Name |
Description |
AddressConstant |
Array |
The IL Array type |
ArrayConstant |
Assembly |
Descriptor for THIS assembly (.assembly) |
AssemblyRef |
A reference to an external assembly (.assembly extern) |
BaseDeclSecurity |
Descriptor for security permissions for a class or a method |
BoolConst |
Boolean constant |
BoundArray |
Multi dimensional array with explicit bounds |
ByteArrConst |
ByteArrayComparer |
ByteArrayHashCodeProvider |
CharConst |
Class |
The base descriptor for a class |
ClassDef |
The descriptor for a class defined in the IL (.class) in the current assembly/module |
ClassLayout |
Layout information for a class (.class [sequential | explicit]) |
ClassRef |
Descriptor for a class/interface declared in another module of THIS assembly, or in another assembly. |
ClassRefInst |
ClassType |
Constant |
Descriptor for a constant value |
ConstantElem |
Summary description for ConstantElem. |
CustomAttribute |
Descriptor for a Custom Attribute (.custom) |
CustomMarshaller |
CustomModifiedType |
Descriptor for a custom modifier of a type (modopt or modreq) |
DataConstant |
Descriptor for a constant value |
DeclSecurity |
DeclSecurity_20 |
DoubleConst |
Event |
Descriptor for an event |
ExternClass |
Descriptor for a class defined in another module of THIS assembly and exported (.class extern) |
ExternClassRef |
Feature |
Base class for Event and Property descriptors |
Field |
Descriptor for a field of a class |
FieldDef |
Descriptor for a field defined in a class of THIS assembly/module |
FieldLayout |
Descriptor for layout information for a field |
FieldMarshal |
Marshalling information for a field or param |
FieldRVA |
Descriptor for the address of a field's value in the PE file |
FieldRef |
Descriptor for a field of a class defined in another assembly/module |
FileRef |
Descriptor for a file referenced in THIS assembly/module (.file) |
FixedArray |
FixedSysString |
FloatConst |
GenParam |
GenericMethodSig |
GenericParamConstraint |
GenericParameter |
GenericTypeInst |
ImplMap |
Descriptor for pinvoke information for a method NOT YET IMPLEMENTED |
IntConst |
InterfaceImpl |
Descriptor for interface implemented by a class |
MSCorLib |
The assembly for mscorlib. |
ManagedPointer |
Descriptor for a managed pointer (type & or byref) |
ManifestResource |
Descriptor for resources used in this PE file |
MapElem |
Base class for elements in the PropertyMap, EventMap and NestedClass MetaData tables |
Member |
Base class for field/methods (member of a class) |
MetaData |
MetaData Root (20 bytes + UTF-8 Version String + quad align padding) StreamHeaders (8 bytes + null terminated name string + quad align padding) Streams #~ (always present - holds metadata tables) #Strings (always present - holds identifier strings) #US (Userstring heap) #Blob (signature blobs) #GUID (guids for assemblies or Modules) |
MetaDataElement |
Base class for all Meta Data table elements |
MetaDataStream |
Stream in the Meta Data (#Strings, #US, #Blob and #GUID) |
MethPtrType |
Descriptor for a FunctionPointer type |
Method |
Base class for Method Descriptors |
MethodDef |
Descriptor for a method defined in THIS assembly/module IL .method |
MethodImpl |
Descriptor for an overriding method (.override) |
MethodRef |
Descriptor for a method defined in another assembly/module |
MethodSemantics |
Descriptor for Property and Event methods |
MethodSpec |
Module |
Descriptor for THIS module |
ModuleRef |
Descriptor for another module in THIS assembly |
NativeArray |
NativeType |
Descriptors for native types used for marshalling |
NullConst |
Param |
Descriptor for a parameter of a method defined in this assembly/module |
Permission |
PermissionMember |
PermissionSet |
PrimitiveType |
Descriptor for the Primitive types defined in IL |
Property |
Descriptor for the Property of a class |
PtrType |
Descriptor for an pointer (type * or type &) |
RepeatedConstant |
ResolutionScope |
Base class for scopes (extended by Module, ModuleRef, Assembly, AssemblyRef) |
SafeArray |
Sentinel |
Signature |
StringConst |
SystemClass |
Descriptor for a class defined in System (mscorlib) |
Type |
Base class for all IL types |
TypeSpec |
UIntConst |
UnmanagedPointer |
Descriptor for an unmanaged pointer (type *) |
ZeroBasedArray |
Single dimensional array with zero lower bound |