C# Класс Accord.Vision.Detection.HaarObjectDetector

Viola-Jones Object Detector based on Haar-like features.

The Viola-Jones object detection framework is the first object detection framework to provide competitive object detection rates in real-time proposed in 2001 by Paul Viola and Michael Jones. Although it can be trained to detect a variety of object classes, it was motivated primarily by the problem of face detection.

The implementation of this code has used Viola and Jones' original publication, the OpenCV Library and the Marilena Project as reference. OpenCV is released under a BSD license, it is free for both academic and commercial use. Please be aware that some particular versions of the Haar object detection framework are patented by Viola and Jones and may be subject to restrictions for use in commercial applications. The code has been implemented with full support for tilted Haar features from the ground up.

References: Viola, P. and Jones, M. (2001). Rapid Object Detection using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viola-Jones_object_detection_framework

Наследование: IObjectDetector
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
HaarObjectDetector ( HaarCascade cascade ) : System

Constructs a new Haar object detector.

HaarObjectDetector ( HaarCascade cascade, int minSize ) : System

Constructs a new Haar object detector.

HaarObjectDetector ( HaarCascade cascade, int minSize, ObjectDetectorSearchMode searchMode ) : System

Constructs a new Haar object detector.

HaarObjectDetector ( HaarCascade cascade, int minSize, ObjectDetectorSearchMode searchMode, float scaleFactor ) : System

Constructs a new Haar object detector.

HaarObjectDetector ( HaarCascade cascade, int minSize, ObjectDetectorSearchMode searchMode, float scaleFactor, ObjectDetectorScalingMode scalingMode ) : System

Constructs a new Haar object detector.

ProcessFrame ( Bitmap frame ) : System.Drawing.Rectangle[]

Performs object detection on the given frame.

ProcessFrame ( UnmanagedImage image ) : System.Drawing.Rectangle[]

Performs object detection on the given frame.

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update ( int width, int height ) : void

Описание методов

HaarObjectDetector() публичный метод

Constructs a new Haar object detector.
public HaarObjectDetector ( HaarCascade cascade ) : System
cascade HaarCascade /// The to use in the detector's classifier. /// For the default face cascade, please take a look on /// . ///
Результат System

HaarObjectDetector() публичный метод

Constructs a new Haar object detector.
public HaarObjectDetector ( HaarCascade cascade, int minSize ) : System
cascade HaarCascade /// The to use in the detector's classifier. /// For the default face cascade, please take a look on /// .
minSize int /// Minimum window size to consider when searching for /// objects. Default value is 15.
Результат System

HaarObjectDetector() публичный метод

Constructs a new Haar object detector.
public HaarObjectDetector ( HaarCascade cascade, int minSize, ObjectDetectorSearchMode searchMode ) : System
cascade HaarCascade /// The to use in the detector's classifier. /// For the default face cascade, please take a look on /// . ///
minSize int /// Minimum window size to consider when searching for /// objects. Default value is 15.
searchMode ObjectDetectorSearchMode The to use /// during search. Please see documentation of /// for details. Default value is
Результат System

HaarObjectDetector() публичный метод

Constructs a new Haar object detector.
public HaarObjectDetector ( HaarCascade cascade, int minSize, ObjectDetectorSearchMode searchMode, float scaleFactor ) : System
cascade HaarCascade /// The to use in the detector's classifier. /// For the default face cascade, please take a look on /// .
minSize int /// Minimum window size to consider when searching for /// objects. Default value is 15.
searchMode ObjectDetectorSearchMode /// The to use /// during search. Please see documentation of /// for details. Default value is
scaleFactor float The re-scaling factor to use when re-scaling the window during search.
Результат System

HaarObjectDetector() публичный метод

Constructs a new Haar object detector.
public HaarObjectDetector ( HaarCascade cascade, int minSize, ObjectDetectorSearchMode searchMode, float scaleFactor, ObjectDetectorScalingMode scalingMode ) : System
cascade HaarCascade /// The to use in the detector's classifier. /// For the default face cascade, please take a look on /// .
minSize int /// Minimum window size to consider when searching for /// objects. Default value is 15.
searchMode ObjectDetectorSearchMode The to use /// during search. Please see documentation of /// for details. Default is .
scaleFactor float The scaling factor to rescale the window /// during search. Default value is 1.2f.
scalingMode ObjectDetectorScalingMode The to use /// when re-scaling the search window during search. Default is /// .
Результат System

ProcessFrame() публичный метод

Performs object detection on the given frame.
public ProcessFrame ( Bitmap frame ) : System.Drawing.Rectangle[]
frame System.Drawing.Bitmap
Результат System.Drawing.Rectangle[]

ProcessFrame() публичный метод

Performs object detection on the given frame.
public ProcessFrame ( UnmanagedImage image ) : System.Drawing.Rectangle[]
image Accord.Imaging.UnmanagedImage
Результат System.Drawing.Rectangle[]