C# Класс TangoDynamicMesh, project-tango-poc

Updates a mesh dynamically based on the ITango3DReconstruction callbacks. The "mesh" that is updated by TangoDynamicMesh is actually a collection of children split along grid boundaries. If you want these children to draw or participate in physics, attach a MeshRenderer or MeshCollider to this object. Any generated children will get copies of the MeshRenderer or MeshCollider or both.
Наследование: MonoBehaviour, ITango3DReconstruction
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
m_enableDebugUI bool

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Awake ( ) : void

Unity Awake callback.

Clear ( ) : void

Clear the dynamic mesh's internal meshes. NOTE: This does not clear the 3D Reconstruction's state. To do that call TangoApplication.Tango3DRClear().

OnGUI ( ) : void

Displays statistics and diagnostics information about the meshing cubes.

OnTango3DReconstructionGridIndicesDirty ( List gridIndexList ) : void

Called when the 3D reconstruction is dirty.

Update ( ) : void

Unity Update callback.

Описание методов

Awake() публичный Метод

Unity Awake callback.
public Awake ( ) : void
Результат void

Clear() публичный Метод

Clear the dynamic mesh's internal meshes. NOTE: This does not clear the 3D Reconstruction's state. To do that call TangoApplication.Tango3DRClear().
public Clear ( ) : void
Результат void

OnGUI() публичный Метод

Displays statistics and diagnostics information about the meshing cubes.
public OnGUI ( ) : void
Результат void

OnTango3DReconstructionGridIndicesDirty() публичный Метод

Called when the 3D reconstruction is dirty.
public OnTango3DReconstructionGridIndicesDirty ( List gridIndexList ) : void
gridIndexList List List of GridIndex objects that are dirty and should be updated.
Результат void

Update() публичный Метод

Unity Update callback.
public Update ( ) : void
Результат void

Описание свойств

m_enableDebugUI публичное свойство

If set, debugging info is displayed.
public bool m_enableDebugUI
Результат bool