionsAsync() публичный Метод

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListSubscriptionsAsync ( ListSubscriptionsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
callback ListSubscriptionsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

ListSubscriptionsAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptions operation.
public ListSubscriptionsAsync ( ListSubscriptionsRequest request, ListSubscriptionsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListSubscriptions operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback ListSubscriptionsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

ListSubscriptionsAsync() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the requester's subscriptions. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptions call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListSubscriptionsAsync ( string nextToken, ListSubscriptionsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
nextToken string Token returned by the previous ListSubscriptions request.
callback ListSubscriptionsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

ListSubscriptionsByTopic() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public ListSubscriptionsByTopic ( ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest request ) : ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListSubscriptionsByTopic service method.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse

ListSubscriptionsByTopic() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public ListSubscriptionsByTopic ( string topicArn ) : ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse
topicArn string The ARN of the topic for which you wish to find subscriptions.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse

ListSubscriptionsByTopic() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public ListSubscriptionsByTopic ( string topicArn, string nextToken ) : ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse
topicArn string The ARN of the topic for which you wish to find subscriptions.
nextToken string Token returned by the previous ListSubscriptionsByTopic request.
Результат Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse

ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptionsByTopic operation.
public ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync ( ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListSubscriptionsByTopic operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync ( string topicArn, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
topicArn string The ARN of the topic for which you wish to find subscriptions.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync ( string topicArn, string nextToken, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
topicArn string The ARN of the topic for which you wish to find subscriptions.
nextToken string Token returned by the previous ListSubscriptionsByTopic request.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListSubscriptionsByTopic operation.
public ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync ( ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest request, ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.Model.ListSubscriptionsByTopicRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListSubscriptionsByTopic operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options Amazon.Runtime.AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync ( string topicArn, ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
topicArn string The ARN of the topic for which you wish to find subscriptions.
callback ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the subscriptions to a specific topic. Each call returns a limited list of subscriptions, up to 100. If there are more subscriptions, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListSubscriptionsByTopic call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public ListSubscriptionsByTopicAsync ( string topicArn, string nextToken, ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
topicArn string The ARN of the topic for which you wish to find subscriptions.
nextToken string Token returned by the previous ListSubscriptionsByTopic request.
callback ListSubscriptionsByTopicResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

ListTopics() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the requester's topics. Each call returns a limited list of topics, up to 100. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListTopics call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListTopics ( ) : ListTopicsResponse
Результат ListTopicsResponse

ListTopics() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the requester's topics. Each call returns a limited list of topics, up to 100. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListTopics call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListTopics ( ListTopicsRequest request ) : ListTopicsResponse
request ListTopicsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListTopics service method.
Результат ListTopicsResponse

ListTopics() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the requester's topics. Each call returns a limited list of topics, up to 100. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListTopics call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListTopics ( string nextToken ) : ListTopicsResponse
nextToken string Token returned by the previous ListTopics request.
Результат ListTopicsResponse

ListTopicsAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListTopics operation.
public ListTopicsAsync ( ListTopicsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request ListTopicsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListTopics operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ListTopicsAsync() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the requester's topics. Each call returns a limited list of topics, up to 100. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListTopics call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListTopicsAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ListTopicsAsync() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the requester's topics. Each call returns a limited list of topics, up to 100. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListTopics call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListTopicsAsync ( string nextToken, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
nextToken string Token returned by the previous ListTopics request.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ListTopicsAsync() публичный Метод

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListTopicsAsync ( ListTopicsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
callback ListTopicsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback
options AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

ListTopicsAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ListTopics operation.
public ListTopicsAsync ( ListTopicsRequest request, ListTopicsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request ListTopicsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ListTopics operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback ListTopicsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

ListTopicsAsync() публичный Метод

Returns a list of the requester's topics. Each call returns a limited list of topics, up to 100. If there are more topics, a NextToken is also returned. Use the NextToken parameter in a new ListTopics call to get further results.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. ///
public ListTopicsAsync ( string nextToken, ListTopicsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
nextToken string Token returned by the previous ListTopics request.
callback ListTopicsResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

OptInPhoneNumber() публичный Метод

Use this request to opt in a phone number that is opted out, which enables you to resume sending SMS messages to the number.

