C# Класс Amazon.ElasticTranscoder.Model.CreateJobRequest

Container for the parameters to the CreateJob operation.

When you create a job, Elastic Transcoder returns JSON data that includes the values that you specified plus information about the job that is created.

If you have specified more than one output for your jobs (for example, one output for the Kindle Fire and another output for the Apple iPhone 4s), you currently must use the Elastic Transcoder API to list the jobs (as opposed to the AWS Console).

Наследование: Amazon.Runtime.AmazonWebServiceRequest
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Приватные методы

Метод Описание
IsSetInput ( ) : bool
IsSetInputs ( ) : bool
IsSetOutput ( ) : bool
IsSetOutputKeyPrefix ( ) : bool
IsSetOutputs ( ) : bool
IsSetPipelineId ( ) : bool
IsSetPlaylists ( ) : bool
IsSetUserMetadata ( ) : bool