C# Класс AODL.Document.Export.Html.HTMLStyleBuilder

HTMLStyleBuilder offer public methods to build HTML style strings from AODL OpenDocument IStyle objects and from global style nodes
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
GetAGlobalStylAsHtml ( IDocument document, string styleName ) : string

Gets the A global styl as HTML.

GetCellStyleAsHtml ( CellStyle cellStyle ) : string

Gets the cell style as HTML.

GetColumnStyleAsHtml ( ColumnStyle columnStyle ) : string

Gets the column style as HTML.

GetFrameStyleAsHtml ( Frame frame ) : string

Gets the frame style as HTML.

GetHeadingStyleAsHtml ( Header header ) : string

Gets the heading style as HTML.

GetParagraphStyleAsHtml ( ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle ) : string

Gets the paragraph style as HTML.

GetTableStyleAsHtml ( TableStyle tableStyle ) : string

Gets the table style as HTML.

GetTextStyleAsHtml ( TextProperties textStyle ) : string

Gets the text style as HTML.

HTMLStyleBuilder ( ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the HTMLStyleBuilder class.

Описание методов

GetAGlobalStylAsHtml() публичный Метод

Gets the A global styl as HTML.
public GetAGlobalStylAsHtml ( IDocument document, string styleName ) : string
document IDocument The document.
styleName string Name of the style.
Результат string

GetCellStyleAsHtml() публичный Метод

Gets the cell style as HTML.
public GetCellStyleAsHtml ( CellStyle cellStyle ) : string
cellStyle AODL.Document.Styles.CellStyle The cell style.
Результат string

GetColumnStyleAsHtml() публичный Метод

Gets the column style as HTML.
public GetColumnStyleAsHtml ( ColumnStyle columnStyle ) : string
columnStyle AODL.Document.Styles.ColumnStyle The column style.
Результат string

GetFrameStyleAsHtml() публичный Метод

Gets the frame style as HTML.
public GetFrameStyleAsHtml ( Frame frame ) : string
frame AODL.Document.Content.Draw.Frame The frame.
Результат string

GetHeadingStyleAsHtml() публичный Метод

Gets the heading style as HTML.
public GetHeadingStyleAsHtml ( Header header ) : string
header AODL.Document.Content.Text.Header The header.
Результат string

GetParagraphStyleAsHtml() публичный Метод

Gets the paragraph style as HTML.
public GetParagraphStyleAsHtml ( ParagraphStyle paragraphStyle ) : string
paragraphStyle AODL.Document.Styles.ParagraphStyle The paragraph style.
Результат string

GetTableStyleAsHtml() публичный Метод

Gets the table style as HTML.
public GetTableStyleAsHtml ( TableStyle tableStyle ) : string
tableStyle AODL.Document.Styles.TableStyle The table style.
Результат string

GetTextStyleAsHtml() публичный Метод

Gets the text style as HTML.
public GetTextStyleAsHtml ( TextProperties textStyle ) : string
textStyle AODL.Document.Styles.Properties.TextProperties The text style.
Результат string

HTMLStyleBuilder() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the HTMLStyleBuilder class.
public HTMLStyleBuilder ( ) : System
Результат System