C# Класс OnAttackLaunchAngryBird, SlashRunner

Launches the bird off into the distance when attacked, destroying a bunch of enemies at a hardcoded impact point and releasing a whole bunch of coins! This is a one-off script so excuse the tight coupling.
Наследование: MonoBehaviour, AvatarAttackListener
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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
angryBirdSound UnityEngine.AudioClip
explosion GameObject
explosionSound UnityEngine.AudioClip
remains GameObject
xTarget float
yTarget float

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
OnAvatarAttack ( Avatar attack ) : void

Launches the bird towards the right

PrepareProximityBomb ( ) : void

Описание методов

OnAvatarAttack() публичный Метод

Launches the bird towards the right
public OnAvatarAttack ( Avatar attack ) : void
attack Avatar
Результат void

PrepareProximityBomb() публичный Метод

public PrepareProximityBomb ( ) : void
Результат void

Описание свойств

angryBirdSound публичное свойство

public AudioClip,UnityEngine angryBirdSound
Результат UnityEngine.AudioClip

explosion публичное свойство

Explosion animation prefab
public GameObject explosion
Результат GameObject

explosionSound публичное свойство

public AudioClip,UnityEngine explosionSound
Результат UnityEngine.AudioClip

remains публичное свойство

Prefab of the remains after explosion i.e. crater, coins, dead enemies
public GameObject remains
Результат GameObject

xTarget публичное свойство

The bomb's landing target
public float xTarget
Результат float

yTarget публичное свойство

public float yTarget
Результат float