C# Класс Amazon.DirectConnect.AmazonDirectConnectClient

Implementation for accessing AmazonDirectConnect.

AWS Direct Connect makes it easy to establish a dedicated network connection from your premises to Amazon Web Services (AWS). Using AWS Direct Connect, you can establish private connectivity between AWS and your data center, office, or colocation environment, which in many cases can reduce your network costs, increase bandwidth throughput, and provide a more consistent network experience than Internet-based connections.

The AWS Direct Connect API Reference provides descriptions, syntax, and usage examples for each of the actions and data types for AWS Direct Connect. Use the following links to get started using the AWS Direct Connect API Reference :

  • Actions : An alphabetical list of all AWS Direct Connect actions.
  • Data Types : An alphabetical list of all AWS Direct Connect data types.
  • Common Query Parameters : Parameters that all Query actions can use.
  • Common Errors : Client and server errors that all actions can return.
Наследование: AmazonWebServiceClient, IAmazonDirectConnect
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect ( AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectRequest request ) : AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectResponse

Creates a hosted connection on an interconnect.

Allocates a VLAN number and a specified amount of bandwidth for use by a hosted connection on the given interconnect.

This is intended for use by AWS Direct Connect partners only.

AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectAsync ( AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect operation.

AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface ( AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse

Provisions a private virtual interface to be owned by a different customer.

The owner of a connection calls this function to provision a private virtual interface which will be owned by another AWS customer.

Virtual interfaces created using this function must be confirmed by the virtual interface owner by calling ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface. Until this step has been completed, the virtual interface will be in 'Confirming' state, and will not be available for handling traffic.

AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceAsync ( AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.

AllocatePublicVirtualInterface ( AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceResponse

Provisions a public virtual interface to be owned by a different customer.

The owner of a connection calls this function to provision a public virtual interface which will be owned by another AWS customer.

Virtual interfaces created using this function must be confirmed by the virtual interface owner by calling ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface. Until this step has been completed, the virtual interface will be in 'Confirming' state, and will not be available for handling traffic.

When creating an IPv6 public virtual interface (addressFamily is 'ipv6'), the customer and amazon address fields should be left blank to use auto-assigned IPv6 space. Custom IPv6 Addresses are currently not supported.

AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceAsync ( AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AllocatePublicVirtualInterface operation.

AmazonDirectConnectClient ( ) : System

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> </appSettings> </configuration>

AmazonDirectConnectClient ( AWSCredentials credentials ) : System

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Credentials

AmazonDirectConnectClient ( AWSCredentials credentials, AmazonDirectConnectConfig clientConfig ) : System

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Credentials and an AmazonDirectConnectClient Configuration object.

AmazonDirectConnectClient ( AWSCredentials credentials, RegionEndpoint region ) : System

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Credentials

AmazonDirectConnectClient ( AmazonDirectConnectConfig config ) : System

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> </appSettings> </configuration>

AmazonDirectConnectClient ( RegionEndpoint region ) : System

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> </appSettings> </configuration>

AmazonDirectConnectClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey ) : System

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key

AmazonDirectConnectClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, AmazonDirectConnectConfig clientConfig ) : System

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an AmazonDirectConnectClient Configuration object.

AmazonDirectConnectClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, RegionEndpoint region ) : System

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key

AmazonDirectConnectClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken ) : System

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key

AmazonDirectConnectClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken, AmazonDirectConnectConfig clientConfig ) : System

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an AmazonDirectConnectClient Configuration object.

AmazonDirectConnectClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken, RegionEndpoint region ) : System

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key

BeginAllocateConnectionOnInterconnect ( AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect operation.

BeginAllocatePrivateVirtualInterface ( AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.

BeginAllocatePublicVirtualInterface ( AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AllocatePublicVirtualInterface operation.

BeginConfirmConnection ( ConfirmConnectionRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmConnection operation.

BeginConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface ( ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface operation.

BeginConfirmPublicVirtualInterface ( ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface operation.

BeginCreateBGPPeer ( CreateBGPPeerRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateBGPPeer operation.

BeginCreateConnection ( CreateConnectionRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateConnection operation.

BeginCreateInterconnect ( CreateInterconnectRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateInterconnect operation.

BeginCreatePrivateVirtualInterface ( CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.

BeginCreatePublicVirtualInterface ( CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePublicVirtualInterface operation.

BeginDeleteBGPPeer ( DeleteBGPPeerRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBGPPeer operation.

BeginDeleteConnection ( DeleteConnectionRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteConnection operation.

BeginDeleteInterconnect ( DeleteInterconnectRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteInterconnect operation.

BeginDeleteVirtualInterface ( DeleteVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteVirtualInterface operation.

BeginDescribeConnectionLoa ( DescribeConnectionLoaRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnectionLoa operation.

BeginDescribeConnections ( DescribeConnectionsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnections operation.

BeginDescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect ( DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect operation.

BeginDescribeInterconnectLoa ( DescribeInterconnectLoaRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeInterconnectLoa operation.

BeginDescribeInterconnects ( DescribeInterconnectsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeInterconnects operation.

BeginDescribeLocations ( DescribeLocationsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeLocations operation.

BeginDescribeTags ( DescribeTagsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeTags operation.

BeginDescribeVirtualGateways ( DescribeVirtualGatewaysRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeVirtualGateways operation.

BeginDescribeVirtualInterfaces ( DescribeVirtualInterfacesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeVirtualInterfaces operation.

BeginTagResource ( TagResourceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the TagResource operation.

BeginUntagResource ( UntagResourceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UntagResource operation.

ConfirmConnection ( ConfirmConnectionRequest request ) : ConfirmConnectionResponse

Confirm the creation of a hosted connection on an interconnect.

Upon creation, the hosted connection is initially in the 'Ordering' state, and will remain in this state until the owner calls ConfirmConnection to confirm creation of the hosted connection.

ConfirmConnectionAsync ( ConfirmConnectionRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmConnection operation.

ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface ( ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse

Accept ownership of a private virtual interface created by another customer.

After the virtual interface owner calls this function, the virtual interface will be created and attached to the given virtual private gateway, and will be available for handling traffic.

ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceAsync ( ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface operation.

ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface ( ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse

Accept ownership of a public virtual interface created by another customer.

After the virtual interface owner calls this function, the specified virtual interface will be created and made available for handling traffic.

ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceAsync ( ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface operation.

