C# (CSharp) PhotoSharingApp.Portable.DataContracts Namespace


Name Description
AnnotationContract The annotation data contract.
CategoryContract The category data contract.
CategoryPreviewContract The category preview data contract which contains thumbnails of photos associated to this category.
ConfigContract The app configuration contract.
DeviceRegistrationContract The registration contract for push notifications.
IapPurchaseContract Iap purchase details.
LeaderboardContract Represents the current leaderboard standings.
PhotoContract The photo data contract.
PhotoThumbnailContract The photo thumbnail data contract.
ReportContract The data contract used for reporting content.
SasContract The data contract for retrieving the Azure SAS url for a specific PhotoTypeContract.
ServiceFaultContract The service fault contract which contains error details.
StringWrapper Wraps a string to a complex type for submitting a string in the body of a request.
UserContract The user data contract.