C# Класс Akka.Remote.RemoteActorRef

Class RemoteActorRef.
Наследование: Akka.Actor.InternalActorRef, RemoteRef
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Private Properties

Свойство Тип Описание
HandleException void
RemoteActorRef System

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetChild ( IEnumerable name ) : IActorRef

Gets the child.

IsWatchIntercepted ( IActorRef watchee, IActorRef watcher ) : bool

Determine if a Watch/Unwatch message must be handled by the RemoteWatcher actor, or sent to this RemoteActorRef.

Restart ( Exception cause ) : void

Restarts the specified cause.

Resume ( Exception causedByFailure = null ) : void

Resumes the specified caused by failure.

SendSystemMessage ( ISystemMessage message ) : void

Sends the system message.

Start ( ) : void

Starts this instance.

Stop ( ) : void

Stops this instance.

Suspend ( ) : void

Suspends this instance.

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
TellInternal ( object message, IActorRef sender ) : void

Tells the internal.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
HandleException ( Exception ex ) : void
RemoteActorRef ( Akka.Remote.RemoteTransport remote, Akka.Actor.Address localAddressToUse, ActorPath path, IInternalActorRef parent, Props props, Akka.Actor.Deploy deploy ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the RemoteActorRef class.

Описание методов

GetChild() публичный Метод

Gets the child.
public GetChild ( IEnumerable name ) : IActorRef
name IEnumerable The name.
Результат IActorRef

IsWatchIntercepted() публичный Метод

Determine if a Watch/Unwatch message must be handled by the RemoteWatcher actor, or sent to this RemoteActorRef.
public IsWatchIntercepted ( IActorRef watchee, IActorRef watcher ) : bool
watchee IActorRef The actor being watched.
watcher IActorRef The actor watching.
Результат bool

Restart() публичный Метод

Restarts the specified cause.
public Restart ( Exception cause ) : void
cause System.Exception The cause.
Результат void

Resume() публичный Метод

Resumes the specified caused by failure.
public Resume ( Exception causedByFailure = null ) : void
causedByFailure System.Exception The caused by failure.
Результат void

SendSystemMessage() публичный Метод

Sends the system message.
public SendSystemMessage ( ISystemMessage message ) : void
message ISystemMessage The message.
Результат void

Start() публичный Метод

Starts this instance.
public Start ( ) : void
Результат void

Stop() публичный Метод

Stops this instance.
public Stop ( ) : void
Результат void

Suspend() публичный Метод

Suspends this instance.
public Suspend ( ) : void
Результат void

TellInternal() защищенный Метод

Tells the internal.
protected TellInternal ( object message, IActorRef sender ) : void
message object The message.
sender IActorRef The sender.
Результат void