You can opt in a phone number only once every 30 days.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds /// the limit for your account. ///
public OptInPhoneNumber ( OptInPhoneNumberRequest request ) : OptInPhoneNumberResponse
request OptInPhoneNumberRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the OptInPhoneNumber service method.
Результат OptInPhoneNumberResponse

OptInPhoneNumberAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the OptInPhoneNumber operation.
public OptInPhoneNumberAsync ( OptInPhoneNumberRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request OptInPhoneNumberRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the OptInPhoneNumber operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

OptInPhoneNumberAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the OptInPhoneNumber operation.
public OptInPhoneNumberAsync ( OptInPhoneNumberRequest request, OptInPhoneNumberResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request OptInPhoneNumberRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the OptInPhoneNumber operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback OptInPhoneNumberResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

Publish() публичный Метод

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Exception error indicating endpoint disabled. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Exception error indicating platform application disabled. ///
public Publish ( PublishRequest request ) : PublishResponse
request PublishRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the Publish service method.
Результат PublishResponse

Publish() публичный Метод

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Exception error indicating endpoint disabled. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Exception error indicating platform application disabled. ///
public Publish ( string topicArn, string message ) : PublishResponse
topicArn string The topic you want to publish to. If you don't specify a value for the TopicArn parameter, you must specify a value for the PhoneNumber or TargetArn parameters.
message string The message you want to send to the topic. If you want to send the same message to all transport protocols, include the text of the message as a String value. If you want to send different messages for each transport protocol, set the value of the MessageStructure parameter to json and use a JSON object for the Message parameter. Constraints: Messages must be UTF-8 encoded strings at most 256 KB in size (262144 bytes, not 262144 characters). JSON-specific constraints:
  • Keys in the JSON object that correspond to supported transport protocols must have simple JSON string values.
  • The values will be parsed (unescaped) before they are used in outgoing messages.
  • Outbound notifications are JSON encoded (meaning that the characters will be reescaped for sending).
  • Values have a minimum length of 0 (the empty string, "", is allowed).
  • Values have a maximum length bounded by the overall message size (so, including multiple protocols may limit message sizes).
  • Non-string values will cause the key to be ignored.
  • Keys that do not correspond to supported transport protocols are ignored.
  • Duplicate keys are not allowed.
  • Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message will cause the Publish call to return an error (no partial delivery).
Результат PublishResponse

Publish() публичный Метод

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Exception error indicating endpoint disabled. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Exception error indicating platform application disabled. ///
public Publish ( string topicArn, string message, string subject ) : PublishResponse
topicArn string The topic you want to publish to. If you don't specify a value for the TopicArn parameter, you must specify a value for the PhoneNumber or TargetArn parameters.
message string The message you want to send to the topic. If you want to send the same message to all transport protocols, include the text of the message as a String value. If you want to send different messages for each transport protocol, set the value of the MessageStructure parameter to json and use a JSON object for the Message parameter. Constraints: Messages must be UTF-8 encoded strings at most 256 KB in size (262144 bytes, not 262144 characters). JSON-specific constraints:
  • Keys in the JSON object that correspond to supported transport protocols must have simple JSON string values.
  • The values will be parsed (unescaped) before they are used in outgoing messages.
  • Outbound notifications are JSON encoded (meaning that the characters will be reescaped for sending).
  • Values have a minimum length of 0 (the empty string, "", is allowed).
  • Values have a maximum length bounded by the overall message size (so, including multiple protocols may limit message sizes).
  • Non-string values will cause the key to be ignored.
  • Keys that do not correspond to supported transport protocols are ignored.
  • Duplicate keys are not allowed.
  • Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message will cause the Publish call to return an error (no partial delivery).
subject string Optional parameter to be used as the "Subject" line when the message is delivered to email endpoints. This field will also be included, if present, in the standard JSON messages delivered to other endpoints. Constraints: Subjects must be ASCII text that begins with a letter, number, or punctuation mark; must not include line breaks or control characters; and must be less than 100 characters long.
Результат PublishResponse

PublishAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Publish operation.
public PublishAsync ( PublishRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request PublishRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the Publish operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

