C# Класс CubeMover, GoogleSheetsBackEndExample

Moves a 3D Cube (or any 3D object) from side to side on the X-axis according to the provided configuration from Google Sheets if available. The class loads the configuration from Google Docs each run of the game, so to see the effect of changing the doc, reload the game.
Наследование: MonoBehaviour
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Метод Описание
ApplyToCube ( ) : void
FinalizeInitialization ( ) : void
OnSheetLoadFailed ( ) : void

Called when the Google Sheet has failed to load

OnSheetLoaded ( ) : void

Called when the Google Sheet has been loaded and parsed

Start ( ) : void
StartMoving ( ) : void
StepCube ( ) : void
SwitchDirection ( ) : void
Update ( ) : void