C# Класс BinaryWriterExtensions, UnityRose

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Открытые свойства

Свойство Тип Описание
DefaultEncoding Encoding,

Открытые методы

Метод Описание
Write ( this writer, Matrix4x4, value ) : void

Writes the specified matrix to the underlying stream.

Write ( this writer, Quaternion, value, bool w = false ) : void

Writes the specified vector to the underlying stream.

Write ( this writer, ShortVector3 value ) : void

Writes the specified vector to the underlying stream.

Write ( this writer, ShortVector4 value ) : void

Writes the specified vector to the underlying stream.

Write ( this writer, Vector2 value ) : void

Writes the specified vector to the underlying stream.

Write ( this writer, Vector3 value ) : void

Writes the specified vector to the underlying stream.

Write ( this writer, Vector4 value ) : void

Writes the specified vector to the underlying stream.

WriteByteString ( this writer, string value ) : void

Writes the specified string pre-fixed with the string length as a 8-bit integer to the underlying stream.

WriteByteString ( this writer, string value, Encoding, encoding ) : void

Writes the specified string pre-fixed with the string length as a 8-bit integer to the underlying stream.

WriteIntString ( this writer, string value ) : void

Writes the specified string pre-fixed with the string length as a 32-bit integer to the underlying stream.

WriteIntString ( this writer, string value, Encoding, encoding ) : void

Writes the specified string pre-fixed with the string length as a 32-bit integer to the underlying stream.

WriteShortString ( this writer, string value ) : void

Writes the specified string pre-fixed with the string length as a 16-bit integer to the underlying stream.

WriteShortString ( this writer, string value, Encoding, encoding ) : void

Writes the specified string pre-fixed with the string length as a 16-bit integer to the underlying stream.

WriteString ( this writer, string value ) : void

Writes the specified string to the underlying stream.

WriteString ( this writer, string value, Encoding, encoding ) : void

Writes the specified string to the underlying stream.

WriteString ( this writer, string value, int length, Encoding, encoding, char paddingCharacter = '\0' ) : void

Writes the specified string to the underlying stream.

WriteString ( this writer, string value, int length, char paddingCharacter = '\0' ) : void

Writes the specified string to the underlying stream.

Приватные методы

Метод Описание
BinaryWriterExtensions ( ) : System

Initializes the BinaryReaderExtensions class.

Описание методов

Write() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified matrix to the underlying stream.
public static Write ( this writer, Matrix4x4, value ) : void
writer this
value Matrix4x4, The matrix value.
Результат void

Write() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified vector to the underlying stream.
public static Write ( this writer, Quaternion, value, bool w = false ) : void
writer this
value Quaternion, The quaternion value.
w bool if set to true the value is written in the order WXYZ, else XYZW.
Результат void

Write() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified vector to the underlying stream.
public static Write ( this writer, ShortVector3 value ) : void
writer this
value ShortVector3 The vector value.
Результат void

Write() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified vector to the underlying stream.
public static Write ( this writer, ShortVector4 value ) : void
writer this
value ShortVector4 The vector value.
Результат void

Write() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified vector to the underlying stream.
public static Write ( this writer, Vector2 value ) : void
writer this
value Vector2 The vector value.
Результат void

Write() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified vector to the underlying stream.
public static Write ( this writer, Vector3 value ) : void
writer this
value Vector3 The vector value.
Результат void

Write() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified vector to the underlying stream.
public static Write ( this writer, Vector4 value ) : void
writer this
value Vector4 The vector value.
Результат void

WriteByteString() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified string pre-fixed with the string length as a 8-bit integer to the underlying stream.
public static WriteByteString ( this writer, string value ) : void
writer this
value string The string value.
Результат void

WriteByteString() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified string pre-fixed with the string length as a 8-bit integer to the underlying stream.
public static WriteByteString ( this writer, string value, Encoding, encoding ) : void
writer this
value string The string value.
encoding Encoding, The character encoding.
Результат void

WriteIntString() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified string pre-fixed with the string length as a 32-bit integer to the underlying stream.
public static WriteIntString ( this writer, string value ) : void
writer this
value string The string value.
Результат void

WriteIntString() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified string pre-fixed with the string length as a 32-bit integer to the underlying stream.
public static WriteIntString ( this writer, string value, Encoding, encoding ) : void
writer this
value string The string value.
encoding Encoding, The character encoding.
Результат void

WriteShortString() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified string pre-fixed with the string length as a 16-bit integer to the underlying stream.
public static WriteShortString ( this writer, string value ) : void
writer this
value string The string value.
Результат void

WriteShortString() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified string pre-fixed with the string length as a 16-bit integer to the underlying stream.
public static WriteShortString ( this writer, string value, Encoding, encoding ) : void
writer this
value string The string value.
encoding Encoding, The character encoding.
Результат void

WriteString() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified string to the underlying stream.
public static WriteString ( this writer, string value ) : void
writer this
value string The string value.
Результат void

WriteString() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified string to the underlying stream.
public static WriteString ( this writer, string value, Encoding, encoding ) : void
writer this
value string The string value.
encoding Encoding, The character encoding.
Результат void

WriteString() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified string to the underlying stream.
public static WriteString ( this writer, string value, int length, Encoding, encoding, char paddingCharacter = '\0' ) : void
writer this
value string The string value.
length int The fixed length.
encoding Encoding, The character encoding.
paddingCharacter char
Результат void

WriteString() публичный статический Метод

Writes the specified string to the underlying stream.
public static WriteString ( this writer, string value, int length, char paddingCharacter = '\0' ) : void
writer this
value string The string value.
length int The fixed length.
paddingCharacter char
Результат void

Описание свойств

DefaultEncoding публичное статическое свойство

The default encoding to be used when reading strings.
public static Encoding, DefaultEncoding
Результат Encoding,