Name |
Description |
AlternativeFrame |
AlternativeNavigatingCancelEventArgs |
Provides event data for the OnNavigatingFrom callback that can be used to cancel a navigation request from origination. |
AlternativeNavigationEventArgs |
Provides data for navigation methods and event handlers that cannot cancel the navigation request. |
AlternativePage |
AnimatingContainer |
AutoCompleteTextBox.AutoCompletable |
Provides a common implementation for all autocomplete distance scoring and suggestion providing algorithms. |
AutoCompleteTextBox.CommonSubstringSuggestion |
Algorithm implementation for AutoCompleteTextBox that scores suggestions from the dictionary based on the longest common substring. |
AutoCompleteTextBox.DamerauLevenshteinDistance |
Algorithm implementation for AutoCompleteTextBox that scores suggestions from the dictionary based on the Damerau-Levenshtein distance. |
AutoCompleteTextBox.PrefixSuggestion |
Algorithm implementation for AutoCompleteTextBox that scores suggestions from the dictionary based on the Damerau-Levenshtein distance. |
AutoCompleteTextBox.ScoredString |
Represents an autocomplete suggestion string with ranker score value. |
Calendar |
CalendarDateChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the E:WinRTXamlToolkit.Controls.Calendar.DisplayDateChanged event. |
CalendarDateRange |
Represents a range of dates in a T:WinRTXamlToolkit.Controls.Calendar. |
CalendarExtensions |
Inherited code: Requires comment. |
CameraCaptureControl |
CameraInitializationResult |
The result of camera initialization. |
CascadingImageControl |
CascadingTextBlock |
A TextBlock-like control with unique 3D transitions. |
ColorPicker |
Control for selecting a color. |
CountdownControl |
CustomAppBar |
CustomGridSplitter |
CutTransition |
A simple cut page transition where the previous page is immediately replaced with the new page. |
DateTimeHelper |
Inherited code: Requires comment. |
DelayedLoadControl |
DissolveTransition |
Transition in which the new page fades in on top of the old page. |
DockPanel |
Arranges child elements around the edges of the panel. Optionally, last added child element can occupy the remaining space. |
DoublePoint |
Defines a point specified with double precision coordinates. Note that a Point struct specifies its dimensions using double precision X and Y coordinates, but the backing native struct that is projected to CLR is using single precision float values. |
FadeAnimation |
Page transition animation used to fade the target page in or out. |
FlipAnimation |
Animation used in FlipTransition for a 3D flip of a page element. |
FlipTransition |
3D flip transition |
FxContentControl |
TODO: Control that applies shader effects to its content. |
Gauge |
GridSplitterPreviewControl |
A primitive control used for representing a preview of the manipulated CustomGridSplitter |
HueRingPicker |
ImageButton |
InteractionHelper |
The InteractionHelper provides controls with support for all of the common interactions like mouse movement, mouse clicks, key presses, etc., and also incorporates proper event semantics when the control is disabled. |
JournalEntry |
LayoutTransformControl |
ListItemButton |
A button replacement for use in lists. Allows items to be selected with touch while still supporting clicks and commands. |
NumericUpDown |
OrientedSize |
PageTransition |
Abstract base class for page transitions used with AlternativeFrame control. |
PageTransitionAnimation |
Base class for page transition animations used with an AlternativeFrame control. |
PieSlice |
A path that represents a pie slice with a given Radius, StartAngle and EndAngle. |
Properties.Resources |
PushTransition |
Transition in which the old page is pushed off the screen by the new page moving into the screen |
RingSlice |
A Path that represents a ring slice with a given (outer) Radius, InnerRadius, StartAngle, EndAngle and Center. |
ScrollExtensions |
The ScrollExtensions class provides utility methods for scrolling items ScrollViewers. |
SimpleThemingListBox |
The only diffrence between ListBox is that this SimpleThemingListBox contains dependency properties to style ScrollViewer: background, border and thickness PointerOverItem, PointerOverPressed background etc. |
SimpleThemingListBoxItem |
ListBoxItem implementation for use in SimpleThemingListBox. Provides properties to set brushes for hover states. |
SlideAnimation |
The transition where the new page slides on top of the old page. |
ToolBarButton |
ToolBarToggleButton |
ToolStrip |
ToolWindow |
TrianglePicker |
UniformGrid |
Provides a way to arrange content in a grid where all the cells in the grid have the same size. |
UpDownTextBox |
Primitive control - TextBox with UpPressed and DownPressed events for use in a NumericUpDown to make up and down keys work to increment and decrement the values. |
VisualStates |
Names and helpers for visual states in the controls. |
WatermarkPasswordBox |
WatermarkTextBox |
WebBrowser |
WipeAnimation |
Animation used in WipeTransition that reveals the page using a clip rectangle animation. |
WipeTransition |
The transition where the new page gets revealed with a moving rectangular clip rectangle. |