C# (CSharp) Sage.SData.Client.Framework Namespace


Name Description
AttachedFile Represents a file that's been attached to a request or response.
Common Provides the common elements for Syndication
Common.Atom ATOM namespace
Common.HTTP HTTP namespace
Common.OpenSearch OpenSearch namespace
Common.SData SData namespace
Common.SLE SLE namespace
Common.SME SME namespace
Common.Sync Sync namespace
Common.XS XS namespace
Common.XSI XSI namespace
RequestOperation Defines an operation to peform during a request.
SDataException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs on an SData server.
SDataResponse The response class which encapsulates interesting information returned from a request.
SDataUri.PropertySort Order By details
SDataUri.QueryArgNames Specifies the names of the SData defined query arguments
UriPathSegment Defines a path segment within a Uri