CreateBGPPeer ( CreateBGPPeerRequest request ) : CreateBGPPeerResponse

Creates a new BGP peer on a specified virtual interface. The BGP peer cannot be in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6) of an existing BGP peer on the virtual interface.

You must create a BGP peer for the corresponding address family in order to access AWS resources that also use that address family.

When creating a IPv6 BGP peer, the Amazon address and customer address fields must be left blank. IPv6 addresses are automatically assigned from Amazon's pool of IPv6 addresses; you cannot specify custom IPv6 addresses.

For a public virtual interface, the Autonomous System Number (ASN) must be private or already whitelisted for the virtual interface.

CreateBGPPeerAsync ( CreateBGPPeerRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateBGPPeer operation.

CreateConnection ( CreateConnectionRequest request ) : CreateConnectionResponse

Creates a new connection between the customer network and a specific AWS Direct Connect location.

A connection links your internal network to an AWS Direct Connect location over a standard 1 gigabit or 10 gigabit Ethernet fiber-optic cable. One end of the cable is connected to your router, the other to an AWS Direct Connect router. An AWS Direct Connect location provides access to Amazon Web Services in the region it is associated with. You can establish connections with AWS Direct Connect locations in multiple regions, but a connection in one region does not provide connectivity to other regions.

CreateConnectionAsync ( CreateConnectionRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateConnection operation.

CreateInterconnect ( CreateInterconnectRequest request ) : CreateInterconnectResponse

Creates a new interconnect between a AWS Direct Connect partner's network and a specific AWS Direct Connect location.

An interconnect is a connection which is capable of hosting other connections. The AWS Direct Connect partner can use an interconnect to provide sub-1Gbps AWS Direct Connect service to tier 2 customers who do not have their own connections. Like a standard connection, an interconnect links the AWS Direct Connect partner's network to an AWS Direct Connect location over a standard 1 Gbps or 10 Gbps Ethernet fiber-optic cable. One end is connected to the partner's router, the other to an AWS Direct Connect router.

For each end customer, the AWS Direct Connect partner provisions a connection on their interconnect by calling AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect. The end customer can then connect to AWS resources by creating a virtual interface on their connection, using the VLAN assigned to them by the AWS Direct Connect partner.

This is intended for use by AWS Direct Connect partners only.

CreateInterconnectAsync ( CreateInterconnectRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateInterconnect operation.

CreatePrivateVirtualInterface ( CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse

Creates a new private virtual interface. A virtual interface is the VLAN that transports AWS Direct Connect traffic. A private virtual interface supports sending traffic to a single virtual private cloud (VPC).

CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceAsync ( CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.

CreatePublicVirtualInterface ( CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceResponse

Creates a new public virtual interface. A virtual interface is the VLAN that transports AWS Direct Connect traffic. A public virtual interface supports sending traffic to public services of AWS such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

When creating an IPv6 public virtual interface (addressFamily is 'ipv6'), the customer and amazon address fields should be left blank to use auto-assigned IPv6 space. Custom IPv6 Addresses are currently not supported.

CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceAsync ( CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePublicVirtualInterface operation.

DeleteBGPPeer ( DeleteBGPPeerRequest request ) : DeleteBGPPeerResponse

Deletes a BGP peer on the specified virtual interface that matches the specified customer address and ASN. You cannot delete the last BGP peer from a virtual interface.

DeleteBGPPeerAsync ( DeleteBGPPeerRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBGPPeer operation.

DeleteConnection ( DeleteConnectionRequest request ) : DeleteConnectionResponse

Deletes the connection.

Deleting a connection only stops the AWS Direct Connect port hour and data transfer charges. You need to cancel separately with the providers any services or charges for cross-connects or network circuits that connect you to the AWS Direct Connect location.

DeleteConnectionAsync ( DeleteConnectionRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteConnection operation.

DeleteInterconnect ( DeleteInterconnectRequest request ) : DeleteInterconnectResponse

Deletes the specified interconnect.

This is intended for use by AWS Direct Connect partners only.

DeleteInterconnectAsync ( DeleteInterconnectRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteInterconnect operation.

DeleteVirtualInterface ( DeleteVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : DeleteVirtualInterfaceResponse

Deletes a virtual interface.

DeleteVirtualInterfaceAsync ( DeleteVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteVirtualInterface operation.

DescribeConnectionLoa ( DescribeConnectionLoaRequest request ) : DescribeConnectionLoaResponse

Returns the LOA-CFA for a Connection.

The Letter of Authorization - Connecting Facility Assignment (LOA-CFA) is a document that your APN partner or service provider uses when establishing your cross connect to AWS at the colocation facility. For more information, see Requesting Cross Connects at AWS Direct Connect Locations in the AWS Direct Connect user guide.

DescribeConnectionLoaAsync ( DescribeConnectionLoaRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnectionLoa operation.

DescribeConnections ( ) : DescribeConnectionsResponse

Displays all connections in this region.

If a connection ID is provided, the call returns only that particular connection.

DescribeConnections ( DescribeConnectionsRequest request ) : DescribeConnectionsResponse

Displays all connections in this region.

If a connection ID is provided, the call returns only that particular connection.

DescribeConnectionsAsync ( DescribeConnectionsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnections operation.

DescribeConnectionsAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Displays all connections in this region.

If a connection ID is provided, the call returns only that particular connection.

DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect ( DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectRequest request ) : DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectResponse

Return a list of connections that have been provisioned on the given interconnect.

This is intended for use by AWS Direct Connect partners only.

DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectAsync ( DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect operation.

DescribeInterconnectLoa ( DescribeInterconnectLoaRequest request ) : DescribeInterconnectLoaResponse

Returns the LOA-CFA for an Interconnect.

The Letter of Authorization - Connecting Facility Assignment (LOA-CFA) is a document that is used when establishing your cross connect to AWS at the colocation facility. For more information, see Requesting Cross Connects at AWS Direct Connect Locations in the AWS Direct Connect user guide.

DescribeInterconnectLoaAsync ( DescribeInterconnectLoaRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeInterconnectLoa operation.

DescribeInterconnects ( ) : DescribeInterconnectsResponse

Returns a list of interconnects owned by the AWS account.

If an interconnect ID is provided, it will only return this particular interconnect.

DescribeInterconnects ( DescribeInterconnectsRequest request ) : DescribeInterconnectsResponse

Returns a list of interconnects owned by the AWS account.

If an interconnect ID is provided, it will only return this particular interconnect.