PublishAsync() публичный Метод

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Exception error indicating endpoint disabled. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Exception error indicating platform application disabled. ///
public PublishAsync ( string topicArn, string message, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
topicArn string The topic you want to publish to. If you don't specify a value for the TopicArn parameter, you must specify a value for the PhoneNumber or TargetArn parameters.
message string The message you want to send to the topic. If you want to send the same message to all transport protocols, include the text of the message as a String value. If you want to send different messages for each transport protocol, set the value of the MessageStructure parameter to json and use a JSON object for the Message parameter. Constraints: Messages must be UTF-8 encoded strings at most 256 KB in size (262144 bytes, not 262144 characters). JSON-specific constraints:
  • Keys in the JSON object that correspond to supported transport protocols must have simple JSON string values.
  • The values will be parsed (unescaped) before they are used in outgoing messages.
  • Outbound notifications are JSON encoded (meaning that the characters will be reescaped for sending).
  • Values have a minimum length of 0 (the empty string, "", is allowed).
  • Values have a maximum length bounded by the overall message size (so, including multiple protocols may limit message sizes).
  • Non-string values will cause the key to be ignored.
  • Keys that do not correspond to supported transport protocols are ignored.
  • Duplicate keys are not allowed.
  • Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message will cause the Publish call to return an error (no partial delivery).
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

PublishAsync() публичный Метод

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Exception error indicating endpoint disabled. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Exception error indicating platform application disabled. ///
public PublishAsync ( string topicArn, string message, string subject, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
topicArn string The topic you want to publish to. If you don't specify a value for the TopicArn parameter, you must specify a value for the PhoneNumber or TargetArn parameters.
message string The message you want to send to the topic. If you want to send the same message to all transport protocols, include the text of the message as a String value. If you want to send different messages for each transport protocol, set the value of the MessageStructure parameter to json and use a JSON object for the Message parameter. Constraints: Messages must be UTF-8 encoded strings at most 256 KB in size (262144 bytes, not 262144 characters). JSON-specific constraints:
  • Keys in the JSON object that correspond to supported transport protocols must have simple JSON string values.
  • The values will be parsed (unescaped) before they are used in outgoing messages.
  • Outbound notifications are JSON encoded (meaning that the characters will be reescaped for sending).
  • Values have a minimum length of 0 (the empty string, "", is allowed).
  • Values have a maximum length bounded by the overall message size (so, including multiple protocols may limit message sizes).
  • Non-string values will cause the key to be ignored.
  • Keys that do not correspond to supported transport protocols are ignored.
  • Duplicate keys are not allowed.
  • Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message will cause the Publish call to return an error (no partial delivery).
subject string Optional parameter to be used as the "Subject" line when the message is delivered to email endpoints. This field will also be included, if present, in the standard JSON messages delivered to other endpoints. Constraints: Subjects must be ASCII text that begins with a letter, number, or punctuation mark; must not include line breaks or control characters; and must be less than 100 characters long.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

PublishAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Publish operation.
public PublishAsync ( PublishRequest request, PublishResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request PublishRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the Publish operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback PublishResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

PublishAsync() публичный Метод

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Exception error indicating endpoint disabled. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Exception error indicating platform application disabled. ///
public PublishAsync ( string topicArn, string message, PublishResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
topicArn string The topic you want to publish to. If you don't specify a value for the TopicArn parameter, you must specify a value for the PhoneNumber or TargetArn parameters.
message string The message you want to send to the topic. If you want to send the same message to all transport protocols, include the text of the message as a String value. If you want to send different messages for each transport protocol, set the value of the MessageStructure parameter to json and use a JSON object for the Message parameter. Constraints: Messages must be UTF-8 encoded strings at most 256 KB in size (262144 bytes, not 262144 characters). JSON-specific constraints:
  • Keys in the JSON object that correspond to supported transport protocols must have simple JSON string values.
  • The values will be parsed (unescaped) before they are used in outgoing messages.
  • Outbound notifications are JSON encoded (meaning that the characters will be reescaped for sending).
  • Values have a minimum length of 0 (the empty string, "", is allowed).
  • Values have a maximum length bounded by the overall message size (so, including multiple protocols may limit message sizes).
  • Non-string values will cause the key to be ignored.
  • Keys that do not correspond to supported transport protocols are ignored.
  • Duplicate keys are not allowed.
  • Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message will cause the Publish call to return an error (no partial delivery).
callback PublishResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

PublishAsync() публичный Метод

Sends a message to all of a topic's subscribed endpoints. When a messageId is returned, the message has been saved and Amazon SNS will attempt to deliver it to the topic's subscribers shortly. The format of the outgoing message to each subscribed endpoint depends on the notification protocol.

To use the Publish action for sending a message to a mobile endpoint, such as an app on a Kindle device or mobile phone, you must specify the EndpointArn for the TargetArn parameter. The EndpointArn is returned when making a call with the CreatePlatformEndpoint action.

