C# Класс GA_Archive, TheUnseen

Показать файл Открыть проект

Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
FILE_NAME string

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
ArchiveData ( string json, GA_Submit, serviceType ) : void

Archives json data so it can be sent at a later time, when an internet connection is available.

GetArchivedData ( ) : List

Gets data which has previously been archived due to lack of internet connectivity. The file containing the archived data is then deleted.

Описание методов

ArchiveData() публичный Метод

Archives json data so it can be sent at a later time, when an internet connection is available.
public ArchiveData ( string json, GA_Submit, serviceType ) : void
json string /// The json data as a string ///
serviceType GA_Submit, /// The category type ///
Результат void

GetArchivedData() публичный Метод

Gets data which has previously been archived due to lack of internet connectivity. The file containing the archived data is then deleted.
public GetArchivedData ( ) : List
Результат List

Описание свойств

FILE_NAME публичное свойство

public string FILE_NAME
Результат string