C# Класс Akka.Remote.TestKit.Controller

This controls test execution by managing barriers (delegated to BarrierCoordinator, its child) and allowing network and other failures to be injected at the test nodes. INTERNAL API.
Наследование: Akka.Actor.UntypedActor
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Controller ( int initialParticipants, IPEndPoint controllerPort ) : System

Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
OnReceive ( object message ) : void
PostStop ( ) : void
SupervisorStrategy ( ) : Akka.Actor.SupervisorStrategy

Supervision of the BarrierCoordinator means to catch all his bad emotions and sometimes console him (BarrierEmpty, BarrierTimeout), sometimes tell him to hate the world (WrongBarrier, DuplicateNode, ClientLost). The latter shall help terminate broken tests as quickly as possible (i.e. without awaiting BarrierTimeouts in the players).

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
FailBarrier ( BarrierCoordinator data ) : Directive

Описание методов

Controller() публичный Метод

public Controller ( int initialParticipants, IPEndPoint controllerPort ) : System
initialParticipants int
controllerPort IPEndPoint
Результат System

OnReceive() защищенный Метод

protected OnReceive ( object message ) : void
message object
Результат void

PostStop() защищенный Метод

protected PostStop ( ) : void
Результат void

SupervisorStrategy() защищенный Метод

Supervision of the BarrierCoordinator means to catch all his bad emotions and sometimes console him (BarrierEmpty, BarrierTimeout), sometimes tell him to hate the world (WrongBarrier, DuplicateNode, ClientLost). The latter shall help terminate broken tests as quickly as possible (i.e. without awaiting BarrierTimeouts in the players).
protected SupervisorStrategy ( ) : Akka.Actor.SupervisorStrategy
Результат Akka.Actor.SupervisorStrategy