C# Класс AK.F1.Timing.Messages.Driver.SetDriverQuallyTimeMessage

Наследование: DriverMessageBase
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Private Properties

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Accept ( IMessageVisitor visitor ) : void
SetDriverQuallyTimeMessage ( int driverId, int quallyNumber, System.TimeSpan quallyTime ) : System

Initialises a new instance of the SetDriverQuallyTimeMessage class and specifies if the Id of the driver, the qually number and qually time.

ToString ( ) : string

Описание методов

Accept() публичный Метод

public Accept ( IMessageVisitor visitor ) : void
visitor IMessageVisitor
Результат void

SetDriverQuallyTimeMessage() публичный Метод

Initialises a new instance of the SetDriverQuallyTimeMessage class and specifies if the Id of the driver, the qually number and qually time.
/// Thrown when or is not positive /// or is not positive. ///
public SetDriverQuallyTimeMessage ( int driverId, int quallyNumber, System.TimeSpan quallyTime ) : System
driverId int The Id of the driver.
quallyNumber int The qually number.
quallyTime System.TimeSpan The qually time.
Результат System

ToString() публичный Метод

public ToString ( ) : string
Результат string