For more information about formatting messages, see Send Custom Platform-Specific Payloads in Messages to Mobile Devices.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Exception error indicating endpoint disabled. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Exception error indicating platform application disabled. ///
public PublishAsync ( string topicArn, string message, string subject, PublishResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
topicArn string The topic you want to publish to. If you don't specify a value for the TopicArn parameter, you must specify a value for the PhoneNumber or TargetArn parameters.
message string The message you want to send to the topic. If you want to send the same message to all transport protocols, include the text of the message as a String value. If you want to send different messages for each transport protocol, set the value of the MessageStructure parameter to json and use a JSON object for the Message parameter. Constraints: Messages must be UTF-8 encoded strings at most 256 KB in size (262144 bytes, not 262144 characters). JSON-specific constraints:
  • Keys in the JSON object that correspond to supported transport protocols must have simple JSON string values.
  • The values will be parsed (unescaped) before they are used in outgoing messages.
  • Outbound notifications are JSON encoded (meaning that the characters will be reescaped for sending).
  • Values have a minimum length of 0 (the empty string, "", is allowed).
  • Values have a maximum length bounded by the overall message size (so, including multiple protocols may limit message sizes).
  • Non-string values will cause the key to be ignored.
  • Keys that do not correspond to supported transport protocols are ignored.
  • Duplicate keys are not allowed.
  • Failure to parse or validate any key or value in the message will cause the Publish call to return an error (no partial delivery).
subject string Optional parameter to be used as the "Subject" line when the message is delivered to email endpoints. This field will also be included, if present, in the standard JSON messages delivered to other endpoints. Constraints: Subjects must be ASCII text that begins with a letter, number, or punctuation mark; must not include line breaks or control characters; and must be less than 100 characters long.
callback PublishResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

RemovePermission() публичный Метод

Removes a statement from a topic's access control policy.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public RemovePermission ( RemovePermissionRequest request ) : RemovePermissionResponse
request RemovePermissionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the RemovePermission service method.
Результат RemovePermissionResponse

RemovePermission() публичный Метод

Removes a statement from a topic's access control policy.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public RemovePermission ( string topicArn, string label ) : RemovePermissionResponse
topicArn string The ARN of the topic whose access control policy you wish to modify.
label string The unique label of the statement you want to remove.
Результат RemovePermissionResponse

RemovePermissionAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the RemovePermission operation.
public RemovePermissionAsync ( RemovePermissionRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request RemovePermissionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the RemovePermission operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

RemovePermissionAsync() публичный Метод

Removes a statement from a topic's access control policy.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public RemovePermissionAsync ( string topicArn, string label, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
topicArn string The ARN of the topic whose access control policy you wish to modify.
label string The unique label of the statement you want to remove.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

RemovePermissionAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the RemovePermission operation.
public RemovePermissionAsync ( RemovePermissionRequest request, RemovePermissionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request RemovePermissionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the RemovePermission operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback RemovePermissionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

RemovePermissionAsync() публичный Метод

Removes a statement from a topic's access control policy.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public RemovePermissionAsync ( string topicArn, string label, RemovePermissionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
topicArn string The ARN of the topic whose access control policy you wish to modify.
label string The unique label of the statement you want to remove.
callback RemovePermissionResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

SetEndpointAttributes() публичный Метод

Sets the attributes for an endpoint for a device on one of the supported push notification services, such as GCM and APNS. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public SetEndpointAttributes ( SetEndpointAttributesRequest request ) : SetEndpointAttributesResponse
request SetEndpointAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetEndpointAttributes service method.
Результат SetEndpointAttributesResponse

SetEndpointAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetEndpointAttributes operation.
public SetEndpointAttributesAsync ( SetEndpointAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request SetEndpointAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetEndpointAttributes operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

SetEndpointAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetEndpointAttributes operation.
public SetEndpointAttributesAsync ( SetEndpointAttributesRequest request, SetEndpointAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request SetEndpointAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetEndpointAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback SetEndpointAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

SetPlatformApplicationAttributes() публичный Метод

Sets the attributes of the platform application object for the supported push notification services, such as APNS and GCM. For more information, see Using Amazon SNS Mobile Push Notifications. For information on configuring attributes for message delivery status, see Using Amazon SNS Application Attributes for Message Delivery Status.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public SetPlatformApplicationAttributes ( SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request ) : SetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse
request SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetPlatformApplicationAttributes service method.
Результат SetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse

SetPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.
public SetPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync ( SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

SetPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation.
public SetPlatformApplicationAttributesAsync ( SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest request, SetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request SetPlatformApplicationAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetPlatformApplicationAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback SetPlatformApplicationAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

SetSMSAttributes() публичный Метод

Use this request to set the default settings for sending SMS messages and receiving daily SMS usage reports.

