C# Класс ViewExtensions, Wordpress-Client

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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
CenterX ( this view ) : nfloat
CenterY ( this view ) : nfloat
FindFirstResponder ( this view ) : UIView,

Find the first responder in the view's subview hierarchy

FindSuperviewOfType ( this view, UIView, stopAt, Type type ) : UIView,

Find the first Superview of the specified type (or descendant of)

SetBottom ( this view, nfloat b ) : void
SetCenterX ( this view, nfloat cx ) : void
SetCenterY ( this view, nfloat cy ) : void
SetHeight ( this view, nfloat h ) : void
SetLeft ( this view, nfloat l ) : void
SetRight ( this view, nfloat r ) : void
SetTop ( this view, nfloat t ) : void
SetWidth ( this view, nfloat w ) : void

Описание методов

CenterX() публичный статический Метод

public static CenterX ( this view ) : nfloat
view this
Результат nfloat

CenterY() публичный статический Метод

public static CenterY ( this view ) : nfloat
view this
Результат nfloat

FindFirstResponder() публичный статический Метод

Find the first responder in the view's subview hierarchy
public static FindFirstResponder ( this view ) : UIView,
view this /// A ///
Результат UIView,

FindSuperviewOfType() публичный статический Метод

Find the first Superview of the specified type (or descendant of)
public static FindSuperviewOfType ( this view, UIView, stopAt, Type type ) : UIView,
view this /// A ///
stopAt UIView, /// A that indicates where to stop looking up the superview hierarchy ///
type Type /// A to look for, this should be a UIView or descendant type ///
Результат UIView,

SetBottom() публичный статический Метод

public static SetBottom ( this view, nfloat b ) : void
view this
b nfloat
Результат void

SetCenterX() публичный статический Метод

public static SetCenterX ( this view, nfloat cx ) : void
view this
cx nfloat
Результат void

SetCenterY() публичный статический Метод

public static SetCenterY ( this view, nfloat cy ) : void
view this
cy nfloat
Результат void

SetHeight() публичный статический Метод

public static SetHeight ( this view, nfloat h ) : void
view this
h nfloat
Результат void

SetLeft() публичный статический Метод

public static SetLeft ( this view, nfloat l ) : void
view this
l nfloat
Результат void

SetRight() публичный статический Метод

public static SetRight ( this view, nfloat r ) : void
view this
r nfloat
Результат void

SetTop() публичный статический Метод

public static SetTop ( this view, nfloat t ) : void
view this
t nfloat
Результат void

SetWidth() публичный статический Метод

public static SetWidth ( this view, nfloat w ) : void
view this
w nfloat
Результат void