C# Класс Alexandria.AlexandriaPluginFormatAsset

A derived class from PluginFormatAsset that can detect GameInstances.
Наследование: Glare.Assets.PluginFormatAsset
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
AlexandriaPluginFormatAsset ( AlexandriaPlugin plugin ) : System

Initialise the object.

Detect ( ICollection collection ) : void

Attempt to detect GameInstances.

DetectFile ( ICollection collection, string path, BinaryReader reader, FileManager manager ) : void

Attempt to detect a GameInstance from this file.

MatchGame ( string path, FileManager manager ) : GameInstance

Attempt to match a game instance from a given path or a given file, returning the GameInstance or null if none could be found.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
MatchGameFile ( string path, string filename, FileManager manager ) : bool

Return whether the game file exists within the path or

Описание методов

AlexandriaPluginFormatAsset() публичный Метод

Initialise the object.
public AlexandriaPluginFormatAsset ( AlexandriaPlugin plugin ) : System
plugin AlexandriaPlugin
Результат System

Detect() публичный Метод

Attempt to detect GameInstances.
public Detect ( ICollection collection ) : void
collection ICollection
Результат void

DetectFile() публичный Метод

Attempt to detect a GameInstance from this file.
public DetectFile ( ICollection collection, string path, BinaryReader reader, FileManager manager ) : void
collection ICollection
path string The path to the file.
reader System.IO.BinaryReader The opened file reader. You do not need to reset the position afterwards.
manager Glare.Assets.FileManager The to open any other files, if necessary.
Результат void

MatchGame() публичный Метод

Attempt to match a game instance from a given path or a given file, returning the GameInstance or null if none could be found.
public MatchGame ( string path, FileManager manager ) : GameInstance
path string
manager Glare.Assets.FileManager The file manager to use for opening files.
Результат GameInstance

MatchGameFile() защищенный статический Метод

Return whether the game file exists within the path or
protected static MatchGameFile ( string path, string filename, FileManager manager ) : bool
path string
filename string
manager Glare.Assets.FileManager The file manager to use for opening files.
Результат bool