DescribeInterconnectsAsync ( DescribeInterconnectsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeInterconnects operation.

DescribeInterconnectsAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Returns a list of interconnects owned by the AWS account.

If an interconnect ID is provided, it will only return this particular interconnect.

DescribeLocations ( ) : DescribeLocationsResponse

Returns the list of AWS Direct Connect locations in the current AWS region. These are the locations that may be selected when calling CreateConnection or CreateInterconnect.

DescribeLocations ( DescribeLocationsRequest request ) : DescribeLocationsResponse

Returns the list of AWS Direct Connect locations in the current AWS region. These are the locations that may be selected when calling CreateConnection or CreateInterconnect.

DescribeLocationsAsync ( DescribeLocationsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeLocations operation.

DescribeLocationsAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Returns the list of AWS Direct Connect locations in the current AWS region. These are the locations that may be selected when calling CreateConnection or CreateInterconnect.

DescribeTags ( DescribeTagsRequest request ) : DescribeTagsResponse

Describes the tags associated with the specified Direct Connect resources.

DescribeTagsAsync ( DescribeTagsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeTags operation.

DescribeVirtualGateways ( ) : DescribeVirtualGatewaysResponse

Returns a list of virtual private gateways owned by the AWS account.

You can create one or more AWS Direct Connect private virtual interfaces linking to a virtual private gateway. A virtual private gateway can be managed via Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) console or the EC2 CreateVpnGateway action.

DescribeVirtualGateways ( DescribeVirtualGatewaysRequest request ) : DescribeVirtualGatewaysResponse

Returns a list of virtual private gateways owned by the AWS account.

You can create one or more AWS Direct Connect private virtual interfaces linking to a virtual private gateway. A virtual private gateway can be managed via Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) console or the EC2 CreateVpnGateway action.

DescribeVirtualGatewaysAsync ( DescribeVirtualGatewaysRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeVirtualGateways operation.

DescribeVirtualGatewaysAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Returns a list of virtual private gateways owned by the AWS account.

You can create one or more AWS Direct Connect private virtual interfaces linking to a virtual private gateway. A virtual private gateway can be managed via Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) console or the EC2 CreateVpnGateway action.

DescribeVirtualInterfaces ( ) : DescribeVirtualInterfacesResponse

Displays all virtual interfaces for an AWS account. Virtual interfaces deleted fewer than 15 minutes before DescribeVirtualInterfaces is called are also returned. If a connection ID is included then only virtual interfaces associated with this connection will be returned. If a virtual interface ID is included then only a single virtual interface will be returned.

A virtual interface (VLAN) transmits the traffic between the AWS Direct Connect location and the customer.

If a connection ID is provided, only virtual interfaces provisioned on the specified connection will be returned. If a virtual interface ID is provided, only this particular virtual interface will be returned.

DescribeVirtualInterfaces ( DescribeVirtualInterfacesRequest request ) : DescribeVirtualInterfacesResponse

Displays all virtual interfaces for an AWS account. Virtual interfaces deleted fewer than 15 minutes before DescribeVirtualInterfaces is called are also returned. If a connection ID is included then only virtual interfaces associated with this connection will be returned. If a virtual interface ID is included then only a single virtual interface will be returned.

A virtual interface (VLAN) transmits the traffic between the AWS Direct Connect location and the customer.

If a connection ID is provided, only virtual interfaces provisioned on the specified connection will be returned. If a virtual interface ID is provided, only this particular virtual interface will be returned.

DescribeVirtualInterfacesAsync ( DescribeVirtualInterfacesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeVirtualInterfaces operation.

DescribeVirtualInterfacesAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Displays all virtual interfaces for an AWS account. Virtual interfaces deleted fewer than 15 minutes before DescribeVirtualInterfaces is called are also returned. If a connection ID is included then only virtual interfaces associated with this connection will be returned. If a virtual interface ID is included then only a single virtual interface will be returned.

A virtual interface (VLAN) transmits the traffic between the AWS Direct Connect location and the customer.

If a connection ID is provided, only virtual interfaces provisioned on the specified connection will be returned. If a virtual interface ID is provided, only this particular virtual interface will be returned.

EndAllocateConnectionOnInterconnect ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect operation.

EndAllocatePrivateVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.

EndAllocatePublicVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the AllocatePublicVirtualInterface operation.

EndConfirmConnection ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ConfirmConnectionResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmConnection operation.

EndConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface operation.

EndConfirmPublicVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface operation.

EndCreateBGPPeer ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreateBGPPeerResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreateBGPPeer operation.

EndCreateConnection ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreateConnectionResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreateConnection operation.

EndCreateInterconnect ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreateInterconnectResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreateInterconnect operation.

EndCreatePrivateVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.

EndCreatePublicVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreatePublicVirtualInterface operation.

EndDeleteBGPPeer ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DeleteBGPPeerResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBGPPeer operation.

EndDeleteConnection ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DeleteConnectionResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeleteConnection operation.

EndDeleteInterconnect ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DeleteInterconnectResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeleteInterconnect operation.

EndDeleteVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DeleteVirtualInterfaceResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeleteVirtualInterface operation.

EndDescribeConnectionLoa ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeConnectionLoaResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnectionLoa operation.

EndDescribeConnections ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeConnectionsResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnections operation.

EndDescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect operation.

EndDescribeInterconnectLoa ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeInterconnectLoaResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeInterconnectLoa operation.

EndDescribeInterconnects ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeInterconnectsResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeInterconnects operation.

EndDescribeLocations ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeLocationsResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeLocations operation.

EndDescribeTags ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeTagsResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeTags operation.

EndDescribeVirtualGateways ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeVirtualGatewaysResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeVirtualGateways operation.

EndDescribeVirtualInterfaces ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeVirtualInterfacesResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeVirtualInterfaces operation.

EndTagResource ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : TagResourceResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the TagResource operation.

EndUntagResource ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : UntagResourceResponse

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the UntagResource operation.

TagResource ( TagResourceRequest request ) : TagResourceResponse

Adds the specified tags to the specified Direct Connect resource. Each Direct Connect resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. If a tag with the same key is already associated with the Direct Connect resource, this action updates its value.

TagResourceAsync ( TagResourceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the TagResource operation.

UntagResource ( UntagResourceRequest request ) : UntagResourceResponse

Removes one or more tags from the specified Direct Connect resource.

