C# Класс Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Util.WebProxy

Custom WebProxy implementation that creates a webproxy based on user inputs(Host name and port number)
Наследование: IWebProxy
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetProxy ( Uri destination ) : Uri

Getter to fetch the set proxy

IsBypassed ( Uri host ) : bool

Method to determine if the proxy should be bypassed when accessing an internet source

WebProxy ( Uri proxyUri ) : System

Set the ProxyUri

WebProxy ( string proxyUri ) : System
WebProxy ( string proxyHost, int proxyPort ) : System

Create a Uri based on the user inputs(Host name and port number)

Описание методов

GetProxy() публичный Метод

Getter to fetch the set proxy
public GetProxy ( Uri destination ) : Uri
destination System.Uri
Результат System.Uri

IsBypassed() публичный Метод

Method to determine if the proxy should be bypassed when accessing an internet source
public IsBypassed ( Uri host ) : bool
host System.Uri
Результат bool

WebProxy() публичный Метод

Set the ProxyUri
public WebProxy ( Uri proxyUri ) : System
proxyUri System.Uri
Результат System

WebProxy() публичный Метод

public WebProxy ( string proxyUri ) : System
proxyUri string
Результат System

WebProxy() публичный Метод

Create a Uri based on the user inputs(Host name and port number)
public WebProxy ( string proxyHost, int proxyPort ) : System
proxyHost string
proxyPort int
Результат System