C# Класс Amazon.OpsWorks.Model.WeeklyAutoScalingSchedule

Describes a time-based instance's Auto Scaling schedule. The schedule consists of a set of key-value pairs.

  • The key is the time period (a UTC hour) and must be an integer from 0 - 23.
  • The value indicates whether the instance should be on line or off line for the specified period, and must be set to "on" or "off"

The default setting for all time periods is off line, so you use the following parameters primarily to specify the on line periods. You don't have to explicitly specify off line periods unless you want to change an on line period to an off line period.

The following example specifies that the instance should be online for four hours, from UTC 1200 - 1600. It will be off for the remainder of the day.

{ "12":"on", "13":"on", "14":"on", "15":"on" }
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Метод Описание
IsSetFriday ( ) : bool
IsSetMonday ( ) : bool
IsSetSaturday ( ) : bool
IsSetSunday ( ) : bool
IsSetThursday ( ) : bool
IsSetTuesday ( ) : bool
IsSetWednesday ( ) : bool