UntagResourceAsync ( UntagResourceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UntagResource operation.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
CreateSigner ( ) : AbstractAWSSigner

Creates the signer for the service.

Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void

Disposes the service client.

Описание методов

AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect() публичный Метод

Creates a hosted connection on an interconnect.

Allocates a VLAN number and a specified amount of bandwidth for use by a hosted connection on the given interconnect.

This is intended for use by AWS Direct Connect partners only.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect ( AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectRequest request ) : AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectResponse
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect service method.
Результат Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectResponse

AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect operation.
public AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectAsync ( AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Provisions a private virtual interface to be owned by a different customer.

The owner of a connection calls this function to provision a private virtual interface which will be owned by another AWS customer.

Virtual interfaces created using this function must be confirmed by the virtual interface owner by calling ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface. Until this step has been completed, the virtual interface will be in 'Confirming' state, and will not be available for handling traffic.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface ( AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface service method.
Результат Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse

AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.
public AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceAsync ( AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

AllocatePublicVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Provisions a public virtual interface to be owned by a different customer.

The owner of a connection calls this function to provision a public virtual interface which will be owned by another AWS customer.

Virtual interfaces created using this function must be confirmed by the virtual interface owner by calling ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface. Until this step has been completed, the virtual interface will be in 'Confirming' state, and will not be available for handling traffic.

When creating an IPv6 public virtual interface (addressFamily is 'ipv6'), the customer and amazon address fields should be left blank to use auto-assigned IPv6 space. Custom IPv6 Addresses are currently not supported.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public AllocatePublicVirtualInterface ( AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceResponse
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AllocatePublicVirtualInterface service method.
Результат Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceResponse

AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AllocatePublicVirtualInterface operation.
public AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceAsync ( AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AllocatePublicVirtualInterface operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

AmazonDirectConnectClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> </appSettings> </configuration>
public AmazonDirectConnectClient ( ) : System
Результат System

AmazonDirectConnectClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Credentials
public AmazonDirectConnectClient ( AWSCredentials credentials ) : System
credentials Amazon.Runtime.AWSCredentials AWS Credentials
Результат System

AmazonDirectConnectClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Credentials and an AmazonDirectConnectClient Configuration object.
public AmazonDirectConnectClient ( AWSCredentials credentials, AmazonDirectConnectConfig clientConfig ) : System
credentials Amazon.Runtime.AWSCredentials AWS Credentials
clientConfig AmazonDirectConnectConfig The AmazonDirectConnectClient Configuration Object
Результат System

AmazonDirectConnectClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Credentials
public AmazonDirectConnectClient ( AWSCredentials credentials, RegionEndpoint region ) : System
credentials Amazon.Runtime.AWSCredentials AWS Credentials
region RegionEndpoint The region to connect.
Результат System

AmazonDirectConnectClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> </appSettings> </configuration>
public AmazonDirectConnectClient ( AmazonDirectConnectConfig config ) : System
config AmazonDirectConnectConfig The AmazonDirectConnectClient Configuration Object
Результат System

AmazonDirectConnectClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with the credentials loaded from the application's default configuration, and if unsuccessful from the Instance Profile service on an EC2 instance. Example App.config with credentials set. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <appSettings> <add key="AWSProfileName" value="AWS Default"/> </appSettings> </configuration>
public AmazonDirectConnectClient ( RegionEndpoint region ) : System
region RegionEndpoint The region to connect.
Результат System

AmazonDirectConnectClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key
public AmazonDirectConnectClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey ) : System
awsAccessKeyId string AWS Access Key ID
awsSecretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access Key
Результат System

AmazonDirectConnectClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an AmazonDirectConnectClient Configuration object.
public AmazonDirectConnectClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, AmazonDirectConnectConfig clientConfig ) : System
awsAccessKeyId string AWS Access Key ID
awsSecretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access Key
clientConfig AmazonDirectConnectConfig The AmazonDirectConnectClient Configuration Object
Результат System

AmazonDirectConnectClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key
public AmazonDirectConnectClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, RegionEndpoint region ) : System
awsAccessKeyId string AWS Access Key ID
awsSecretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access Key
region RegionEndpoint The region to connect.
Результат System

AmazonDirectConnectClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key
public AmazonDirectConnectClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken ) : System
awsAccessKeyId string AWS Access Key ID
awsSecretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access Key
awsSessionToken string AWS Session Token
Результат System

AmazonDirectConnectClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Access Key ID, AWS Secret Key and an AmazonDirectConnectClient Configuration object.
public AmazonDirectConnectClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken, AmazonDirectConnectConfig clientConfig ) : System
awsAccessKeyId string AWS Access Key ID
awsSecretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access Key
awsSessionToken string AWS Session Token
clientConfig AmazonDirectConnectConfig The AmazonDirectConnectClient Configuration Object
Результат System

AmazonDirectConnectClient() публичный Метод

Constructs AmazonDirectConnectClient with AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Key
public AmazonDirectConnectClient ( string awsAccessKeyId, string awsSecretAccessKey, string awsSessionToken, RegionEndpoint region ) : System
awsAccessKeyId string AWS Access Key ID
awsSecretAccessKey string AWS Secret Access Key
awsSessionToken string AWS Session Token
region RegionEndpoint The region to connect.
Результат System

