C# Класс Possession, goalBall

Наследование: MonoBehaviour
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
bluePlayerTag string
redPlayerTag string

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
BlueTeamPossession ( ) : void

Gives possesion of the ball to the blue team.

GetNextHalfPossession ( ) : Team,

Retrieves who should start with the ball next half

HasPossessionOfBall ( ) : Team,

Check who has posession of the ball.

OnCollisionEnter ( Collision col ) : void

Detects when a red or blue player collides with the ball and sets the possesion variable accordingly.

RedTeamPossession ( ) : void

Gives possesion of the ball to the red team.

SetNextHalfPossession ( Team, team ) : void

Set the team who should start with the ball next half

Описание методов

BlueTeamPossession() публичный Метод

Gives possesion of the ball to the blue team.
public BlueTeamPossession ( ) : void
Результат void

GetNextHalfPossession() публичный Метод

Retrieves who should start with the ball next half
public GetNextHalfPossession ( ) : Team,
Результат Team,

HasPossessionOfBall() публичный Метод

Check who has posession of the ball.
public HasPossessionOfBall ( ) : Team,
Результат Team,

OnCollisionEnter() публичный Метод

Detects when a red or blue player collides with the ball and sets the possesion variable accordingly.
public OnCollisionEnter ( Collision col ) : void
col Collision
Результат void

RedTeamPossession() публичный Метод

Gives possesion of the ball to the red team.
public RedTeamPossession ( ) : void
Результат void

SetNextHalfPossession() публичный Метод

Set the team who should start with the ball next half
public SetNextHalfPossession ( Team, team ) : void
team Team, Team that should get the ball
Результат void

Описание свойств

bluePlayerTag публичное свойство

public string bluePlayerTag
Результат string

redPlayerTag публичное свойство

public string redPlayerTag
Результат string