C# (CSharp) PhotoSharingApp.Universal.Models Namespace


Name Description
Annotation Represents an annotation for a photo.
AppEnvironment Contains global access to specific data.
Category Represents a category.
CategoryMatchFinder Helper class for finding matches of category names.
CategoryMatchedException The exception that is thrown when a matching between two categories has been determined.
CategoryPreview Represents a category
CategoryRequiredException The exception that is thrown when a category is required, but the user has not selected any.
Config Specifies the configuration data model
DefaultConfig Contains default config values which can be used in the case that the config cannot be load from the service.
InstructionItem Represents an instructional item that can be displayed in the welcome screen experience for new users.
Leaderboard Represents the current leaderboard standings
Photo Represents a photo
PhotoStream Represents a stream of photos.
PhotoThumbnail Represents a thumbnail of a photo
User Represents user data.