BeginAllocateConnectionOnInterconnect() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect operation.
public BeginAllocateConnectionOnInterconnect ( AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginAllocatePrivateVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.
public BeginAllocatePrivateVirtualInterface ( AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginAllocatePublicVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the AllocatePublicVirtualInterface operation.
public BeginAllocatePublicVirtualInterface ( AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the AllocatePublicVirtualInterface operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginConfirmConnection() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmConnection operation.
public BeginConfirmConnection ( ConfirmConnectionRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.ConfirmConnectionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ConfirmConnection operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface operation.
public BeginConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface ( ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginConfirmPublicVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface operation.
public BeginConfirmPublicVirtualInterface ( ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginCreateBGPPeer() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateBGPPeer operation.
public BeginCreateBGPPeer ( CreateBGPPeerRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.CreateBGPPeerRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateBGPPeer operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginCreateConnection() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateConnection operation.
public BeginCreateConnection ( CreateConnectionRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.CreateConnectionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateConnection operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginCreateInterconnect() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateInterconnect operation.
public BeginCreateInterconnect ( CreateInterconnectRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.CreateInterconnectRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateInterconnect operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginCreatePrivateVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.
public BeginCreatePrivateVirtualInterface ( CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePrivateVirtualInterface operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginCreatePublicVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePublicVirtualInterface operation.
public BeginCreatePublicVirtualInterface ( CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePublicVirtualInterface operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDeleteBGPPeer() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBGPPeer operation.
public BeginDeleteBGPPeer ( DeleteBGPPeerRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.DeleteBGPPeerRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBGPPeer operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDeleteConnection() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteConnection operation.
public BeginDeleteConnection ( DeleteConnectionRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.DeleteConnectionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteConnection operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDeleteInterconnect() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteInterconnect operation.
public BeginDeleteInterconnect ( DeleteInterconnectRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.DeleteInterconnectRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteInterconnect operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDeleteVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteVirtualInterface operation.
public BeginDeleteVirtualInterface ( DeleteVirtualInterfaceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.DeleteVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteVirtualInterface operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDescribeConnectionLoa() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnectionLoa operation.
public BeginDescribeConnectionLoa ( DescribeConnectionLoaRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.DescribeConnectionLoaRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeConnectionLoa operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDescribeConnections() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnections operation.
public BeginDescribeConnections ( DescribeConnectionsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.DescribeConnectionsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeConnections operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect operation.
public BeginDescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect ( DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDescribeInterconnectLoa() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeInterconnectLoa operation.
public BeginDescribeInterconnectLoa ( DescribeInterconnectLoaRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request DescribeInterconnectLoaRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeInterconnectLoa operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDescribeInterconnects() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeInterconnects operation.
public BeginDescribeInterconnects ( DescribeInterconnectsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.DescribeInterconnectsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeInterconnects operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDescribeLocations() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeLocations operation.
public BeginDescribeLocations ( DescribeLocationsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request DescribeLocationsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeLocations operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDescribeTags() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeTags operation.
public BeginDescribeTags ( DescribeTagsRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.DescribeTagsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeTags operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDescribeVirtualGateways() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeVirtualGateways operation.
public BeginDescribeVirtualGateways ( DescribeVirtualGatewaysRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request DescribeVirtualGatewaysRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeVirtualGateways operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginDescribeVirtualInterfaces() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeVirtualInterfaces operation.
public BeginDescribeVirtualInterfaces ( DescribeVirtualInterfacesRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.DescribeVirtualInterfacesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeVirtualInterfaces operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginTagResource() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the TagResource operation.
public BeginTagResource ( TagResourceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.TagResourceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the TagResource operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

BeginUntagResource() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UntagResource operation.
public BeginUntagResource ( UntagResourceRequest request, AsyncCallback callback, object state ) : IAsyncResult
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.UntagResourceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UntagResource operation on AmazonDirectConnectClient.
callback AsyncCallback An AsyncCallback delegate that is invoked when the operation completes.
state object A user-defined state object that is passed to the callback procedure. Retrieve this object from within the callback /// procedure using the AsyncState property.
Результат IAsyncResult

ConfirmConnection() публичный Метод

Confirm the creation of a hosted connection on an interconnect.

Upon creation, the hosted connection is initially in the 'Ordering' state, and will remain in this state until the owner calls ConfirmConnection to confirm creation of the hosted connection.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public ConfirmConnection ( ConfirmConnectionRequest request ) : ConfirmConnectionResponse
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.ConfirmConnectionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ConfirmConnection service method.
Результат Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.ConfirmConnectionResponse

ConfirmConnectionAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmConnection operation.
public ConfirmConnectionAsync ( ConfirmConnectionRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.ConfirmConnectionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ConfirmConnection operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Accept ownership of a private virtual interface created by another customer.

After the virtual interface owner calls this function, the virtual interface will be created and attached to the given virtual private gateway, and will be available for handling traffic.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface ( ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface service method.
Результат Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse

ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface operation.
public ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceAsync ( ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Accept ownership of a public virtual interface created by another customer.

After the virtual interface owner calls this function, the specified virtual interface will be created and made available for handling traffic.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface ( ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface service method.
Результат Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse

ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface operation.
public ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceAsync ( ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

CreateBGPPeer() публичный Метод

Creates a new BGP peer on a specified virtual interface. The BGP peer cannot be in the same address family (IPv4/IPv6) of an existing BGP peer on the virtual interface.

You must create a BGP peer for the corresponding address family in order to access AWS resources that also use that address family.

When creating a IPv6 BGP peer, the Amazon address and customer address fields must be left blank. IPv6 addresses are automatically assigned from Amazon's pool of IPv6 addresses; you cannot specify custom IPv6 addresses.

For a public virtual interface, the Autonomous System Number (ASN) must be private or already whitelisted for the virtual interface.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public CreateBGPPeer ( CreateBGPPeerRequest request ) : CreateBGPPeerResponse
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.CreateBGPPeerRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateBGPPeer service method.
Результат Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.CreateBGPPeerResponse

CreateBGPPeerAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateBGPPeer operation.
public CreateBGPPeerAsync ( CreateBGPPeerRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.CreateBGPPeerRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateBGPPeer operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

CreateConnection() публичный Метод

Creates a new connection between the customer network and a specific AWS Direct Connect location.

A connection links your internal network to an AWS Direct Connect location over a standard 1 gigabit or 10 gigabit Ethernet fiber-optic cable. One end of the cable is connected to your router, the other to an AWS Direct Connect router. An AWS Direct Connect location provides access to Amazon Web Services in the region it is associated with. You can establish connections with AWS Direct Connect locations in multiple regions, but a connection in one region does not provide connectivity to other regions.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public CreateConnection ( CreateConnectionRequest request ) : CreateConnectionResponse
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.CreateConnectionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateConnection service method.
Результат Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.CreateConnectionResponse

CreateConnectionAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateConnection operation.
public CreateConnectionAsync ( CreateConnectionRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.CreateConnectionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateConnection operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

CreateInterconnect() публичный Метод

Creates a new interconnect between a AWS Direct Connect partner's network and a specific AWS Direct Connect location.

An interconnect is a connection which is capable of hosting other connections. The AWS Direct Connect partner can use an interconnect to provide sub-1Gbps AWS Direct Connect service to tier 2 customers who do not have their own connections. Like a standard connection, an interconnect links the AWS Direct Connect partner's network to an AWS Direct Connect location over a standard 1 Gbps or 10 Gbps Ethernet fiber-optic cable. One end is connected to the partner's router, the other to an AWS Direct Connect router.

