C# Класс Amazon.ElasticTranscoder.Model.UpdatePipelineRequest

Container for the parameters to the UpdatePipeline operation.

Use the UpdatePipeline operation to update settings for a pipeline.

IMPORTANT:When you change pipeline settings, your changes take effect immediately. Jobs that you have already submitted and that Elastic Transcoder has not started to process are affected in addition to jobs that you submit after you change settings.

Наследование: AmazonElasticTranscoderRequest
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Приватные методы

Метод Описание
IsSetAwsKmsKeyArn ( ) : bool
IsSetContentConfig ( ) : bool
IsSetId ( ) : bool
IsSetInputBucket ( ) : bool
IsSetName ( ) : bool
IsSetNotifications ( ) : bool
IsSetRole ( ) : bool
IsSetThumbnailConfig ( ) : bool