C# Класс Amazon.S3.Model.Internal.MarshallTransformations.S3UnmarshallerContext

Specialized S3 unmarshaller context.
Наследование: Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Transform.XmlUnmarshallerContext
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Read ( ) : bool

Reads to the next node in the XML document, and updates the context accordingly. If node is RequestId, reads the contents and stores in RequestId property.

S3UnmarshallerContext ( Stream responseStream, bool maintainResponseBody, IWebResponseData responseData ) : Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Transform

Wrap an XmlTextReader with state for event-based parsing of an XML stream.

Описание методов

Read() публичный Метод

Reads to the next node in the XML document, and updates the context accordingly. If node is RequestId, reads the contents and stores in RequestId property.
public Read ( ) : bool
Результат bool

S3UnmarshallerContext() публичный Метод

Wrap an XmlTextReader with state for event-based parsing of an XML stream.
public S3UnmarshallerContext ( Stream responseStream, bool maintainResponseBody, IWebResponseData responseData ) : Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Transform
responseStream Stream Stream with the XML from a service response.
maintainResponseBody bool If set to true, maintains a copy of the complete response body as the stream is being read.
responseData IWebResponseData Response data coming back from the request
Результат Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Transform