C# (CSharp) Revit.SDK.Samples.Openings.CS Namespace


Name Description
BoundingBox This class which inherit from Autodesk.Revit.DB.BoundingBoxXYZ store the information about Max (Min) coordinate of object can get all the corner point coordinate and create X model line
CreateModelLineOptionsForm create model line options form
Line2D represent a geometry segment line
Line3D Line class use to store information about line(include startPoint and endPoint) and get the value via (startPoint, endPoint)property
LineSketch sketch line and any tag on it
ObjectSketch base class of sketch object to draw 2D geometry object
OpeningForm Main form use to show the selected opening.
OpeningInfo This class contain the data about the Opening (get from Revit) Such as BoundingBox, Profile Curve...
OpeningProperty This class use to create a object can use by PropertyGrid control
UCS This class stand for user coordinate system
Vector Point class use to store point coordinate value and get the value via (x, y ,z)property
WireFrame WireFrame class for generate the model lines and fit the picture box's size to display