C# Класс Accord.Imaging.RansacFundamentalEstimator

RANSAC Robust Fundamental Matrix Estimator.

Fitting a fundamental using RANSAC is pretty straightforward. Being a iterative method, in a single iteration a random sample of four correspondences is selected from the given correspondence points and a transformation F is then computed from those points.

After a given number of iterations, the iteration which produced the largest number of inliers is then selected as the best estimation for H.

References: P. D. Kovesi. MATLAB and Octave Functions for Computer Vision and Image Processing. School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, The University of Western Australia. Available in: http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~pk/Research/MatlabFns/Projective/fundmatrix.m E. Dubrofsky. Homography Estimation. Master thesis. Available on: http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~dubroe/courses/MastersEssay.pdf

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Estimate ( Accord points1, Accord points2 ) : ].float[

Matches two sets of points using RANSAC.

Estimate ( IntPoint points1, IntPoint points2 ) : ].float[

Matches two sets of points using RANSAC.

Estimate ( PointF points1, PointF points2 ) : ].float[

Matches two sets of points using RANSAC.

RansacFundamentalEstimator ( double threshold, double probability ) : System

Creates a new RANSAC homography estimator.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
distance ( float F, double t ) : int[]

Compute inliers using the Symmetric Transfer Error,

fundamental ( int points ) : ].float[

Estimates a fundamental matrix with the given points.

Описание методов

Estimate() публичный Метод

Matches two sets of points using RANSAC.
public Estimate ( Accord points1, Accord points2 ) : ].float[
points1 Accord
points2 Accord
Результат ].float[

Estimate() публичный Метод

Matches two sets of points using RANSAC.
public Estimate ( IntPoint points1, IntPoint points2 ) : ].float[
points1 AForge.IntPoint
points2 AForge.IntPoint
Результат ].float[

Estimate() публичный Метод

Matches two sets of points using RANSAC.
public Estimate ( PointF points1, PointF points2 ) : ].float[
points1 System.Drawing.PointF
points2 System.Drawing.PointF
Результат ].float[

RansacFundamentalEstimator() публичный Метод

Creates a new RANSAC homography estimator.
public RansacFundamentalEstimator ( double threshold, double probability ) : System
threshold double Inlier threshold.
probability double Inlier probability.
Результат System