C# Класс AForge.MachineLearning.TabuSearchExploration

Tabu search exploration policy.
The class implements simple tabu search exploration policy, allowing to set certain actions as tabu for a specified amount of iterations. The actual exploration and choosing from non-tabu actions is done by base exploration policy.
Наследование: IExplorationPolicy
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ChooseAction ( double actionEstimates ) : int

Choose an action.

The method chooses an action depending on the provided estimates. The estimates can be any sort of estimate, which values usefulness of the action (expected summary reward, discounted reward, etc). The action is choosed from non-tabu actions only.

ResetTabuList ( ) : void

Reset tabu list.

Clears tabu list making all actions allowed.

SetTabuAction ( int action, int tabuTime ) : void

Set tabu action.

TabuSearchExploration ( int actions, IExplorationPolicy basePolicy ) : System

Initializes a new instance of the TabuSearchExploration class.

Описание методов

ChooseAction() публичный Метод

Choose an action.
The method chooses an action depending on the provided estimates. The estimates can be any sort of estimate, which values usefulness of the action (expected summary reward, discounted reward, etc). The action is choosed from non-tabu actions only.
public ChooseAction ( double actionEstimates ) : int
actionEstimates double Action estimates.
Результат int

ResetTabuList() публичный Метод

Reset tabu list.
Clears tabu list making all actions allowed.
public ResetTabuList ( ) : void
Результат void

SetTabuAction() публичный Метод

Set tabu action.
public SetTabuAction ( int action, int tabuTime ) : void
action int Action to set tabu for.
tabuTime int Tabu time in iterations.
Результат void

TabuSearchExploration() публичный Метод

Initializes a new instance of the TabuSearchExploration class.
public TabuSearchExploration ( int actions, IExplorationPolicy basePolicy ) : System
actions int Total actions count.
basePolicy IExplorationPolicy Base exploration policy.
Результат System