C# Класс RightArrowUIDraggableElement, PuzzleGameProject

The RightArrowUIDraggableElement is a UIDraggableElement. Its use is to specify which elements are bound to the UIDraggableElement for the Right Arrow.
Наследование: UIDraggableElement
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Защищенные методы

Метод Описание
GetAssociatedMenuButtonName ( ) : string

Informs which button is associated with the UIDraggableElement.

GetElementBase ( ) : DraggableElement,

Informs which Element the UIDraggableElement has to spawn.

Описание методов

GetAssociatedMenuButtonName() защищенный Метод

Informs which button is associated with the UIDraggableElement.
protected GetAssociatedMenuButtonName ( ) : string
Результат string

GetElementBase() защищенный Метод

Informs which Element the UIDraggableElement has to spawn.
protected GetElementBase ( ) : DraggableElement,
Результат DraggableElement,