C# (CSharp) burningmime.curves Namespace


Name Description
CurveFit Implements a least-squares bezier curve fitting routine based on http://tog.acm.org/resources/GraphicsGems/gems/FitCurves.c with a few optimizations made by me. You can read the article here: http://read.pudn.com/downloads141/ebook/610086/Graphics_Gems_I.pdf page 626. To use, call the Fit static function and wait for magic to happen.
CurveFitBase This is the base class containing implementations common to CurveFit and CurveBuilder. Most of this is ported from http://tog.acm.org/resources/GraphicsGems/gems/FitCurves.c
SplineBuilder Wraps a CurveBuilder and Spline together. Allows you to add data points as they come in and generate a smooth spline from them without doing unnecessary computation.
VectorHelper The point of this class is to abstract some of the functions of Vector2 so they can be used with System.Windows.Vector, System.Numerics.Vector2, UnityEngine.Vector2, or another vector type.