C# (CSharp) cloudscribe.Web.SiteMap Namespace

Nested Namespaces



Name Description
NavigationTreeSiteMapNodeService for those of using cloudscribe.Web.Navigation, we already have this tree object that typically contains most or all the urls that we want to have indexed by search engines so rather than building a new list it is more efficient to dual purpose this same data in order to build our sitemap. That is what this class is for. blog items are typically not in a main navigation menu though so we typically also need a separate ISiteMapNodeService for blog posts
XmlResult I've used this code in at least 3 projects so far which sort of makes me want to just make it its own nuget but it is so little code that seems overkill and just adding another dependency re-use and a common place to fix it if something needs changing would be ideal but less dependencies is also a good thing so I'm torn would be interested in other's opinions on this matter in the node world small packages are considered fine and good practice even if it did blow up in their face recently http://www.haneycodes.net/npm-left-pad-have-we-forgotten-how-to-program/