You can override some of these settings for a single message when you use the Publish action with the MessageAttributes.entry.N parameter. For more information, see Sending an SMS Message in the Amazon SNS Developer Guide.

/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the rate at which requests have been submitted for this action exceeds /// the limit for your account. ///
public SetSMSAttributes ( SetSMSAttributesRequest request ) : SetSMSAttributesResponse
request SetSMSAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetSMSAttributes service method.
Результат SetSMSAttributesResponse

SetSMSAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetSMSAttributes operation.
public SetSMSAttributesAsync ( SetSMSAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request SetSMSAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetSMSAttributes operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

SetSMSAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetSMSAttributes operation.
public SetSMSAttributesAsync ( SetSMSAttributesRequest request, SetSMSAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request SetSMSAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetSMSAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback SetSMSAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

SetSubscriptionAttributes() публичный Метод

Allows a subscription owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public SetSubscriptionAttributes ( SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request ) : SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse
request SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetSubscriptionAttributes service method.
Результат SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse

SetSubscriptionAttributes() публичный Метод

Allows a subscription owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public SetSubscriptionAttributes ( string subscriptionArn, string attributeName, string attributeValue ) : SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse
subscriptionArn string The ARN of the subscription to modify.
attributeName string The name of the attribute you want to set. Only a subset of the subscriptions attributes are mutable. Valid values: DeliveryPolicy | RawMessageDelivery
attributeValue string The new value for the attribute in JSON format.
Результат SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse

SetSubscriptionAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetSubscriptionAttributes operation.
public SetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetSubscriptionAttributes operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

SetSubscriptionAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Allows a subscription owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public SetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( string subscriptionArn, string attributeName, string attributeValue, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
subscriptionArn string The ARN of the subscription to modify.
attributeName string The name of the attribute you want to set. Only a subset of the subscriptions attributes are mutable. Valid values: DeliveryPolicy | RawMessageDelivery
attributeValue string The new value for the attribute in JSON format.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

SetSubscriptionAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetSubscriptionAttributes operation.
public SetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest request, SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request SetSubscriptionAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetSubscriptionAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

SetSubscriptionAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Allows a subscription owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public SetSubscriptionAttributesAsync ( string subscriptionArn, string attributeName, string attributeValue, SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
subscriptionArn string The ARN of the subscription to modify.
attributeName string The name of the attribute you want to set. Only a subset of the subscriptions attributes are mutable. Valid values: DeliveryPolicy | RawMessageDelivery
attributeValue string The new value for the attribute in JSON format.
callback SetSubscriptionAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

SetTopicAttributes() публичный Метод

Allows a topic owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public SetTopicAttributes ( SetTopicAttributesRequest request ) : SetTopicAttributesResponse
request SetTopicAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetTopicAttributes service method.
Результат SetTopicAttributesResponse

SetTopicAttributes() публичный Метод

Allows a topic owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public SetTopicAttributes ( string topicArn, string attributeName, string attributeValue ) : SetTopicAttributesResponse
topicArn string The ARN of the topic to modify.
attributeName string The name of the attribute you want to set. Only a subset of the topic's attributes are mutable. Valid values: Policy | DisplayName | DeliveryPolicy
attributeValue string The new value for the attribute.
Результат SetTopicAttributesResponse

SetTopicAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetTopicAttributes operation.
public SetTopicAttributesAsync ( SetTopicAttributesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request SetTopicAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetTopicAttributes operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

SetTopicAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Allows a topic owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public SetTopicAttributesAsync ( string topicArn, string attributeName, string attributeValue, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
topicArn string The ARN of the topic to modify.
attributeName string The name of the attribute you want to set. Only a subset of the topic's attributes are mutable. Valid values: Policy | DisplayName | DeliveryPolicy
attributeValue string The new value for the attribute.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

SetTopicAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the SetTopicAttributes operation.
public SetTopicAttributesAsync ( SetTopicAttributesRequest request, SetTopicAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request SetTopicAttributesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the SetTopicAttributes operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback SetTopicAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

SetTopicAttributesAsync() публичный Метод

Allows a topic owner to set an attribute of the topic to a new value.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public SetTopicAttributesAsync ( string topicArn, string attributeName, string attributeValue, SetTopicAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
topicArn string The ARN of the topic to modify.
attributeName string The name of the attribute you want to set. Only a subset of the topic's attributes are mutable. Valid values: Policy | DisplayName | DeliveryPolicy
attributeValue string The new value for the attribute.
callback SetTopicAttributesResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

