C# Класс NetworkCullingHandler, Watch-Your-Head

Наследование: MonoBehaviour
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
OnPhotonSerializeView ( PhotonStream, stream, PhotonMessageInfo, info ) : void

This time OnPhotonSerializeView is not used to send or receive any kind of data. It is used to change the currently active group of the PhotonView component, making it work together with PUN more directly. Keep in mind that this function is only executed, when there is at least one more player in the room.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
HaveActiveCellsChanged ( ) : bool

Checks if the previously active cells have changed.

OnEnable ( ) : void

Gets references to the PhotonView component and the cull area game object.

OnGUI ( ) : void

Drawing informations.

Start ( ) : void

Initializes the right interest group or prepares the permanent change of the interest group of the PhotonView component.

Update ( ) : void

Checks if the player has moved previously and updates the interest groups if necessary.

UpdateInterestGroups ( ) : void

Unsubscribes from old and subscribes to new interest groups.

Описание методов

OnPhotonSerializeView() публичный Метод

This time OnPhotonSerializeView is not used to send or receive any kind of data. It is used to change the currently active group of the PhotonView component, making it work together with PUN more directly. Keep in mind that this function is only executed, when there is at least one more player in the room.
public OnPhotonSerializeView ( PhotonStream, stream, PhotonMessageInfo, info ) : void
stream PhotonStream,
info PhotonMessageInfo,
Результат void