C# Класс ActivEarth.DAO.GroupDAO

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CreateNewGroup ( Group group ) : int

Creates a Group as a new entry in the DB.

DeleteGroup ( int groupId ) : bool

Removes an existing Group from the DB.

GetAllGroups ( ) : List

Retrieves all currently created Groups.

GetAllGroupsByHashTag ( string hashtag ) : List

Retrieves all currently created Groups that are tagged with the given hashtag.

GetAllGroupsByName ( string partialName ) : List

Retrieves all currently created Groups that have a name containing the given string.

GetAllGroupsByOwner ( User owner ) : List

Retrieves all currently created Groups that have a given Owner.

GetGroupFromGroupId ( int groupId ) : Group

Retrieves a Group from the DB based on its ID.

GetGroupFromName ( string name ) : Group

Retrieves a Group with the given name.

GetGroupsByUser ( int userID ) : List

Retrieves all Groups that a given user is a part of.

UpdateGroup ( Group group ) : bool

Updates an existing Group in the DB.

Описание методов

CreateNewGroup() публичный статический Метод

Creates a Group as a new entry in the DB.
public static CreateNewGroup ( Group group ) : int
group ActivEarth.Objects.Groups.Group Group object to add to the DB.
Результат int

DeleteGroup() публичный статический Метод

Removes an existing Group from the DB.
public static DeleteGroup ( int groupId ) : bool
groupId int ID of Group whose information needs to be deleted.
Результат bool

GetAllGroups() публичный статический Метод

Retrieves all currently created Groups.
public static GetAllGroups ( ) : List
Результат List

GetAllGroupsByHashTag() публичный статический Метод

Retrieves all currently created Groups that are tagged with the given hashtag.
public static GetAllGroupsByHashTag ( string hashtag ) : List
hashtag string A desired string tag
Результат List

GetAllGroupsByName() публичный статический Метод

Retrieves all currently created Groups that have a name containing the given string.
public static GetAllGroupsByName ( string partialName ) : List
partialName string A string desired to be contained within the Group name
Результат List

GetAllGroupsByOwner() публичный статический Метод

Retrieves all currently created Groups that have a given Owner.
public static GetAllGroupsByOwner ( User owner ) : List
owner ActivEarth.Objects.Profile.User
Результат List

GetGroupFromGroupId() публичный статический Метод

Retrieves a Group from the DB based on its ID.
public static GetGroupFromGroupId ( int groupId ) : Group
groupId int Identifier of the Group to retrieve.
Результат ActivEarth.Objects.Groups.Group

GetGroupFromName() публичный статический Метод

Retrieves a Group with the given name.
public static GetGroupFromName ( string name ) : Group
name string
Результат ActivEarth.Objects.Groups.Group

GetGroupsByUser() публичный статический Метод

Retrieves all Groups that a given user is a part of.
public static GetGroupsByUser ( int userID ) : List
userID int UserID of the desired User
Результат List

UpdateGroup() публичный статический Метод

Updates an existing Group in the DB.
public static UpdateGroup ( Group group ) : bool
group ActivEarth.Objects.Groups.Group Group whose information needs to be updated.
Результат bool