Subscribe() публичный Метод

Prepares to subscribe an endpoint by sending the endpoint a confirmation message. To actually create a subscription, the endpoint owner must call the ConfirmSubscription action with the token from the confirmation message. Confirmation tokens are valid for three days.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions. ///
public Subscribe ( SubscribeRequest request ) : SubscribeResponse
request SubscribeRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the Subscribe service method.
Результат SubscribeResponse

Subscribe() публичный Метод

Prepares to subscribe an endpoint by sending the endpoint a confirmation message. To actually create a subscription, the endpoint owner must call the ConfirmSubscription action with the token from the confirmation message. Confirmation tokens are valid for three days.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions. ///
public Subscribe ( string topicArn, string protocol, string endpoint ) : SubscribeResponse
topicArn string The ARN of the topic you want to subscribe to.
protocol string The protocol you want to use. Supported protocols include:
  • http -- delivery of JSON-encoded message via HTTP POST
  • https -- delivery of JSON-encoded message via HTTPS POST
  • email -- delivery of message via SMTP
  • email-json -- delivery of JSON-encoded message via SMTP
  • sms -- delivery of message via SMS
  • sqs -- delivery of JSON-encoded message to an Amazon SQS queue
  • application -- delivery of JSON-encoded message to an EndpointArn for a mobile app and device.
  • lambda -- delivery of JSON-encoded message to an AWS Lambda function.
endpoint string The endpoint that you want to receive notifications. Endpoints vary by protocol:
  • For the http protocol, the endpoint is an URL beginning with "http://"
  • For the https protocol, the endpoint is a URL beginning with "https://"
  • For the email protocol, the endpoint is an email address
  • For the email-json protocol, the endpoint is an email address
  • For the sms protocol, the endpoint is a phone number of an SMS-enabled device
  • For the sqs protocol, the endpoint is the ARN of an Amazon SQS queue
  • For the application protocol, the endpoint is the EndpointArn of a mobile app and device.
  • For the lambda protocol, the endpoint is the ARN of an AWS Lambda function.
Результат SubscribeResponse

SubscribeAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Subscribe operation.
public SubscribeAsync ( SubscribeRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request SubscribeRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the Subscribe operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

SubscribeAsync() публичный Метод

Prepares to subscribe an endpoint by sending the endpoint a confirmation message. To actually create a subscription, the endpoint owner must call the ConfirmSubscription action with the token from the confirmation message. Confirmation tokens are valid for three days.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions. ///
public SubscribeAsync ( string topicArn, string protocol, string endpoint, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
topicArn string The ARN of the topic you want to subscribe to.
protocol string The protocol you want to use. Supported protocols include:
  • http -- delivery of JSON-encoded message via HTTP POST
  • https -- delivery of JSON-encoded message via HTTPS POST
  • email -- delivery of message via SMTP
  • email-json -- delivery of JSON-encoded message via SMTP
  • sms -- delivery of message via SMS
  • sqs -- delivery of JSON-encoded message to an Amazon SQS queue
  • application -- delivery of JSON-encoded message to an EndpointArn for a mobile app and device.
  • lambda -- delivery of JSON-encoded message to an AWS Lambda function.
endpoint string The endpoint that you want to receive notifications. Endpoints vary by protocol:
  • For the http protocol, the endpoint is an URL beginning with "http://"
  • For the https protocol, the endpoint is a URL beginning with "https://"
  • For the email protocol, the endpoint is an email address
  • For the email-json protocol, the endpoint is an email address
  • For the sms protocol, the endpoint is a phone number of an SMS-enabled device
  • For the sqs protocol, the endpoint is the ARN of an Amazon SQS queue
  • For the application protocol, the endpoint is the EndpointArn of a mobile app and device.
  • For the lambda protocol, the endpoint is the ARN of an AWS Lambda function.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

SubscribeAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Subscribe operation.
public SubscribeAsync ( SubscribeRequest request, SubscribeResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request SubscribeRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the Subscribe operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback SubscribeResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