For each end customer, the AWS Direct Connect partner provisions a connection on their interconnect by calling AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect. The end customer can then connect to AWS resources by creating a virtual interface on their connection, using the VLAN assigned to them by the AWS Direct Connect partner.

This is intended for use by AWS Direct Connect partners only.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public CreateInterconnect ( CreateInterconnectRequest request ) : CreateInterconnectResponse
request Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.CreateInterconnectRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateInterconnect service method.
Результат Amazon.DirectConnect.Model.CreateInterconnectResponse

CreateInterconnectAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreateInterconnect operation.
public CreateInterconnectAsync ( CreateInterconnectRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request CreateInterconnectRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreateInterconnect operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

CreatePrivateVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Creates a new private virtual interface. A virtual interface is the VLAN that transports AWS Direct Connect traffic. A private virtual interface supports sending traffic to a single virtual private cloud (VPC).
/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public CreatePrivateVirtualInterface ( CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse
request CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePrivateVirtualInterface service method.
Результат CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse

CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.
public CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceAsync ( CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

CreatePublicVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Creates a new public virtual interface. A virtual interface is the VLAN that transports AWS Direct Connect traffic. A public virtual interface supports sending traffic to public services of AWS such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

When creating an IPv6 public virtual interface (addressFamily is 'ipv6'), the customer and amazon address fields should be left blank to use auto-assigned IPv6 space. Custom IPv6 Addresses are currently not supported.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public CreatePublicVirtualInterface ( CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceResponse
request CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePublicVirtualInterface service method.
Результат CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceResponse

CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the CreatePublicVirtualInterface operation.
public CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceAsync ( CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the CreatePublicVirtualInterface operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

CreateSigner() защищенный Метод

Creates the signer for the service.
protected CreateSigner ( ) : AbstractAWSSigner
Результат AbstractAWSSigner

DeleteBGPPeer() публичный Метод

Deletes a BGP peer on the specified virtual interface that matches the specified customer address and ASN. You cannot delete the last BGP peer from a virtual interface.
/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DeleteBGPPeer ( DeleteBGPPeerRequest request ) : DeleteBGPPeerResponse
request DeleteBGPPeerRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBGPPeer service method.
Результат DeleteBGPPeerResponse

DeleteBGPPeerAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBGPPeer operation.
public DeleteBGPPeerAsync ( DeleteBGPPeerRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request DeleteBGPPeerRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteBGPPeer operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DeleteConnection() публичный Метод

Deletes the connection.

Deleting a connection only stops the AWS Direct Connect port hour and data transfer charges. You need to cancel separately with the providers any services or charges for cross-connects or network circuits that connect you to the AWS Direct Connect location.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DeleteConnection ( DeleteConnectionRequest request ) : DeleteConnectionResponse
request DeleteConnectionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteConnection service method.
Результат DeleteConnectionResponse

DeleteConnectionAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteConnection operation.
public DeleteConnectionAsync ( DeleteConnectionRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request DeleteConnectionRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteConnection operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DeleteInterconnect() публичный Метод

Deletes the specified interconnect.

This is intended for use by AWS Direct Connect partners only.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DeleteInterconnect ( DeleteInterconnectRequest request ) : DeleteInterconnectResponse
request DeleteInterconnectRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteInterconnect service method.
Результат DeleteInterconnectResponse

DeleteInterconnectAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteInterconnect operation.
public DeleteInterconnectAsync ( DeleteInterconnectRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request DeleteInterconnectRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteInterconnect operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DeleteVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Deletes a virtual interface.
/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DeleteVirtualInterface ( DeleteVirtualInterfaceRequest request ) : DeleteVirtualInterfaceResponse
request DeleteVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteVirtualInterface service method.
Результат DeleteVirtualInterfaceResponse

DeleteVirtualInterfaceAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DeleteVirtualInterface operation.
public DeleteVirtualInterfaceAsync ( DeleteVirtualInterfaceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request DeleteVirtualInterfaceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DeleteVirtualInterface operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeConnectionLoa() публичный Метод

Returns the LOA-CFA for a Connection.

The Letter of Authorization - Connecting Facility Assignment (LOA-CFA) is a document that your APN partner or service provider uses when establishing your cross connect to AWS at the colocation facility. For more information, see Requesting Cross Connects at AWS Direct Connect Locations in the AWS Direct Connect user guide.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeConnectionLoa ( DescribeConnectionLoaRequest request ) : DescribeConnectionLoaResponse
request DescribeConnectionLoaRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeConnectionLoa service method.
Результат DescribeConnectionLoaResponse

DescribeConnectionLoaAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnectionLoa operation.
public DescribeConnectionLoaAsync ( DescribeConnectionLoaRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request DescribeConnectionLoaRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeConnectionLoa operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeConnections() публичный Метод

Displays all connections in this region.

If a connection ID is provided, the call returns only that particular connection.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeConnections ( ) : DescribeConnectionsResponse
Результат DescribeConnectionsResponse

DescribeConnections() публичный Метод

Displays all connections in this region.

If a connection ID is provided, the call returns only that particular connection.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeConnections ( DescribeConnectionsRequest request ) : DescribeConnectionsResponse
request DescribeConnectionsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeConnections service method.
Результат DescribeConnectionsResponse

DescribeConnectionsAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnections operation.
public DescribeConnectionsAsync ( DescribeConnectionsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request DescribeConnectionsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeConnections operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeConnectionsAsync() публичный Метод

Displays all connections in this region.

If a connection ID is provided, the call returns only that particular connection.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeConnectionsAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect() публичный Метод

Return a list of connections that have been provisioned on the given interconnect.

This is intended for use by AWS Direct Connect partners only.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect ( DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectRequest request ) : DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectResponse
request DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect service method.
Результат DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectResponse

DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect operation.
public DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectAsync ( DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeInterconnectLoa() публичный Метод

Returns the LOA-CFA for an Interconnect.

The Letter of Authorization - Connecting Facility Assignment (LOA-CFA) is a document that is used when establishing your cross connect to AWS at the colocation facility. For more information, see Requesting Cross Connects at AWS Direct Connect Locations in the AWS Direct Connect user guide.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeInterconnectLoa ( DescribeInterconnectLoaRequest request ) : DescribeInterconnectLoaResponse
request DescribeInterconnectLoaRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeInterconnectLoa service method.
Результат DescribeInterconnectLoaResponse

DescribeInterconnectLoaAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeInterconnectLoa operation.
public DescribeInterconnectLoaAsync ( DescribeInterconnectLoaRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request DescribeInterconnectLoaRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeInterconnectLoa operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeInterconnects() публичный Метод

Returns a list of interconnects owned by the AWS account.

