C# Класс Amazon.CloudFormation.Util.AmazonCloudFormationUtil

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
SignalWaitCondition ( string presignedURL, string status, string reason, string uniqueId, string data ) : void

This method will signal to the CloudFormation the status of a wait condition.

Описание методов

SignalWaitCondition() публичный статический Метод

This method will signal to the CloudFormation the status of a wait condition.
public static SignalWaitCondition ( string presignedURL, string status, string reason, string uniqueId, string data ) : void
presignedURL string The URL returned from the creation of a WaitHandle in a CloudFormation Stack
status string SUCCESS or FAILURE for the status of a stack
reason string The reason for the status
uniqueId string A unique identifier for the signal. Using Guid.NewGuid().ToString()can be used for this.
data string Data to be passed back for later use in the template.
Результат void