SubscribeAsync() публичный Метод

Prepares to subscribe an endpoint by sending the endpoint a confirmation message. To actually create a subscription, the endpoint owner must call the ConfirmSubscription action with the token from the confirmation message. Confirmation tokens are valid for three days.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. /// /// Indicates that the customer already owns the maximum allowed number of subscriptions. ///
public SubscribeAsync ( string topicArn, string protocol, string endpoint, SubscribeResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
topicArn string The ARN of the topic you want to subscribe to.
protocol string The protocol you want to use. Supported protocols include:
  • http -- delivery of JSON-encoded message via HTTP POST
  • https -- delivery of JSON-encoded message via HTTPS POST
  • email -- delivery of message via SMTP
  • email-json -- delivery of JSON-encoded message via SMTP
  • sms -- delivery of message via SMS
  • sqs -- delivery of JSON-encoded message to an Amazon SQS queue
  • application -- delivery of JSON-encoded message to an EndpointArn for a mobile app and device.
  • lambda -- delivery of JSON-encoded message to an AWS Lambda function.
endpoint string The endpoint that you want to receive notifications. Endpoints vary by protocol:
  • For the http protocol, the endpoint is an URL beginning with "http://"
  • For the https protocol, the endpoint is a URL beginning with "https://"
  • For the email protocol, the endpoint is an email address
  • For the email-json protocol, the endpoint is an email address
  • For the sms protocol, the endpoint is a phone number of an SMS-enabled device
  • For the sqs protocol, the endpoint is the ARN of an Amazon SQS queue
  • For the application protocol, the endpoint is the EndpointArn of a mobile app and device.
  • For the lambda protocol, the endpoint is the ARN of an AWS Lambda function.
callback SubscribeResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void

SubscribeQueue() публичный Метод

Subscribes an existing Amazon SQS queue to an existing Amazon SNS topic.

The policy applied to the SQS queue is similar to this: { "Version" : "2008-10-17", "Statement" : [{ "Sid" : "topic-subscription-arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : "*", "Action" : ["sqs:SendMessage"], "Resource":["arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:599109622955:myQueue"], "Condition" : { "ArnLike":{ "aws:SourceArn":["arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic"] } } }] }

There might be a small time period immediately after subscribing the SQS queue to the SNS topic and updating the SQS queue's policy, where messages are not able to be delivered to the queue. After a moment, the new queue policy will propagate and the queue will be able to receive messages. This delay only occurs immediately after initially subscribing the queue.

public SubscribeQueue ( string topicArn, ICoreAmazonSQS sqsClient, string sqsQueueUrl ) : string
topicArn string The topic to subscribe to
sqsClient ICoreAmazonSQS The SQS client used to get attributes and set the policy on the SQS queue.
sqsQueueUrl string The queue to add a subscription to.
Результат string

SubscribeQueueAsync() публичный Метод

Subscribes an existing Amazon SQS queue to an existing Amazon SNS topic asynchronously.

The policy applied to the SQS queue is similar to this: { "Version" : "2008-10-17", "Statement" : [{ "Sid" : "topic-subscription-arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : "*", "Action" : ["sqs:SendMessage"], "Resource":["arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:599109622955:myQueue"], "Condition" : { "ArnLike":{ "aws:SourceArn":["arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic"] } } }] }

There might be a small time period immediately after subscribing the SQS queue to the SNS topic and updating the SQS queue's policy, where messages are not able to be delivered to the queue. After a moment, the new queue policy will propagate and the queue will be able to receive messages. This delay only occurs immediately after initially subscribing the queue.

public SubscribeQueueAsync ( string topicArn, ICoreAmazonSQS sqsClient, string sqsQueueUrl ) : Task
topicArn string The topic to subscribe to
sqsClient ICoreAmazonSQS The SQS client used to get attributes and set the policy on the SQS queue.
sqsQueueUrl string The queue to add a subscription to.
Результат Task

SubscribeQueueToTopics() публичный Метод

Subscribes an existing Amazon SQS queue to existing Amazon SNS topics.

The policy applied to the SQS queue is similar to this: { "Version" : "2008-10-17", "Statement" : [{ "Sid" : "topic-subscription-arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : "*", "Action" : ["sqs:SendMessage"], "Resource":["arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:599109622955:myQueue"], "Condition" : { "ArnLike":{ "aws:SourceArn":["arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic"] } } }] }

There might be a small time period immediately after subscribing the SQS queue to the SNS topic and updating the SQS queue's policy, where messages are not able to be delivered to the queue. After a moment, the new queue policy will propagate and the queue will be able to receive messages. This delay only occurs immediately after initially subscribing the queue.

public SubscribeQueueToTopics ( IList topicArns, ICoreAmazonSQS sqsClient, string sqsQueueUrl ) : string>.IDictionary
topicArns IList The topics to subscribe to
sqsClient ICoreAmazonSQS The SQS client used to get attributes and set the policy on the SQS queue.
sqsQueueUrl string The queue to add a subscription to.
Результат string>.IDictionary

SubscribeQueueToTopicsAsync() публичный Метод

Subscribes an existing Amazon SQS queue to existing Amazon SNS topics asynchronously.

