C# Класс DownloadDatasources, TabMigrate

Manages the download of a set of data sources from a Tableau Server site
Наследование: TableauServerSignedInRequestBase
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Открытые методы

Метод Описание
DownloadDatasources ( TableauServerUrls, onlineUrls, TableauServerSignIn, login, IEnumerable Datasources, string localSavePath, IProjectsList projectsList, bool generateInfoFile, KeyedLookup siteUserLookup ) : System


ExecuteRequest ( ) : List

Описание методов

DownloadDatasources() публичный Метод

public DownloadDatasources ( TableauServerUrls, onlineUrls, TableauServerSignIn, login, IEnumerable Datasources, string localSavePath, IProjectsList projectsList, bool generateInfoFile, KeyedLookup siteUserLookup ) : System
onlineUrls TableauServerUrls,
login TableauServerSignIn,
Datasources IEnumerable
localSavePath string
projectsList IProjectsList
generateInfoFile bool TRUE = Generate companion file for each download that contains metadata (e.g. whether "show tabs" is selected, the owner, etc)
siteUserLookup KeyedLookup
Результат System

ExecuteRequest() публичный Метод

public ExecuteRequest ( ) : List
Результат List