If an interconnect ID is provided, it will only return this particular interconnect.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeInterconnects ( ) : DescribeInterconnectsResponse
Результат DescribeInterconnectsResponse

DescribeInterconnects() публичный Метод

Returns a list of interconnects owned by the AWS account.

If an interconnect ID is provided, it will only return this particular interconnect.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeInterconnects ( DescribeInterconnectsRequest request ) : DescribeInterconnectsResponse
request DescribeInterconnectsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeInterconnects service method.
Результат DescribeInterconnectsResponse

DescribeInterconnectsAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeInterconnects operation.
public DescribeInterconnectsAsync ( DescribeInterconnectsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request DescribeInterconnectsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeInterconnects operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeInterconnectsAsync() публичный Метод

Returns a list of interconnects owned by the AWS account.

If an interconnect ID is provided, it will only return this particular interconnect.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeInterconnectsAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeLocations() публичный Метод

Returns the list of AWS Direct Connect locations in the current AWS region. These are the locations that may be selected when calling CreateConnection or CreateInterconnect.
/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeLocations ( ) : DescribeLocationsResponse
Результат DescribeLocationsResponse

DescribeLocations() публичный Метод

Returns the list of AWS Direct Connect locations in the current AWS region. These are the locations that may be selected when calling CreateConnection or CreateInterconnect.
/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeLocations ( DescribeLocationsRequest request ) : DescribeLocationsResponse
request DescribeLocationsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeLocations service method.
Результат DescribeLocationsResponse

DescribeLocationsAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeLocations operation.
public DescribeLocationsAsync ( DescribeLocationsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request DescribeLocationsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeLocations operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeLocationsAsync() публичный Метод

Returns the list of AWS Direct Connect locations in the current AWS region. These are the locations that may be selected when calling CreateConnection or CreateInterconnect.
/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeLocationsAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeTags() публичный Метод

Describes the tags associated with the specified Direct Connect resources.
/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeTags ( DescribeTagsRequest request ) : DescribeTagsResponse
request DescribeTagsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeTags service method.
Результат DescribeTagsResponse

DescribeTagsAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeTags operation.
public DescribeTagsAsync ( DescribeTagsRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request DescribeTagsRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeTags operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeVirtualGateways() публичный Метод

Returns a list of virtual private gateways owned by the AWS account.

You can create one or more AWS Direct Connect private virtual interfaces linking to a virtual private gateway. A virtual private gateway can be managed via Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) console or the EC2 CreateVpnGateway action.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeVirtualGateways ( ) : DescribeVirtualGatewaysResponse
Результат DescribeVirtualGatewaysResponse

DescribeVirtualGateways() публичный Метод

Returns a list of virtual private gateways owned by the AWS account.

You can create one or more AWS Direct Connect private virtual interfaces linking to a virtual private gateway. A virtual private gateway can be managed via Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) console or the EC2 CreateVpnGateway action.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeVirtualGateways ( DescribeVirtualGatewaysRequest request ) : DescribeVirtualGatewaysResponse
request DescribeVirtualGatewaysRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeVirtualGateways service method.
Результат DescribeVirtualGatewaysResponse

DescribeVirtualGatewaysAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeVirtualGateways operation.
public DescribeVirtualGatewaysAsync ( DescribeVirtualGatewaysRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request DescribeVirtualGatewaysRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeVirtualGateways operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeVirtualGatewaysAsync() публичный Метод

Returns a list of virtual private gateways owned by the AWS account.

You can create one or more AWS Direct Connect private virtual interfaces linking to a virtual private gateway. A virtual private gateway can be managed via Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) console or the EC2 CreateVpnGateway action.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeVirtualGatewaysAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeVirtualInterfaces() публичный Метод

Displays all virtual interfaces for an AWS account. Virtual interfaces deleted fewer than 15 minutes before DescribeVirtualInterfaces is called are also returned. If a connection ID is included then only virtual interfaces associated with this connection will be returned. If a virtual interface ID is included then only a single virtual interface will be returned.

A virtual interface (VLAN) transmits the traffic between the AWS Direct Connect location and the customer.

If a connection ID is provided, only virtual interfaces provisioned on the specified connection will be returned. If a virtual interface ID is provided, only this particular virtual interface will be returned.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeVirtualInterfaces ( ) : DescribeVirtualInterfacesResponse
Результат DescribeVirtualInterfacesResponse

DescribeVirtualInterfaces() публичный Метод

Displays all virtual interfaces for an AWS account. Virtual interfaces deleted fewer than 15 minutes before DescribeVirtualInterfaces is called are also returned. If a connection ID is included then only virtual interfaces associated with this connection will be returned. If a virtual interface ID is included then only a single virtual interface will be returned.

A virtual interface (VLAN) transmits the traffic between the AWS Direct Connect location and the customer.

If a connection ID is provided, only virtual interfaces provisioned on the specified connection will be returned. If a virtual interface ID is provided, only this particular virtual interface will be returned.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeVirtualInterfaces ( DescribeVirtualInterfacesRequest request ) : DescribeVirtualInterfacesResponse
request DescribeVirtualInterfacesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeVirtualInterfaces service method.
Результат DescribeVirtualInterfacesResponse

DescribeVirtualInterfacesAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the DescribeVirtualInterfaces operation.
public DescribeVirtualInterfacesAsync ( DescribeVirtualInterfacesRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request DescribeVirtualInterfacesRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the DescribeVirtualInterfaces operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

DescribeVirtualInterfacesAsync() публичный Метод

Displays all virtual interfaces for an AWS account. Virtual interfaces deleted fewer than 15 minutes before DescribeVirtualInterfaces is called are also returned. If a connection ID is included then only virtual interfaces associated with this connection will be returned. If a virtual interface ID is included then only a single virtual interface will be returned.

A virtual interface (VLAN) transmits the traffic between the AWS Direct Connect location and the customer.