The policy applied to the SQS queue is similar to this: { "Version" : "2008-10-17", "Statement" : [{ "Sid" : "topic-subscription-arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic", "Effect" : "Allow", "Principal" : "*", "Action" : ["sqs:SendMessage"], "Resource":["arn:aws:sqs:us-west-2:599109622955:myQueue"], "Condition" : { "ArnLike":{ "aws:SourceArn":["arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:599109622955:myTopic"] } } }] }

There might be a small time period immediately after subscribing the SQS queue to the SNS topic and updating the SQS queue's policy, where messages are not able to be delivered to the queue. After a moment, the new queue policy will propagate and the queue will be able to receive messages. This delay only occurs immediately after initially subscribing the queue.

public SubscribeQueueToTopicsAsync ( IList topicArns, ICoreAmazonSQS sqsClient, string sqsQueueUrl ) : string>>.Task
topicArns IList The topics to subscribe to
sqsClient ICoreAmazonSQS The SQS client used to get attributes and set the policy on the SQS queue.
sqsQueueUrl string The queue to add a subscription to.
Результат string>>.Task

Unsubscribe() публичный Метод

Deletes a subscription. If the subscription requires authentication for deletion, only the owner of the subscription or the topic's owner can unsubscribe, and an AWS signature is required. If the Unsubscribe call does not require authentication and the requester is not the subscription owner, a final cancellation message is delivered to the endpoint, so that the endpoint owner can easily resubscribe to the topic if the Unsubscribe request was unintended.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public Unsubscribe ( UnsubscribeRequest request ) : UnsubscribeResponse
request UnsubscribeRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the Unsubscribe service method.
Результат UnsubscribeResponse

Unsubscribe() публичный Метод

Deletes a subscription. If the subscription requires authentication for deletion, only the owner of the subscription or the topic's owner can unsubscribe, and an AWS signature is required. If the Unsubscribe call does not require authentication and the requester is not the subscription owner, a final cancellation message is delivered to the endpoint, so that the endpoint owner can easily resubscribe to the topic if the Unsubscribe request was unintended.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public Unsubscribe ( string subscriptionArn ) : UnsubscribeResponse
subscriptionArn string The ARN of the subscription to be deleted.
Результат UnsubscribeResponse

UnsubscribeAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Unsubscribe operation.
public UnsubscribeAsync ( UnsubscribeRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request UnsubscribeRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the Unsubscribe operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

UnsubscribeAsync() публичный Метод

Deletes a subscription. If the subscription requires authentication for deletion, only the owner of the subscription or the topic's owner can unsubscribe, and an AWS signature is required. If the Unsubscribe call does not require authentication and the requester is not the subscription owner, a final cancellation message is delivered to the endpoint, so that the endpoint owner can easily resubscribe to the topic if the Unsubscribe request was unintended.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public UnsubscribeAsync ( string subscriptionArn, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
subscriptionArn string The ARN of the subscription to be deleted.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

UnsubscribeAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the Unsubscribe operation.
public UnsubscribeAsync ( UnsubscribeRequest request, UnsubscribeResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
request UnsubscribeRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the Unsubscribe operation on AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceClient.
callback UnsubscribeResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат void

UnsubscribeAsync() публичный Метод

Deletes a subscription. If the subscription requires authentication for deletion, only the owner of the subscription or the topic's owner can unsubscribe, and an AWS signature is required. If the Unsubscribe call does not require authentication and the requester is not the subscription owner, a final cancellation message is delivered to the endpoint, so that the endpoint owner can easily resubscribe to the topic if the Unsubscribe request was unintended.
/// Indicates that the user has been denied access to the requested resource. /// /// Indicates an internal service error. /// /// Indicates that a request parameter does not comply with the associated constraints. /// /// Indicates that the requested resource does not exist. ///
public UnsubscribeAsync ( string subscriptionArn, UnsubscribeResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback callback, AsyncOptions options = null ) : void
subscriptionArn string The ARN of the subscription to be deleted.
callback UnsubscribeResponse>.AmazonServiceCallback An Action delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
options AsyncOptions /// A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property. ///
Результат void