C# Класс MeshCombineUtility.MeshInstance, OZML

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
mesh Mesh
subMeshIndex int
targetSubMeshIndex int
transform Matrix4x4

Описание свойств

mesh публичное свойство

The source mesh.
public Mesh mesh
Результат Mesh

subMeshIndex публичное свойство

The submesh from the source mesh that you want to add to the combiner.
public int subMeshIndex
Результат int

targetSubMeshIndex публичное свойство

The submesh that you want this instance to be combined into. Group instances that should share a material into the same target submesh index.
public int targetSubMeshIndex
Результат int

transform публичное свойство

The instance transform.
public Matrix4x4 transform
Результат Matrix4x4