If a connection ID is provided, only virtual interfaces provisioned on the specified connection will be returned. If a virtual interface ID is provided, only this particular virtual interface will be returned.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public DescribeVirtualInterfacesAsync ( System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

Dispose() защищенный Метод

Disposes the service client.
protected Dispose ( bool disposing ) : void
disposing bool
Результат void

EndAllocateConnectionOnInterconnect() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the AllocateConnectionOnInterconnect operation.
public EndAllocateConnectionOnInterconnect ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginAllocateConnectionOnInterconnect.
Результат AllocateConnectionOnInterconnectResponse

EndAllocatePrivateVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the AllocatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.
public EndAllocatePrivateVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginAllocatePrivateVirtualInterface.
Результат AllocatePrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse

EndAllocatePublicVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the AllocatePublicVirtualInterface operation.
public EndAllocatePublicVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginAllocatePublicVirtualInterface.
Результат AllocatePublicVirtualInterfaceResponse

EndConfirmConnection() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmConnection operation.
public EndConfirmConnection ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ConfirmConnectionResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginConfirmConnection.
Результат ConfirmConnectionResponse

EndConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface operation.
public EndConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginConfirmPrivateVirtualInterface.
Результат ConfirmPrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse

EndConfirmPublicVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the ConfirmPublicVirtualInterface operation.
public EndConfirmPublicVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginConfirmPublicVirtualInterface.
Результат ConfirmPublicVirtualInterfaceResponse

EndCreateBGPPeer() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreateBGPPeer operation.
public EndCreateBGPPeer ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreateBGPPeerResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginCreateBGPPeer.
Результат CreateBGPPeerResponse

EndCreateConnection() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreateConnection operation.
public EndCreateConnection ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreateConnectionResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginCreateConnection.
Результат CreateConnectionResponse

EndCreateInterconnect() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreateInterconnect operation.
public EndCreateInterconnect ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreateInterconnectResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginCreateInterconnect.
Результат CreateInterconnectResponse

EndCreatePrivateVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreatePrivateVirtualInterface operation.
public EndCreatePrivateVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginCreatePrivateVirtualInterface.
Результат CreatePrivateVirtualInterfaceResponse

EndCreatePublicVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the CreatePublicVirtualInterface operation.
public EndCreatePublicVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginCreatePublicVirtualInterface.
Результат CreatePublicVirtualInterfaceResponse

EndDeleteBGPPeer() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeleteBGPPeer operation.
public EndDeleteBGPPeer ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DeleteBGPPeerResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDeleteBGPPeer.
Результат DeleteBGPPeerResponse

EndDeleteConnection() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeleteConnection operation.
public EndDeleteConnection ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DeleteConnectionResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDeleteConnection.
Результат DeleteConnectionResponse

EndDeleteInterconnect() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeleteInterconnect operation.
public EndDeleteInterconnect ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DeleteInterconnectResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDeleteInterconnect.
Результат DeleteInterconnectResponse

EndDeleteVirtualInterface() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DeleteVirtualInterface operation.
public EndDeleteVirtualInterface ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DeleteVirtualInterfaceResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDeleteVirtualInterface.
Результат DeleteVirtualInterfaceResponse

EndDescribeConnectionLoa() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnectionLoa operation.
public EndDescribeConnectionLoa ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeConnectionLoaResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDescribeConnectionLoa.
Результат DescribeConnectionLoaResponse

EndDescribeConnections() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnections operation.
public EndDescribeConnections ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeConnectionsResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDescribeConnections.
Результат DescribeConnectionsResponse

EndDescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect operation.
public EndDescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDescribeConnectionsOnInterconnect.
Результат DescribeConnectionsOnInterconnectResponse

EndDescribeInterconnectLoa() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeInterconnectLoa operation.
public EndDescribeInterconnectLoa ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeInterconnectLoaResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDescribeInterconnectLoa.
Результат DescribeInterconnectLoaResponse

EndDescribeInterconnects() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeInterconnects operation.
public EndDescribeInterconnects ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeInterconnectsResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDescribeInterconnects.
Результат DescribeInterconnectsResponse

EndDescribeLocations() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeLocations operation.
public EndDescribeLocations ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeLocationsResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDescribeLocations.
Результат DescribeLocationsResponse

EndDescribeTags() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeTags operation.
public EndDescribeTags ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeTagsResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDescribeTags.
Результат DescribeTagsResponse

EndDescribeVirtualGateways() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeVirtualGateways operation.
public EndDescribeVirtualGateways ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeVirtualGatewaysResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDescribeVirtualGateways.
Результат DescribeVirtualGatewaysResponse

EndDescribeVirtualInterfaces() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the DescribeVirtualInterfaces operation.
public EndDescribeVirtualInterfaces ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : DescribeVirtualInterfacesResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginDescribeVirtualInterfaces.
Результат DescribeVirtualInterfacesResponse

EndTagResource() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the TagResource operation.
public EndTagResource ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : TagResourceResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginTagResource.
Результат TagResourceResponse

EndUntagResource() публичный Метод

Finishes the asynchronous execution of the UntagResource operation.
public EndUntagResource ( IAsyncResult asyncResult ) : UntagResourceResponse
asyncResult IAsyncResult The IAsyncResult returned by the call to BeginUntagResource.
Результат UntagResourceResponse

TagResource() публичный Метод

Adds the specified tags to the specified Direct Connect resource. Each Direct Connect resource can have a maximum of 50 tags.

Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. If a tag with the same key is already associated with the Direct Connect resource, this action updates its value.

/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A tag key was specified more than once. /// /// You have reached the limit on the number of tags that can be assigned to a Direct /// Connect resource. ///
public TagResource ( TagResourceRequest request ) : TagResourceResponse
request TagResourceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the TagResource service method.
Результат TagResourceResponse

TagResourceAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the TagResource operation.
public TagResourceAsync ( TagResourceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request TagResourceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the TagResource operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task

UntagResource() публичный Метод

Removes one or more tags from the specified Direct Connect resource.
/// The API was called with invalid parameters. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. /// /// A server-side error occurred during the API call. The error message will contain additional /// details about the cause. ///
public UntagResource ( UntagResourceRequest request ) : UntagResourceResponse
request UntagResourceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UntagResource service method.
Результат UntagResourceResponse

UntagResourceAsync() публичный Метод

Initiates the asynchronous execution of the UntagResource operation.
public UntagResourceAsync ( UntagResourceRequest request, System cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken) ) : Task
request UntagResourceRequest Container for the necessary parameters to execute the UntagResource operation.
cancellationToken System /// A cancellation token that can be used by other objects or threads to receive notice of cancellation. ///
Результат Task