C# Класс ALFA.ScriptCompiler

This class encapsulates general system information about the game environment and configuration.
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CompileScript ( string Filespec, string Options, CompilerParseLineDelegate ParseLine = null ) : CompilerResult

Compile a script (or set of scripts), and return information about the compilation request.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
CreateCompilerCommandLine ( string Filespec, string Options ) : string

Create the command line for the compiler given a filespec to attempt to compile.

GetCompilerExe ( ) : string

Get the path to NWNScriptCompiler.exe.

Описание методов

CompileScript() публичный статический Метод

Compile a script (or set of scripts), and return information about the compilation request.
public static CompileScript ( string Filespec, string Options, CompilerParseLineDelegate ParseLine = null ) : CompilerResult
Filespec string Supplies a filespec of files to compile, /// such as *.nss.
Options string Optionally supplies additional compiler /// options (e.g. -e -v1.70).
ParseLine CompilerParseLineDelegate Optionally supplies a function to parse /// each line printed by the compiler.
Результат CompilerResult